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Wastewater Costs Study Minutes 06-25-03
Amended and Approved Minutes            Page 1 of 3                             7-23-2003

Wastewater Costs Study Committee
Minutes of June 25, 2003

Mission Statement  It is the mission of this committee to develop for the Town of Mount Desert a sewer funding plan, or plans, acceptable for the residents and acceptable to the Board of Selectmen and the public, and legal, or capable of being made legal.

Committee Members; Robert Smallidge, Jr., Charles Pugh, Jim Robinson, George Peckham, Anne Funderburk, Bob Cawley, Jim Bright, Ted Bromage, Edith Dunham a and Brian Pollard.

Public; Mike MacDonald, Bert Branch, Ernest Coombs, Patricia Jordan, Val Tracy, David Billings, John Fernald, Stephen Fernald, Gerard Haraden, Liz Chapman, Marion Peckham, Erma Smallidge, Karen Zimmerman and Harvey Heel

Call to order 6:45pm

Public Hearing for funding method suggestions or recommendations to be considered by the committee as a possibility for presentation to the Board of Selectmen.
Gerard Haraden Long Pond presented to the Public his Buy Out Plan, copy attached.

John Fernald Mount Desert was chairman of the Selectmen Board when the plants were installed and considers the present funding method as fair and equitable and should consider for the assurance of clean waters, etc.

Valerie Tracy Northeast Harbor have we come to any decision about funding of the sewer user fee. Bedroom method is not fair and equitable. Another method should be researched. Will we hold another meeting to discuss proposed rates and structures before a fee is enacted?  How to charge by number of people in each house or unit.

Bob Smallidge with update on the committee as of this time and another Public Hearing will be held at a later date to discuss any proposed or anticipated methods. A rebate plan may be an alternative.

Bert Branch Seal Harbor believes that the current method is fair and equitable. Also that perhaps meters or fixture count would be acceptable.

Charles Pugh inquired if there were any public suggestions received. The only notice was from Gerard Haraden.

Public Hearing closed 7:00pm.

Documents will be archived and kept in a binder or binders at the Town Office. Jim Robinson will provide a scanner to use for documents to avoid the photocopy and papers for each member. The hard copies will be kept as part of the official records. All documents are public and available for the members.

Brian motion to adopt 5/28/03 minutes as corrected. Seconded by Anne, passed.

Brian motion to adopt 6/11/03 minutes as corrected. Seconded by Edith, passed.

Brian Pollard emailed baseline cost to Bob S. and Mike. Mike will forward this document to all committee members for their review. Baseline cost wastewater document presented in brief by Brian Pollard. Wastewater and potable water study provides a baseline study for a basis, not being considered as a fee method. Town costs have been identified from the Warrant/Annual Report. Fees including installation, permitting and maintenance. Fire Hydrant availability and insurance premiums for each business of homeowner.
Anne may now better understand some of the other costs.

Jim Robinson on baseline study of property valuation and populations on and off the sewer. The information was obtained and will be studied and a report will hopefully be available at our next meeting.

Bob C. and Edith on wastewater and water information from other communities. Bar Harbor Water Dept. formerly handled seasonal meter applications by the property owner’s plumber. It was taken out when the water was turned off and reinstalled when the water was turned back on.     

Ted and Kathy on water meter research. Ted recommends that each member read the report from Woodard & Curran. Methods of reading meters, meters available for seasonal installation and types of meters available. Ron Hidu advises there are other websites available for review and methods of a water district to fund meter installations. Telemetric reading devises are available, made by Master Meter and cost $261 or $286 to meter. Costly and more expensive method. Boothbay Harbor is a more comparable community. Some towns seal their meters.  

New Business  Bob C. is interested in a tour of the Wastewater and Water Plant 0perations. To review existing operations and to learn about proposed expansions. Mike will ask Ann at Neighborhood House if we can utilize their 15-passenger van. Also to visit the sand filter in Seal Harbor and a new septic system installation, chamber systems which are costly. Above ground system at Ravens Cliff in Seal  Harbor may be available for review. July 9 at 5:00pm is available for all members for the tour and Mike will arrange the van and Tony to do the tour. Kathy will ask Paul Slack at the Water District to do a tour for the committee and any interested public. Jim R. recommends that we breakdown our tour and look a t future expansions and improvements separately.

June 23, 2003 Proposed Agenda will be emailed to all members prior to the meeting for review.

George Peckham recommends that Bob S. visit with Kay Graves and Alan Joseph about their unexcused meeting attendance and future intention as part of the committee.

Jim R. with positive feedback f rom David Scull about our intention and positive approach to this difficult task.

Next Public Meeting July 9 2003 5:00pm Tours of Wastewater and Water Plant and its distribution system.

A notice for publication will be discussed at our next meeting.  

Adjourned 8:46 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Branch,
Recording Secretary