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Wastewater Cost Study Minutes 06-11-03
Sewer Cost Study Committee
Minutes of June 11, 2003

Committee Members;  Robert Smallidge, Jr., Brian Pollard, Jim Robinson, Charles Pugh, Jim Bright, Edith Dunham, Anne Funderburk, Robert Cawley, Kathy Branch and Ted Bromage

Public;  Mike MacDonald

Committee member excused; George  Peckham
Call to order 6:45pm

Charles Pugh with recommendation for the correction to the minutes to be done to the document so a corrected copy is part of our records.

Discussion about MMA 2 person subcommittee opinion. Committee confirmed that a 2 person subcommittee meeting to gather information would not require a meeting notice to be posted. An Open Meeting notice is 48 hours if 3 or more members are in the subcommittee.  

Additional discussion on meters versus fixture count. Studies of other community wastewater funding methods. Boothbay Harbor data should be gathered since it appears to be a better comparison to the Town of Mount Desert.

Brian and Mike will gather baseline sewer and septic costs in Mount Desert.

Jim Robinson will collect, collate and present data describing current and past properties and populations.

Anne recommends a letter be written by committee members for publication to request public ideas and suggestions. Charlie will compose a letter and email it to members for review.

Jim B. recommends presentation of ideas with a 3 minute time limit.

Public Hearing will be June 25, 2003 6:45pm at the Meeting Hall  Northeast Harbor.

Kathy recommends committee name change to Wastewater Study Costs Committee. Anne motion, seconded  by Ted, passed.

Each member will read past Sewer User Records Study and Reports.

Ted and Kathy will research meters used in various towns, how they address seasonal users, disconnection’s and reinstalling of the meters.

Bob C. would appreciate a presentation by Tony Smith and Mike MacDonald for all committee members about the wastewater plants and planned or researched future projections for these plants.  

Edith recommends the current funding method of wastewater systems be a consideration.

Jim R. should we review sewer ordinance? Jim B. said it did not state a fee basis, but the concept of a fee. Jim R. considers the ordinance is part of the history and should be referenced in our final report.

Bob motion to adjourn, seconded by Anne, passed.

Adjourned 8:43pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Branch,
Recording Secretary