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Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 20, 2017
Location: Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor
Present were: Chairman Macauley and Selectmen Dudman, Hart, and Beck.
Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Town Clerk Claire Woolfolk, Fire Chief Mike Bender, and members of the public.
- Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Chairman Macauley called the meeting to order.
- Approval of Minutes from March 2, 2017 meeting
MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to approve the Minutes as presented. Motion approved 4-0.
- Approval of Minutes from March 6, 2017 meeting
MOTION: Selectman Hart moved, with Selectman Beck seconding, to approve the Minutes as presented. Motion approved 4-0.
- Appointments/Recognitions/Resignations
There were none presented.
- Department Reports: Wastewater January/February combined
- Northeast Harbor Ambulance Service February Report
- Committee Minutes: Shellfish Committee October 27, 2016, Warrant Committee February 27, 2017
- Small Animal Clinic 2017 Rabies Clinic Schedule
- Hancock County Commissioners Meeting Minutes of February 7 and 21, 2017
MOTION: Selectman Hart moved, with Selectman Beck seconding, approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion approved 4-0.
There were none.
- Request to carry forward funds for Animal Control #1440700-54530 in the amount of $1,000 and Shellfish-Conservation Supplies #1440500-53160 in the amount of $1,324.44.
MOTION: Selectman Hart moved, with Selectman Dudman seconding, to carry forward funds for Animal Control #1440700-54530 in the amount of $1,000 and Shellfish-Conservation Supplies #1440500-53160 in the amount of $1,324.44 as presented. Motion approved 4-0.
- Article 6 – Marijuana Moratorium for Town Warrant discussion and vote (continued from March 6)
Discussion ensued regarding whether to set a moratorium or not. The pros and cons of setting a moratorium now were considered at length. The State is currently still considering the law and the Town has no guidelines. After discussion, it was agreed to leave the question of a marijuana moratorium off the Town Warrant for now. No Motion or vote was deemed necessary.
- Katelyn Buell d/b/a The Fork & Table (Tasteful Tides LLC) 102 Main Street, Northeast Harbor request for Liquor License Renewal
MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to approve Liquor License Renewal of Katelyn Buell d/b/a The Fork & Table (Tasteful Tides LLC) 102 Main Street, Northeast Harbor as presented. Motion approved 4-0.
- Dawnland LLC d/b/a Jordan Pond House 2928 Park Loop Rd., Seal Harbor request for Liquor License Renewal
MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to approve Liquor License Renewal of Dawnland LLC d/b/a Jordan Pond House 2928 Park Loop Rd., Seal Harbor as presented. Motion approved 4-0.
- Citizen’s Petition to authorize the Selectmen to support, assist and work in conjunction with the Revitalization Committee of the Otter Creek Aid Society and their request that Acadia National Park honor its original foundation principles by the incorporators of the 1903 formation of the ‘Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations’
It was confirmed that all the signatures were in order.
Resident James Bright requested details regarding what exactly the Petition was about and who was spearheading it. Chairman Macauley stated Steve Smith was spearheading the effort. The petition hoped to address the long-standing contention that the fish house lots are poorly deeded and it was unclear who had control of ownership and use of the parcels, and what that use entails.
Mr. Bright asked why the Town needed to be involved. He felt the Board had the power to reject the petition. Town Manager Lunt agreed the Board had the right to reject the petition, but only if the petition were moot, illegal, or had serious consequences. It was his opinion that unless a citizen’s petition could result in harm to the Town it should be discussed.
Selectman Hart pointed out that the petition only asked to authorize the Board to support and assist their efforts, but not require the Board to do so.
It was noted the organization behind the petition was a registered 501c3 Village Improvement Society. The Petition essentially asks the Town to do something they’re already doing; trying to reach an understanding between the Town and the Park.
Mr. Bright felt the property in question was not being run properly, and was an eyesore. He felt that if the property was run properly and maintained well the Park would most likely leave the area alone. He noted the fish house was used for living accommodations on occasion, but it did not have appropriate plumbing
Chairman Macauley noted the Aid Society would like to see the area used for hiking and vistas. They were responsible for putting the structure up. The building is used by up to six fishermen in the area. The Petition is more about what the rights are for a lot land-locked by Acadia National Park regarding using the property the way it was intended.
Mr. Bright alleged the building was being used to live in during the summer months. He felt the building should be run properly before the Aid Society should expect help from the Town.
MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to approve the Petition for addition to the Warrant, offering no recommendation. Motion approved 4-0.
Warrant Committee Chair Phil Lichtenstein asked if there would be anyone in attendance at the next Warrant Committee meeting to discuss the Petition. Chairman Macauley noted he would be at the meeting.
- Such other business as may be legally conducted
Town Clerk Claire Woolfolk requested that a new Motion be made for Article 24 (Power Purchase Agreement with ReVision Energy for solar installation on the Town Garage), approved for Warrant at the March 13 Board of Selectmen meeting. The original motion made reference to Articles 19 and 24, when only Article 24 (ReVision PPA Article) needed approval; due to renumbering Article 19 had become Article 24.
MOTION: Selectman Beck moved, with Selectman Dudman seconding, to recommend the Town enter into a power purchase agreement for a solar installation with ReVision Energy as described in the Warrant Article. Motion approved 4-0.
- Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP 1752 in the amount of $387.875.42
- Approve Signed Treasurer’s Payroll, State Fees, & PR Benefit Warrants AP1752 (voided), AP1753, AP1754 and PR1721 in the amounts of $6,199.55, $2,403.87, and $88,178.96, respectively
- Acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board AP/Payroll Warrant 19 in the amount of $157,014.18, respectively
MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to approve and sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP 1752 in the amount of $387.875.42, approve signed Treasurer’s Payroll, State Fees, & PR Benefit Warrants AP1752 (voided), AP1753, AP1754 and PR1721 in the amounts of $6,199.55, $2,403.87, and $88,178.96, respectively. Motion approved 4-0.
MOTION: Selectman Beck moved, with Selectman Dudman seconding, to acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board AP/Payroll Warrant 19 in the amount of $157,014.18. Motion approved 3-0-1 (Macauley in Abstention)
MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, with Selectman Beck seconding, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Matt Hart, Secretary
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