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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes - 01/12/2004
Monday, January 12, 2004

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room at the Town Office, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Rick Savage, Ernest Coombs, Emily Damon Pascal, Patrick Smallidge, Jerry Suminsby; Town Manager Michael MacDonald; Public Works Director Tony Smith; Assessor John Brushwein, Fire Chief Chris Farley, Recording Secretary Ellen Kappes  and members of the public.

I.      Call to order.

Chairman Savage called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m and announced that it would be adjourned to the elementary school because the room was filled to overcapacity. It had been divided in half because the Planning Board was meeting at the same time.  After Kay Graves questioned the parking at the elementary school and Robert Pyle suggested that the meeting be in the Mellon Room, Chairman Savage adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Mellon Room at the Northeast Harbor Library.
Chairman Savage readjourned the meeting in the Mellon Room at Library at 7:00 p.m.

II.     Minutes

A.      A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of December 1, December 18, and December 29, 2003 and January 5, 2004.

In the December 29 minutes, Selectman Damon Pascal corrected page 5, line 6 to read Katrina Carter instead of Jennifer Carter who wanted to consider only the Main Street side for a sidewalk.  In the January 5 minutes on page 3, Selectman Damon Pascal said lines 40 and 41 should be changed. Selectman Smallidge voted for the motion.  Selectman Suminsby abstained.  
In the December 1 minutes, Selectman Smallidge corrected page 1, line 12.  Gerard Haradan is not a member of the Wastewater Cost Study Committee.  On line 29, he said the date for approval of minutes should be changed from December 1, 2003 to November 17, 2003.
In the December 1 minutes on page 6, Town Manager MacDonald corrected line 15 to read 123 parking places, not 122 parking places.  In the January 5 minutes on page 5, line 43 should be changed to read the vote was 4 to 1, not 4 to 0.  

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meetings of December 1, December 18, and December 29, 2003 and January 5, 2004, as amended, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Selectman Damon Pascal reminded the Chairman about a public hearing scheduled for 7:00.  Chairman Savage thanked her for reminding him.  They agreed to wait until the conclusion of VI Old Business, approval of budget cuts.

VI.     Old Business
A.      Approve Budget Adjustments

Town Manager MacDonald used his laptop computer and projected the data onto a screen so that changes being made in the budget spreadsheet could be seen. He referred to the budget dated January 6, 2004.  He had made adjustments to the budget after discussions with Jean Bonville.

In the Dept. 0403 Administration Total, he suggested revising the previously approved $237,903 to $238,252 to reflect changes in salaries.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to amend 0403 Administration from $237,903 to $238,252, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

In Dept 0405 Treasurer/Tax Collector, Town Manager MacDonald suggested amending $54,713 to $56,540, also reflecting a change in salary.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept the change in 0405 Treasurer/Tax Collector as stated above, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

In Dept 0407 Buildings & Grounds, Town Manager MacDonald suggested changing $94,118 to the revised amount of $92,846 because of a change in salaries.

MOTION: Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept the above change, seconded by Selectman Coombs. The vote was unanimous in favor.

In Dept 0421 Police, Town Manager MacDonald said the Board had not yet approved any amounts.  The recommended amount was $319,624.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept the above amount, seconded by Selectman Suminsby.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

In Dept 0422 Fire Chief Farley, Town Manager MacDonald said the Board had not yet approved the $438,676 budget which includes $248,000 to purchase a pumper/rescue truck this year.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept the above amount, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.
Jean Bonville said the truck should be listed a fire engine, not fire engine reserve.  
Selectman Suminsby said he still wanted to know where the new truck would fit in the grander scheme of things so that the Board could make an educated decision to present something to the voters.  Selectman Smallidge said the Board needs a five or ten year purchase plan so certain amounts could be put in capital reserves, preventing the Town from being hit with so hard with big pieces at one time.  Fire Chief Farley said he was not sure what Selectmen wanted.  
Warrant Committee Vice-Chairman Tom Richardson asked how the equipment is being funded.
Robert Pyle indicated his understanding that the Selectmen were asking for a 5 to 10 year capitalization plan.  Selectman Smallidge wanted a shift in that direction. He said if 30 years ago the Town had started a capital plan for the school and sewer plants, it wouldn't be $11 ½ million in the hole. Fire Chief Farley agreed on the need for such a plan.
Chairman Savage's biggest concern was trying to raise this kind of money in one lump sum in one year.  It's unprecedented, particularly for fire companies, he said.  He preferred to build the Town's capital reserves and present this request to the voters in incremental amounts
Mr. Richardson agreed this amount was not typical of what fire departments have done in the past whether the money was in the reserves or not.  
Fire Chief Farley confirmed Selectman Smallidge's understanding that some of the equipment of not in compliance.
Selectman Damon Pascal wanted to know why the $248,000 was put in the budget in the first place when the Board did not vote for it.
Selectman Coombs confirmed that the Board had not voted to put the $248,000 in the budget because they had not yet discussed it.  He was concerned about the impact on the budget and taxes.  He had no question about the need and had nothing but admiration for the work Fire Chief Farley has done.  He did not see how the request could be funded.
Jim Bright asked if the Fire Department has a fund raising portion.  Someone has already offered $100,000.  Could the department try to find people to match that figure?
Selectman Smallidge thought the $248,000 should be left in the budget in recognition that the Town has inadequately funded the reserves. A capital campaign could fund future purchases.
Mr. Richardson said the Town is looking at a 39% increase proposed on the municipal side of the budget.  39% is not acceptable, especially with funding some $800,000 in reserve accounts.  He suggested the Town could borrow money and spread the cost over several years.
Responding to Chairman Savage, Jean Bonville said that Town had in the past taken out 5 year loans.  The current interest would be 3 1/2%
Chairman Savage was concerned about unidentified other pieces of equipment.  Fire Chief Farley said most of the pieces are there.  Chairman Savage asked if the Town were to put the Fire
Department in proper condition as he saw it, what the next piece would cost. Fire Chief Farley mentioned a ladder truck but did not have a cost for one.  His current plan does not involve expanding the rolling stock, only replacing what is there.
Warrant Committee Carmen Sanford said she was taken back because the request came so late in the time span when they were ready to start voting on the budget. Let's get a plan going to bring the stock down, she said. Appeasing the company with money in reserves would be wrong, she thought. The inventory is fine now; we're going to be ok.  Other budgets have to be submitted in November. This is January, she said.  Selectman Damon Pascal asked if a November request would have made a difference.  Ms. Sanford wanted to see the sewer project paid for first.
Norris Reddish spoke about the Somesville Fire Department which does not have enough people to run the amount of equipment there.  Not enough money has been put aside, he said. $250,000 is awfully small if there is an accident with current equipment, he indicated.  He said before the consolidation of the fire departments, the individual departments had raised money.
The impact on the mil rate was discussed.  
Edie Dunham said the sewer is such a problem now because it was postponed for so many years.  This way of thinking has to subside a bit.  
Mr. Richardson was concerned about basically a 20% increase in taxes in one year.
Selectman Damon said she had moved to accept 0422 fire department of $438,676 and was seconded by Selectman Smallidge.
 Selectman Suminsby asked about borrowing from reserves.  Mrs. Bonville thought normally the Town would not.  It would know how much would need to be raised under the appropriation.  Mr. Peckham thought the Board should seriously consider funding the amount by borrowing.  Chairman Savage said they did not have the figures to work with now for the budget.

The vote was two for the motion to accept the $438,676 budget which includes $248,000 for a new truck, three against.  Selectman Damon Pascal and Smallidge voted for the motion, Selectman Coombs, Savage and Suminsby voted against it.  The motion did not carry.

After refiguring the amount by deleting the fire truck and putting $85,000 back into #4410 the reserve account, Town Manager MacDonald said the figure would be $275,676.

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to approve 0422 Fire Department budget for $275,676, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was four to one.  Selectmen Coombs, Savage and Suminsby voted for the motion, Selectman Damon Pascal and Smallidge voted against it.  The motion carried.

For Dept 0423 Communications, Town Manager MacDonald said Selectmen had not yet approved the $165,676 amount.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept the above amount for Item 0423, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.   The vote was unanimous in favor.

For Dept 0431 Highway Streets and Roads, Town Manager MacDonald suggested a revision from the approved $935.987 to $938,550 because of wages of equipment operators.

MOTION:  Selectman Smallidge moved to accept the new amount of $938,550, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

For Dept 0433 Waste Collection/Disposal, Town Manager MacDonald said the approved $345,213 should be amended to $345,246 because of more precise wage calculations.

Selectman Suminsby moved to approve the above amount, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

For Dept.0440 Compliance/Mandates, Town Manager MacDonald said the $395,829 approved figure should be revised to $420,829 because Selectmen had decided to keep the fuel depot for diesel at the Town Garage. He had put $10,000 back the budget for salt/sand reserve but that could be taken back out and put on the list of borrowing for long term capital improvement plans.  The total could then be reduced by $10,000, he said.

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to approve Dept 0440 budget of $410,829, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  
Responding to Mr. Richardson who asked if it isn't time for the Town to get out of the fuel storage situation, Chairman Savage said Selectmen heard persuasive arguments about emergency needs, night time use, convenience and summer hassle.  This was precipitated by a visit by a State official who said the Town was not in compliance.  Keeping the diesel seemed reasonable.
Sam Blanchard thought the Town should wait and see for sure what it needs.
The vote was unanimous in favor.

In the Dept 0453 Rural Waste Water Support Program budget, Town Manager MacDonald said the program funding would be a new department of its own   The funds will be needed if the Town passes the Rural Waste Water Support Ordinance. Mr. Richardson and Ms Dunham were interested in how much this would raise a homeowner's taxes.

MOTION: Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept 0453 Rural Waste Support Program budget of $177,000, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was four to 1.  Selectmen Damon Pascal, Coombs. Savage and Smallidge voted for the motion, Selectman Suminsby voted against it.  The motion carried.

In Department 0442 Other Services, Librarian Robert Pyle asked to see $4,300 added back in the budget for the Northeast Harbor Library appropriation bringing it to the 2003 level of $10,000. A roll back in support from the Town would signal to the wider community that the Town does not value the Library and support from donors would deteriorate.  
Ms. Sanford, Warrant Subcommittee Member for Other Services, asked why the Library did not attend a Warrant Committee meeting when they were asked to do so.  She understood that the 2003 request was a one year request to show support for the capital campaign. She noted that Selectmen had suggested capping the total at the 2002 level.  She said the committee wanted to appropriate funds to three of the five new agencies' requests, bringing the total to $101,757, more than the Selectmen's total.
Mike Kennedy, Library Trustee, said it was very clear at Town Meeting last year that the request was not for a one-shot increase.  It was to be an expression of the Town's encouragement for the campaign.  The raise from $5,700 to $10,000 was a reflection of the increases in the cost of Library services. A diminishing amount of support from the Town would have a negative effect on fundraising.
Donna Beals, a Warrant Subcommittee member, said they tried to find a way to incorporate some of the outside requests, giving less money to some in order to bring in some of the other requests.  Referring to the Library, she said we can't jump that much with one 3rd party request and not even entertain any body else.  She questioned the Selectmen's "not to exceed" wording.
Chairman Savage explained how the Selectmen decided on the wording and arrived at the sum, bringing it back to the 2002 budget minus $5,000 for a traffic study.  They suggested the cap on the total amount because they were willing to support the amount to be raised.  Any changes would have to be made out of the total.
Mr. Pyle apologized for not being at the Warrant Committee meeting.  He had not received notification and had wondered when it would be.  He said last year's request was linked to operating costs, not the capital drive.  He said a tight budget has caused the Library to reduce scholarship grants.  Scholarships paid out to children of Mount Desert for the last year were $105,400.  We could have financial difficulties if the people we go to for donations know the municipality were not willing to sustain the amount requested, he said.
Mr. Peckham suggested taking the funds for the Library out of the Neighborhood House because he recently learned that organization received money from a church outreach fund in 2003.  He was uncomfortable at one Town Meeting when people representing the Neighborhood House managed to raise the appropriation.
Selectman Coombs said that's part of the difficulty. Who do you take away from to give to somebody else?  That's what we did not want to do.
Ms. Dunham confirmed with Chairman Savage that everything stayed flat because they were trying to save money.
Selectman Suminsby said he pushed for the "not to exceed wording" because it is easy to consume a lot of energy at town meeting getting your head around a $500 item.  It is more efficient to go through the process ahead of time instead of asking groups to give three presentations asking for the same thing. His idea was to get these passed quickly and then move on to higher priced items.

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to bring the # 2928 Library request back up to the $10,000, bringing the total to $99,679, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.
Ms Sanford wanted to know why we are continuing to put out for 3rd party requisitions when the Selectmen choose not to recognize any new requests.  She listed the new requests, all of which serve town residents.  Chairman Savage said the Town does not solicit requests for money, adding that the Board felt there were too many requests, possibly some duplications.  Ms. Sanford suggested that some of the other agencies were as deserving of the extra funding as the Northeast Harbor Library.
The vote was unanimous in favor for the new $99,679 total for #0442 Other Services.

#0454 Sewer Capital and Debt:  Town Manager MacDonald said that after the Board approved $1,176,007 on December 18th, he learned about an additional principal and interest cost on the two bonds.  The Board indicated they wanted to fully fund items not funded.  The revised amount was $1,952,183.  Subsequently Public Works Director Smith informed them that some of the items could be dropped from this year's budget, delaying them to 2005 at the end of the project rather than the beginning. This would bring the total to $1,376,683.
Public Works Director Smith explained how, over several years, the figures for improvements to the treatment plants were reached. In November 2003, bids came in over the approved $5.9 million.  Working with the engineers and contractors, they pared down the total. It would be possible to eliminate 43,700 for relatively minor items such as digging 6 feet deep and having to blast ledge. In the $531,000 for the upgrade to Seal Harbor plant, three big ticket items, including covers, chlorine and UV disinfection and the outfall at Seal Harbor can be postponed, not deleted.  Selectman Suminsby was concerned about postponing the covers.  Public Works Director Smith said the covers would be one of the last things to be done on the Seal Harbor project in 2005.  Public Works Director Smith said the $275,000 sand filter could be postponed to 2006.
Ms Dunham said it didn't seem worth it to her to save $43,000 by digging a trench shallower.  She and Public Works Director Smith discussed differences in recommended pipes.  
Public Works Director Smith confirmed Selectman Smallidge's reasoning that by closing the Seal Harbor sand filter, the Town still saves a considerable in DEP licensing fees.
Town Manager MacDonald and Public Works Director Smith discussed licensing matters.

MOTION:  Selectman Smallidge moved to eliminate the $531,800 from this year's budget and to approve $1,376,683 for #0454 Sewer Capital and Dept, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.
Sam Blanchard thought the reason for not funding the fire truck was to finish up with the sewer project.  Selectman Smallidge said the idea is to stretch out the funding over two years.
Ms. Dunham said that plants in other village will need work in the future. She was concerned that the postponement of funding for the outfall would be misunderstood by summer people.
John Brushwein suggested leaving the money in for the sand filter and asking Public Works Director Smith to continue negotiations with the DEP to find out if they are willing to go along with postponing the Seal Harbor sand filter item to 2006.  He could determine what the costs would be between now and the March Town meeting.  The item could be amended then.
The vote to approve $1,376,683 for Dept 0454 was unanimous in favor.

For #4055 Sewer Treatment, Town Manager MacDonald said an increase from $342,521 to $342,618 was due to an adjustment in wages.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to approve the above $342,618 amount, seconded by Selectman Suminsby.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Jim Bright, Warrant Committee member, recommended changes to #0461, the Northeast Harbor marina budget.  He proposed cutting from #1401 Summer Personnel, funds for a data entry person for new mooring lists, work which could be done during downtime in the winter. That item to $32,415 from $34,125.
He suggested combining #2503 Floats/Buoys & #4307 Markers & Chains and reducing the total to $4,000 because they seemed to cover the same things.
Mr. Bright wanted to eliminate #2505 Pilings. Selectmen told him some pilings need to be replaced.  Selectman Damon Pascal asked if there had been any interaction with the Harbor Master.
#4304 RPLC Channel Buoy could be a carry over, Mr. Bright said.
In #4313 Moorings & Floats, he questioned raising $65,000 all at once for new floats when money is in the capital improvement fund.  Responding to Selectman Smallidge, Mr. Bright said the mooring float reserves fund is $12,000.  He would take funds from those two accounts and change #4313 from $65,000 to $0.  Selectman Smallidge was concerned about pillaging the reserves.
In #4404 Capital Improvement Reserves, Mr. Bright wanted to reduce the amount from $75,000 to $25,000. Selectman Damon Pascal thought this was a lot of jumping around at the last minute.  Mr. Bright said he had sent this to the Selectmen in December.  Mr. Blanchard said the subcommittee needs a long term projection so that they know how much to put in reserves each year.
Recapping the requests, Town Manager MacDonald confirmed with Mr. Bright the #1401 figures:  change #1401 to $30,000, #2503 to $5,000, changing #4307 to $0, #4104 to $0, #4404 to $25,000 and #4313 to $0, bringing the total for #0461 to $237,131.  

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to amend #0461 NEH Marina from $365,756 to $237,131, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was three to two.  Selectmen Coombs, Savage and Suminsby voted for the motion.  Selectmen Damon Pascal and Smallidge voted against it.  The motion carried.

In Seal Harbor #0462, Mr. Bright recommended cutting #2500 Repairs and Maintenance to $4,000 saving $6,000.  
Answering Ms. Dunham, Town Manager MacDonald said funds for fixing the bathrooms would be carried over into 2004.
Mr. Brushwein said he was uncomfortable with all the major changes being made without the presence of the department heads.  He asked if the department heads had been notified that this was a possibility for this night.
Selectman Damon Pascal said that was why she voted against the last motion.
Ms. Graves thought the Harbor Master would be shocked if he knew this was going on when he wasn't here.
Mrs. Bonville said that this was like the Warrant Committee trying to change the Board of Selectmen's direction.  She thought they worked independently of each other.
Town Manager MacDonald said he was not aware that this would happen this evening.
Selectman Suminsby thought the Selectmen had not taken the time and effort to go through the marina budget because they were busy with other things.  We rely on the Warrant Committee, he said, expressing his thanks to that committee.
Mr. Blanchard thought that if the Selectmen and Warrant Committee agreed on the numbers, the budgets would pass more easily on the floor of the Town Meeting.  Mr. Bright said they were not taking anything from the Harbor Master. Mr. Richardson defended the Warrant Committee, saying they were trying to cooperate with Selectmen.
Chairman Savage said the Selectmen had not had the courage to say "no" sometimes.  He thought this year's budget was not defendable.
Mr. Bright returned to #2500, the request to cut $10,000 to $4,000.  The Seal Harbor reserve now has more than enough to cover two new floats, he said.

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to amend #0462 Seal Harbor Marina from $17,637 to $11,637, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was three to two.  Selectmen Coombs, Savage and Suminsby voted for the motion.  Selectmen Damon Pascal and Smallidge voted against it.  The motion carried.

Selectmen did not agree with Mr. Bright about changing the figures for Mooring Realignment in Bartlett Harbor or Somes Harbor. Mr. Bright recommended cutting $200 from #4304 for a channel buoy in Somes Harbor.  No one made a motion.

Ms. Dunham made a request for the Selectmen not to put a cap on the amount being funded.
The issue was discussed at length by Selectmen, members of the Warrant Committee and of the public. Mr. Richardson said he thought the "not to exceed" wording would be cumbersome on the floor on Town Meeting because there would be a lot of arguing about the items.  Selectman Suminsby took responsibility for the wording, saying the Town spends a disproportionate amount of time on this portion of the budget at Town Meeting.
Chairman Savage thought the conversation at Town Meeting would go the same way as it had at this meeting. He was comfortable with the board's decision not to take on new requests because of budgetary requirements.  
At 9:40 p.m., Chairman Savage called a five minute break.
At 9:45 p.m., Chairman Savage readjourned the meeting.


Review of Warrant Articles

Article 3  Sewer Ordinance

MOTION: Selectman Suminsby moved to recommend passage of Article 3, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal. The vote was unanimous in favor.

Mr. Richardson wanted both Article 3 and 4 to be voted on at Town Meeting. He thought they both deserved to be openly debated on the Town floor.  Chairman Savage said Selectmen preferred that it be voted on by referendum.  

Article 4 Rural Wastewater Support Ordinance

Selectman Suminsby said the description of evaluation qualifications should remain as it was when the ordinance was presented at public hearing.  There had been no hearing on the amendment to the definition of resident recently made by Selectmen.

MOTION:  Selectman Smallidge moved to recommend passage of Article 4, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was 3 to 1.  Selectmen Coombs, Savage and Smallidge voted for the motion, Selectman Suminsby voted against it.  Selectman Damon Pascal was not present for the vote.  The motion carried.

Articles 5, 6 & 7  Non-voters speaking, Spend $500 from Dog Welfare Credit Reserve Account, Establish Selectmen services at $1,200 per Selectmen

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to recommend Articles 5, 6 and 7, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was 4 to 0.  Selectman Damon Pascal was not present.  

Article 8 - Revenue through Excise Taxes

MOTION: Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 8 in the amount of $1,737,909, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 9 - Elected Officials, Administration, Assessor, Tax Collector/Treasurer, Code Enforcement Officer and Town Clerk

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 9 in the amount of $492,568, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 10 - Police

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 10 in the amount of $319,624, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was unanimous in favor

Article 11 - Fire

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 11 in the amount of $275,676, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was three to two.  Selectmen Coombs, Savage and Suminsby voted for the motion, Selectmen Damon Pascal and Smallidge voted against it.  The motion carried.

Article 12 - Communications

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 12 in the amount of $165,676, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 13 - Highway/Streets/Roads

MOTION: Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 13 in the amount of $938,550, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 14 - Waste Collection/Disposal

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 14 in the amount of $345,246,
seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 15 - Buildings & Grounds and Parks & Cemeteries

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 15 in the amount of $122,026,
seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 16 - Compliance/Mandates

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby recommended passage of Article 16 in the amount of $410,829,
seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 17 - Other Services

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal recommended passage of Article 16 in the amount of $99,679, seconded by Selectman Suminsby.
Chairman Savage said this would be an opportunity to change the "not to exceed" wording.
Selectman Damon Pascal amended her motion to delete the words "not to exceed", to change the article to read "to see what sum the inhabitants will raise" and to change the recommended amount to $99,679, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was 4 to 1.  Selectmen Coombs, Damon Pascal, Savage and Smallidge voted for the motion, Selectman Suminsby voted against it.  The motion carried.

Ms. Sanford asked if agencies could to be put back on the budget on the Town Floor and was told yes.

Article 18  Recreation

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to recommend passage of Article 18 in the amount of $62,697, seconded by Selectman Smallidge. The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 19  Wastewater Support Program

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to recommend passage of Article 19 in the amount of $177,000, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 20  Sewer Capital & Debt

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to recommend passage of Article 20 in the amount of $1,376,683, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 21  Sewer Treatment

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to recommend passage of Article 21 in the amount of $523,723, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 22   Harbors

MOTION:  Selectman Coombs moved to recommend passage of Article 21 in the amount of $280,068, seconded by Selectman Savage.  The vote was 3 to 2.  Selectmen Coombs, Savage and Suminsby voted for the motion, Selectmen Damon Pascal and Smallidge voted against it.  The motion carried.

Article 23  Finance

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to recommend passage of Article 22 in the amount of $26,500, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 24  Personnel

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to recommend passage of Article 23 in the amount of $673,236, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 25 Credit Reserve transfer

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to recommend the amount of $400,000 for Article 25, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 33  Alewife Ordinance

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to recommend Article 33 as stated, seconded by Selectman Suminsby.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 34  Special Amusement Permit Ordinance

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal made a positive motion to accept Article 34 as stated, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 42  Private Road names

John Brushwein said he knew of one new road name, Farm Lane.

MOTION:  Selectman Coombs moved to recommend accepting Farm Lane and any other private road names, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 43  Authorization for Selectmen to accept a gift for the Fire Department

MOTION:  Selectman Coombs moved to adopt Article 43, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was 4 to 1.  Selectmen Coombs, Damon Pascal, Savage and Smallidge voted in favor of the motion, Selectman Suminsby voted against it.  The motion carried.

Article 44  Authorization for Selectmen to accept gifts

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to adopt Article 44 as stated, seconded by Selectman Smallidge. The vote was 4 to 1.  Selectmen Coombs, Damon Pascal, Savage and Smallidge voted in favor of the motion, Selectman Suminsby voted against it.  The motion carried.

Article 45  Transfer balance from Surplus account to Credit Reserve Account

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to adopt Article 45 as stated, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 46  Date when taxes shall be due

Town Manager MacDonald said the percentage for interest charged on unpaid taxes would be put in at Town Meeting.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to adopt Article 46 as stated, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 47  Authorization to accept pre-payment of property taxes

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept Article 47 as stated, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 48  Interest rate for abated taxes

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept Article 48 as stated and that the percentage rate be adjusted at Town Meeting, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 49  Abatement expenses from overlay

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept Article 49 as written, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 50  Disposal of Town-owned property

MOTION:  Selectman Coombs moved to accept Article 50 as written, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Article 51  Sale of land or buildings in lieu of payment of taxes

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept Article 51 as written, seconded by Selectman Savage.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Articles 52 - 57  Authorization to contract for services, Agreement with the retired police chief, Lease with Great Harbor Maritime Museum, Lease with Town of Cranberry Isles, Acceptance of gift of public right of way easement from owners of 11 Sea Street, and Acceptance of gift of public right of way from easement from owners of 116 Main Street.

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to recommend passage of Articles 52 - 57, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

III.    Appointments and Communications

A.      Accept resignation of Police Officer Keith Saunders, effective January 9, 2003.

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to accept the above resignation, seconded by Selectman Suminsby.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

B.      Confirm appointment of Keith Saunders as part-time Police Patrol Officer effective January 10, 2003 and part-time dispatcher, effective January 10, 2003 at an hourly rate of $11.00 for both positions

MOTION:  Selectman Damon Pascal moved to confirm the above appointment with the correction of the dates from 2003 to 2004, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

C.      Receive Planning Board 2004 meeting schedule
D.      Acadia Disposal District December 18, 2003 minutes
E.       Department Head monthly reports

These items were for information only.

IV.     Consent Agenda

A.      Approve Liquor license application for 151 Main Street
B.      Award Town Report printing to low bidder, Bangor Letter Shop, $3,397.3.  (Other Bidders Downeast Graphics & Printing, Inc. $3,400.00; Gossamer Press, $3,830.40)

MOTION:  Selectman Suminsby moved to approve the Consent Agenda.  Selectman Damon Pascal recused herself from voting.  The motion was seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was 4 - 0.  Selectmen Coombs, Savage, Smallidge and Suminsby voted for the motion, Selectman Damon Pascal abstained.  The motion carried.

V.      Selectmen Reports

"       Selectman Smallidge suggested putting in the Town Report a thank you to Parsons Landscaping for work done.  The thank you will be added to the Town Manager's report.

VII.    New Business

"       None

VIII.   General Issues

"       None

IX.     Other Business

A.      Solid Waste Discussion, Public Works Director & Acadia Disposal District President Tony Smith.

Recognizing the lateness of the hour, Chairman Savage asked Public Works Director Smith to present this item during the next week's Board meeting.

X.       Treasurer's Warrants

Signed as presented.

XI      Executive Session

None requested

At 10:23 pm Selectman Coombs moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Damon Pascal. The vote was unanimous in favor

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Damon Pascal