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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes - 07/05/2005
Board of Selectmen Meeting, July 5, 2005
Monday, July 5, 2005
A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room at the Town Office, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Rick Savage, Selectmen Kathy Branch, Ernest Coombs, Patrick Smallidge, Jeffrey Smith; Town Manager Michael MacDonald; Public Works Director Tony Smith; Police Chief James Willis,  Harbor Master Shawn Murphy, Finance Director Brent Hamor, Interim Fire Chief Mike Bender, Code Enforcement Officer Kimberly Keene, Fill-In Recording Secretary Darcel Winslow, several members from the Mt. Desert Volunteer Fire Department and members of the public.

Call to order.

Chairman Savage called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


        A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of June 20, 2005, as amended.

MOTION:  Selectman Savage moved to approve the minutes as amended of the Regular Meeting of June 20, 2005 as amended, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

III.    Appointments and Communications

A       Approve appointment of Interim Fire Chief, effective July 1 2005 Michael Bender at a rate of $20.50 per hour.

Town Manager MacDonald reported that Mr. Bender has stepped up twice before to take over this interim position, his duties will be similar to before.

MOTION:  Selectman Savage moved to approve the above appointment, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

B     Approve appointment of Seasonal Refuse Collection Helper; Peter Poors, at a rate of $11.00 per hour.

MOTION:  Selectman Smith moved to approve the above appointment, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

C D E.          Acknowledge receipt of monthly financial reports and department reports from Harbor Master, final report from Fire Chief Chris Farley and MDI Water Coalition Seal Harbor Beach Report.
Town Manager MacDonald stated this item will be on every agenda, no action is required.

IV.     Selectmen Reports
A.      Discussion on cardboard dumpsters.

Board stated to Public Works Director Smith that cardboard is being left everywhere and suggested the dumpsters to be removed. It then was explained by the Board that once we start a public service of this sort, we must finish it. It was stated that it was unsightly and overused.
Public Works Director Smith stated that he anticipated this and would suggest more frequent dumping of it. Mr. Smith also stated that this is an effort to save the town money and that the dumpster at the Town Garage is still used a great deal as well.
Selectman Smallidge suggested setting up another dumpster explaining that perhaps more capacity would be helpful.
Public Works Director Smith stated the Northeast Harbor dumpster will now be picked up twice a week.

B.      Rip Rap at Long Pond

Public Works Director Smith explained that the Rip Rap at Long Pond Application with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection is proceeding.

V.      Old Business

A.      Re-striping of Route 198(Harbor Drive)

Town Manager MacDonald explained that the hash-marks are the best we can do and that they aren’t any safer than what is already there. He stated this is a state road and a waste of money. He suggests to leave the lines the way they are.

Police Chief Willis states this is still a problem, but recommends to leave the lines alone and to hope that when the State paints lines in Trenton on the new pavement, they will come to Northeast Harbor and paint new lines on Route 198, as well.

MOTION: After discussion of the Maine Department of Transportations response, Selectman Savage motioned to leave this alone; Seconded by Selectman Smallidge. No action required.

B.      Consideration of adopting referendum budget process.

Town Manager MacDonald explained that in order to complete a budget adoption, The Board must change the charter as well. Voter attendance, fiscal year pros and cons and the date and time should all be addressed. A gentleman from the audience stated that as the article explains we would have larger voter turn-outs, more democracy and, more overall input from voters then we have at a Town Meeting.
He stated that it is intimidating to vote at Town Meeting and that a  referendum will bring more people to vote.
Selectman Coombs stated he is inclined to leave it alone as Town Meeting, Selectman Smith disagreed with the change also.
Chairman Savage explained that the proposal has flaws but he believes it’s worth it. He explained the Warrant Committee has done a thorough job.
Selectman Smallidge explained that we already have access to a referendum if we need it. It works both ways, he explained, speaking versus writing. He believes the current system we have works. He stated that people need to have confidence in their votes.
A member of the public said women will not vote, they will not speak up. He wants the fiscal year to change.
Selectman Branch indicated that any item on the floor can addressed by sealed ballot.
The Board will entertain this idea from here for the upcoming Warrant. The date may or may not change through Town vote. When the warrant is prepared this article will be added, The Board wants to hear the voter’s opinions. Town Manager MacDonald will write up a warrant article that would amend the Charter to be presented to the public. He will also poll other towns on this matter.

V.      New Business

A       Approve Fire Department Volunteer Compensation System

Town Manager MacDonald reported that the volunteers are going to be paid for things like training, not for fighting fires. The compensation received will vary depending on what each individual is doing .i.e., working on the fire trucks will receive a certain pay rate and attending certification training may be paid at another pay rate. Chairman Savage added that the more training you have, the higher your pay rate will be, this is an opportunity to better yourselves.
The new permanent Fire Chief position was discussed on the topic of whether the town needs a full-time Chief or a Part-time Chief
Selectman Branch stated she wanted to see a full-time Fire Chief and she wants to see the new pumper truck purchased, as requested by Chief Chris Farley.
Town Manager added that he strongly urges to hire the new chief from within.
Chairman Savage explained that Chris Farley is not the Chief anymore and the town can not listen to his opinions. He stated we must listen to the new Fire Chief. He stated that Chief Farley’s influence was going downhill fast and they would only be losing 2 volunteer fire fighters with him. He urged the others to listen to where the Board is coming from. He explained overall most firefighters agreed. He stated the present firefighters must be in agreement. He urged the Firefighters to move forward for the sake of the town, not for personal or individual reasons.
Chairman Savage explained the Town of Mt Desert is very close to having a paid Fire Department and we need to think about a Fire District, the voters will want an analysis of the Towns needs.
Selectman Smith stated he had no interest in a paid Fire Department. He stated the Town has more than enough volunteers who line up to help. He feels a paid Fire Department is unnecessary.
Chairman Savage indicated that he has no answers on this matter but wanted to begin the controversy.

MOTION: Selectman Smith motioned to approve this matter that was developed by Chief Farley; Seconded by Selectman Coombs. The vote was unanimous in favor.

B.      Approve purchase of Pumper /Rescue Truck from Smeal Fire Apparatus Company.

It was explained that the new truck would be replacing 3 existing trucks, the Bread truck, the Ambulance and the old Engine 6 Cab-Over. It will be a pumper/rescue truck, all of the equipment from the three replaced trucks will be on the new truck.
Chairman Savage indicated that the price of the new truck is not peanuts, almost a half a million dollars. It was Chief Farley’s recommendation (personal preference) to purchase this truck, he said this should not be a personal preference of anyone, we need to do what is best for the town.
Interim Chief Michael Bender was asked for his opinion. Mr. Bender stated that he believes the truck is a step in the right direction. It will eliminate the need for so many vehicles, with space as much as an issue as it is in this and the surrounding towns, he states it will serve many purposes and it will fit in any of our facilities. He would seek approval for this truck.
A volunteer for the department indicated that it was 2003 when they first asked for this truck, he also added that it took almost a year to find a permanent Fire Chief last time. If this issue is put on hold waiting for the new Chief, it will be a long time before the town ever gets it.
Chairman Savage stated, as selectmen, this would need to go out to bid.
Selectman Smith indicated he was not comfortable with this issue as he had no previous knowledge of this matter.
Town Manager MacDonald explained that they can legally proceed without a bid, and that Chris Farley attempted to get the best truck for the money. The price will only go up if they wait.
Chairman Savage also indicated that the town has a great facility in Seal Harbor just sitting there vacant. He believes a central location for the Fire Department is necessary.
Volunteer Fire Fighter, Robert Foster told the Board he does not believe the truck is necessary, no one has justified it to him. He urged the Board to wait for the new Chief.
Public Works Director Smith stated he disagrees with Mr. Savage; Chris Farley worked for the Town for a long time and believes the town can still follow his recommendations. He looked out for the good of the town.
Selectman Smith agreed with Public Works Director Smith and stated he was sure Chris Farley’s recommendations were done with good faith, the best of intentions and much research.
Another volunteer fire fighter explained that the newest apparatus the department has is 10 years old.
Selectman Branch agrees with the Fire Fighters, it will take almost one year to get the truck, this puts our fire fighters in danger.
Selectman Coombs indicated he thought the truck was a want rather than a town need.

MOTION: Selectman Branch motioned to approve the purchase of the pumper/rescue truck as indicated above; Smallidge seconded this motion. The vote was unanimous in favor.

C.      Review Town Office renovation plans.

Town Manager MacDonald explained three different plans that SLAM had put together for him. He explained in detail where the differences were in each scheme as well as the differences in costs.
A member of the public asked the Board about the unused space in Seal Harbor and wanted to know why we couldn’t use that perfectly good building instead of renovating this one. He stated the Fire Department could be there or the Police Department, it is a central location.

MOTION: Selectman Smith motioned for the remaining monies from the renovation planning to be used to look into the idea of using the already existing spaces in Mt. Desert; Seconded by Selectman Coombs. The vote was unanimous in favor.

D.      Board of Selectman authorized the sale of surplus 1995 1-ton truck to Ed MacFarland for the amount of $3,054.00.

E.      Designation of ‘Handicap Only’ parking spots on Main Street.

After discussion Board of Selectmen requested that the Traffic Committee make recommendations that will be the subject of a public hearing for the first Board of Selectman meeting in August. (08-01-05)

VII.    General Issues

A.      Fire Chief Position

Discussion of what the needs of the town are regarding a full or part time Fire Chief.  The Board of Selectman requested this matter be delayed until the next meeting.  No action required.

VII.    Other Business

A.      Chairman Savage reminded all present of the White Tail Deer Management Plan Public Hearing scheduled for the July 18, 2005 meeting in Somesville.

B       Update on removal of Northeast Burglar and Fire Alarm equipment from Mount Desert Dispatch.

Chief Willis reported that letters had been sent to those remaining, the August deadline is still in place but he is reluctant to pull the plug on certain alarms; such as the bank.

C. Selectman Branch suggested to Chief Willis that more patrols be placed in Seal Harbor.

IX. Treasurer’s Warrants

A.    Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #57 for $1,121.98. (payroll warrant) and to approve warrant # 58 for $ 377,122.64.

Signed as presented.

X. Executive Session

At 8:36 pm, Selectman Smith moved to go into executive session to discuss labor negotiations with the teamster’s. Seconded by Patrick Smallidge

At 9:18 pm Selectman Smith motioned to end the executive session and return to the regular session; Seconded by Selectman Smallidge. No action taken after the end of the executive session.

At 9:18 pm Selectman Coombs motioned to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Selectman Smith.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey Smith

Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, July 18, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. at the Somesville Fire Department.