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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes - 02/09/2005
Board of Selectmen Meeting, January 10, 2005
Special Meeting Wednesday, February 9,2005

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Town Manager’s Office at the Town Office, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Rick Savage, Patrick Smallidge, Jeff Smith; Town Manager Michael MacDonald;

Call to order.

Chairman Savage called the meeting to order at 4:05 P.M.

II      Consider and vote on Special Town Meeting warrant articles.
Article 2       Permit non-voters shall be allowed, when recognized, to speak during the March 8, 2005 Special Town Meeting.  Motion “ recommend passage “ by Selectman Smith, second by Selectman Smallidge, approved 3-0.

Article 12      To see if the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert will authorize the Board of Selectmen to exerciser the Town’s statutory right of first refusal . . ..  for a price not to exceed $1,500,000.00, subject to appropriation of the necessary funds.  Motion “recommend not to pass“ by Selectman Smith, second by Selectman Smallidge, approved 3-0.

Article 13      To see if the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert will authorize the Board of Selectmen to raise and appropriate the sum of  $1,500,000.00, to acquire a conservation easement from the Mount Desert Water District, as provided in the preceding article.  Motion “recommend not to pass“ by Selectman Smith, second by Selectman Smallidge, approved 3-0.

Article 14      To see if the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert will authorize the Board of Selectmen to approve and execute an “Amendment and Clarification of Restrictive Covenants” for property know as “Schoolhouse Ledge” . . . .for public utilities, including storage, treatment, and delivery of public drinking water and for conservation and recreational purposes.  Motion “recommend passage“ by Selectman Smith, second by Selectman Smallidge, approved 3-0

Article 15      To see if the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert will authorize the Board of Selectmen to approve amendments and improvements to a lease agreement between the Town of Mount Desert and the Mount Desert Water District . …no less than seven (7) days prior to the Town Meeting and that copy shall be certified as accurate the Town Clerk               Motion “no recommendation (Lack of information)“ by Selectman Smith, second by Selectman Smallidge, approved 3-0

At   4:07 P.M., Selectman Smith Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Smallidge.  The vote was unanimous in favor

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Smith