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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes - 01/09/2006
Board of Selectmen Meeting, January 9, 2006
Monday, January 9, 2006

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Seal Harbor Fire Station Community Room, Seal Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Rick Savage, Selectmen Kathy Branch, Ernest Coombs, Jeffrey Smith; Town Manager Michael MacDonald; Public Works Director Tony Smith; Assessor John Brushwein, Finance Director Brent Hamor, Fire Chief Mike Bender, Recording Secretary Ellen Kappes and members of the public.

Call to order.

Chairman Savage called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of January 3, 2006

MOTION: Selectman Smith moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 3, 2006 as presented, seconded by Selectman Coombs. The vote was unanimous in favor.

III.    Appointments and Communications

A.~~~~~~Department reports, Police, Fire, Code Enforcement, and Public Works  No action required.

B.~~~~~~Memo from MMA Attorney Stultz, regarding fiscal year/town meeting date change.

Town Manager MacDonald said the above indicated a charter revision is not needed to change to a fiscal year. Board members said they wanted to hear from the voters again on the issue.
Assessor Brushwein questioned the suggested date for a change. With the new valuations coming out in August 2006, a May 2007 starting date for the change could make some people angry and cause some confusion. He recommended making the fiscal year change in 2008.  Town Manager MacDonald said the article could be changed to specify a May 2008 Town Meeting. He said the attorney suggested calling a specialT meeting in the fall before the change takes place.

MOTION:  Selectman Coombs moved to offer the fiscal change to voters by referendum with the dates recommended by the administration, seconded by Selectman Smith.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

IV.     Selectmen Reports

Selectman Branch said a few people in Otter Creek had asked her why sidewalks there aren’t plowed.  Town Manager MacDonald said he would find out why.
Selectman Smith asked Town Manager MacDonald for a copy of the most recent letter to the School Board.  He said some one had spoken to him and was popping mad, wanting to know why Selectmen weren’t doing more. The local press apparently was not reporting information about the Selectmen’s opinions.  He was asked what would happen if voters do not appropriate money to the school at Town Meeting.  Considerable discussion ensued.  Assessor Brushwein said the budget was voted on at the MDI School Board annual meeting and then the Town is assessed for the funds.   Selectman Coombs said the school board did not offer any encouragement to the Selectmen.  Bob Smallidge said the school board did not imply that they wouldn’t do anything but they made no commitment to do anything. Chairman Savage said the problem should be attacked incrementally.  The biggest inequity he saw now is the tuition.  If Selectmen can’t get the school boards to address the tuition problem, there is no hope of them standing up to the inequity of the Town of Mt. Desert’s assessment.  The problem is that the tuition students don’t pay their fair share. Selectman Smith said it seemed as the school board was indifferent.
Chairman Savage noted this town is outnumbered 3 to 1 by the other towns.  Anything this   Town does will cost the other towns more money. Selectman Smith was ready to do something or nothing would change.  He foresaw an ugly taxpayer revolt.  
Responding to Mr. Smallidge and Chairman Savage, Assessor Brushwein thought Northeast Harbor and Seal Harbor would see an increase in taxes.  He referred to houses with currently less than $100,000 valuations that recently sold for more that $400,000. Selectman Smith talked about how difficult it is to be able to afford to buy a house in this Town.
Chairman Savage said the Town’s forefathers did not have enough foresight when getting this Town into a bunch of deals.  Mr. Smallidge recalled that the other towns would not have agreed to the central high school unless this Town paid more.
Selectman Branch suggested a first step could be to approach the State about changing the tuition rate.  Chairman Savage thought that was a good idea. He also noted that summer residents have boosted the valuations so much that keeping housing year round working people has become almost impossible.  
V.      Old Business


VI.     New Business

A.~~~~~~Set Public Hearing date for Haynes Garage Inc., Automobile Graveyard Permit, (suggest 6:45 PM, February 6, 2006)   Done

VII.    General Issues


VIII.   Other Business
A.~~~~~Budget and Town Meeting Warrant review.

Town Manager MacDonald said the Warrant Committee made two recommendations for Selectmen about the Museum and the fiscal year.
They requested Selectmen to withdraw both Museum Warrant Articles because the Board is looking at appropriating $10,000 to look into the Museum building. If the report on the building is positive about using it for Town purposes, the Town would have to break a long-term lease with the Museum.  Chairman Savage thought they made a good point.  If both the sale and/or lease articles were removed, it would be fairer to the Museum. Selectmen reviewed their decision not to approve the articles. Chairman Savage noted the Museum does have another year on its lease. He said several Museum people were at the meeting and agreed with the Warrant Committee’s views.

MOTION:  Selectman Smith moved to reconsider the museum articles, one for a sale and the other for a long term lease, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was unanimous in favor.    

MOTION:  Selectman Smith moved to remove both articles from the warrant, seconded by Selectman Coombs.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Town Manager MacDonald said the Warrant Committee wanted voting on the fiscal year and charter changes to be on the floor at Town Meeting so they could be debated.  Selectman Coombs favored a referendum because of the need to get as many people as possible to vote on the issue. Chairman Savage agreed.

Budget:  Town Manager MacDonald said two or three minor items would change the budget and explained them.  They will be reflected in the warrant that selectmen will see at the next meeting. No action was required.  

Warrant Article XX:  Town Manager MacDonald said this article about a Fire Pond on David Rockefeller’s property on Cooksey Drive came about because of insurance issues on Ox Hill.  The license agreement is being worked on.  The article would allow the Board to negotiate and approve the agreement.  Chairman Savage asked about the physical properties of the fire pond.  Doug Hopkins and Steve Pinkham explained that what they have requested and how it would be fed. Town Manager MacDonald said the Town would be responsible for maintenance of the pipe and hydrant on Cooksey Drive and Mr. Rockefeller would be responsible for the land around the pond.  Fire Chief Bender said it would be a big improvement.

MOTION:  Selectman Coombs moved to put Article XX as presented on the Warrant, seconded by Selectman Smith.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

Warrant Article XX amendment to the sewer ordinance: Town Manager MacDonald explained the proposed amendment. Its intent was to place the responsibility of insuring that lines are intact on the people on whose property the lines run through. Public Works Director Smith said the proposal was incomplete and had been changed unbeknownst to him from what he had submitted. Assessor Brushwein spoke about some concerns about the proposal which he saw for the first time last week.  Public Works Director Smith said the discussion should have taken place before this evening.  Responding to Chairman Savage, he said it would not be a problem if the ordinance doesn’t get adopted at this Town Meeting.  Chairman Savage suggested putting the amendment on the “to do” list, so that a document is prepared that everyone agrees on.  Selectman Coombs agreed.  Selectmen took no action on the amendment.

IX.  Treasurer’s Warrants

Approve and sign Treasurer’s Warrants #121 for $70,588.95, #122 for $21,982.97 and #123 for $7,609.18.

Signed as presented.

X       Executive Session

None requested

At 7:40 PM Selectman Coombs moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Smith.     The vote was unanimous in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey Smith

Adjournment. ~The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 6:30 P.M. in the Community Room, Seal Harbor Fire Station, Seal Harbor.