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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes - 11/19/2007
Monday, November 19, 2007

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room at the Town Hall, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Ernest Coombs, Selectman Rick Mooers, Patrick Smallidge, Jeffrey Smith; Town Manager Michael MacDonald; Harbor Master Shawn Murphy, Fire Chief Mike Bender, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Finance Director Brent Hamor, Recording Secretary Jennifer McWain and members of the public. Selectman Branch had an excused absence.

I.      Call to order.

Chairman Coombs called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Minutes

A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of October 1, 2007, October 15, 2007 and November 5, 2007.

        Selectman Mooers moved to approve the minutes of regular meeting of October 1, 2007, October 15, 2007 and November 5, 2007 with correction to several words, seconded by Selectman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

III.    Appointments and Communication

A.      Confirm appointment of Royce Gordon as Motor Equipment Operator I (MEO I), effective December 4, 2007 at a rate of $14.23 per hour, increasing to $14.95 after successful completion of six-month probationary period.
        Selectman Smallidge moved to confirm the appointment of Royce Gordon, with the effective date to be changed to November 20, 2007 from December 4, 2007, seconded by Selectman Mooers. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.
B.      Confirm appointment of Leon Peasley to Head Mechanic, effective December 4, 2007 at a rate of $17.24 per hour, increasing to $18.10 after successful completion of six-month probationary period.

        Selectman Smallidge moved to confirm the appointment of Leon Peasley, with the effective date to be changed to November 20, 2007, from December 4, 2007, seconded by Selectman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

C.      Acknowledge Bangor Hydro Electric MDOT application for utility location permit for new pole, on Rte 3/198 (Sound Drive) 1030 feet easterly of Rte. 102.

        No action needed, acknowledgement of Bangor Hydro Electric MDOT application for utility location permit for new pole, on Rte 3/198 (Sound Drive) 1030 feet easterly of Rte. 102.
D.      Acknowledge Maine Department of Environmental Protection invitation to participate in Maine Pumpout Grant Program.

        No action needed acknowledgement of Maine Department of Environmental Protection invitation to participate in Maine Pumpout Program. There was considerable discussion of the impact of Northeast Harbor being considered for a "No Discharge Area". Harbor Master Murphy said he was in favor of the no discharge area, but wasn't sure how he and the Town were going to keep it enforced. Citizen Rick Savage felt that the Town is not prepared to handle this if the State mandates that the harbor becomes a "No Discharge Area". The Town will need to do extensive preparation and serious updating of the systems and equipment that they use now in order to be compliant. Harbor Master Murphy shared Mr. Savage's concerns; he also would like to see more of the businesses contribute if this is mandated, because Northeast Harbor does more than just the local boat population. Selectman Smallidge said he couldn't support this agenda item till he saw data. He felt that the DEP was passing the ball, and what the bottom line was going to cost the Town. Selectman Smith and Mooers wanted more information provided to the Board before they could comment.

E.      Letter of appreciation to College of the Atlantic President Hales for donation of plotter.

        No action acknowledgement for letter of appreciation to the College of the Atlantic.

F.      Acknowledge receipt of MMA Risk Management Services Safety Enhancement Grant Program Award to Mount Desert Fire Department for a firefighter accountability system.

        No action acknowledgement receipt of MMA Risk Management Services Safety Enhancement Program Award.
G.      Acknowledge receipt of MMA Risk Management Services Stewardship Report.

        No action acknowledgement of MMA Risk Management Services Stewardship Report.

H.      Acknowledge receipt of monthly report: Police
        No action acknowledgement of receipt of Police monthly report.
I.      Acknowledge receipt of monthly financials, Trial Balance, Revenue Control Report, and Appropriation Control Report.

        No action acknowledgement of monthly financials.

IV.     Selectman's Reports

Selectman Coombs questioned the lack of activity on Beech Hill Road, Island Housing Trust Project, Ripples Tract. Selectman Smallidge said he would like to see a progress report along with a time line. Smallidge said he would like to see this on the December 17th Selectmen's agenda.

There was a question for resident George Peckham about the Rural Waste Water Septic Program and the timing of the payments.  

V.       Old Business

A.      Discuss results of non-binding MDI HS funding formula referendum.

Considerable discussion between Selectmen Smith, Mooers and Smallidge of the RPC role in defining the RSU. Town Manager MacDonald stated that he thought the Town was right in line with Secretary of State's prediction for voter turnout for the last election. Selectman Smallidge felt that the Board of Selectmen should stand by with what they said. Selectman Smith reiterated the same thoughts, and felt that there is a high problem with the funding formula, and that he did not favor the total cost per student idea.

B.      Respond to National Park Service request for comment on Folly Island conservation easement.  

There was brief discussion of the impact of the conservation easement on Folly Island. The issue was deferred to the Planning Board at their last meeting. The Planning Board took no position on the item with "no comment necessary". With the Planning Board's decision the Board of Selectmen directed Town Manager MacDonald to write to Acadia National Park to express regrets for the loss of the taxable property to the Town.

VI.     New Business

A.      Sign Return of the Special Town Meeting Warrant.

Selectman Coombs with the Boards approval moved to sign the Return of the Special Town Meeting Warrant at the conclusion of the meeting.

B.      Cast ballot for one position on Municipal Review Committee, Inc. Board of Director

Selectman Mooers stated that he was not comfortable voting on a ballot that he knew nothing about the people running. Mooers moved that the Board of Selectmen return a blank ballot, seconded by Selectman Smith. The voter was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

C.      Review and comment, League of Towns "Governmental Administration Mutual Aid Agreement".
There was brief discussion of the League of Town's Administration Mutual Aid Agreement. Town Manager asked the Board to table for review to offer comments and questions for the next meeting.

D.      Review MDOT "head of island" traffic flow improvements.

Considerable discussion on the "head of island" traffic flow improvement. Selectman Smith directed staff to write a letter of strong support to Maine Department of Transportation and Town of Bar Harbor to reconsider the importance of the project, motion seconded by Mooers. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

E.      Approve expenditure of up to $10,000.00 for replacement of floor tiles in Somesville Fire Station.

Selectman Mooers moved to approve the replacement of the floor tiles at the Somesville Fire Station, with the understanding that the project could be cheaper than originally allocated, seconded by Selectman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.     
III.    General Issue

A.       Approve release of funds from Selectmen's Contingency Fund (account 0403-2903, balance $5,565.75) to pay for a retirement gift and plaque 26 + year employee.

        Selectman Coombs moved to approve $143.30 for the plaque and $417.92 for the gift for recently retired employee from the Selectmen's Contingency Fund, seconded by Selectmen Mooers. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

VIII.     Other Business

There was a brief update on the RedZone wireless project.  A memo from some Pretty Marsh residents was included in the Board of Selectmen's packet.             
IX.        Treasurer's Warrants

            Approve Treasurer's Warrant #84 for $730,187.22 and # 85 for $67,623.68.

Selectman Mooers moved to approved Treasurer's Warrant #84 for $730,187.22 and #85 for $67,623.68, seconded by Selectman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.   

X.           Executive Session
At 8:05 p.m. Selectman Smith moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Mooers.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey Smith,