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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 12/01/08
         Monday, December 1, 2008

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room at the Town Office on 21 Sea Street in Northeast Harbor , Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Patrick Smallidge, Selectmen Jeffrey Smith, Chuck Bucklin, Rick Mooers, Town Manager Michael MacDonald; Public Works Director Tony Smith, Harbor Master Shawn Murphy, Treasurer John Graves  Recording Secretary Jennifer McWain, and members of the public. Selectman Jean Bonville was absent.

I.      Call to order.

Chairman Smallidge called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Minutes

A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of November 24, 2008.

Selectman Bucklin moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 24, with one spelling correction, seconded by Selectman Smith. The motion was approved 4-0.

III.    Appointments and Communications

A.      Acknowledge receipt of Somesville WWTF upgrade construction summary for the week of November 21.
        No action, acknowledged receipt of WWTF upgrade summary. Public Works Director Smith commented that everything was going smoothly.

B.      Acknowledge notice of Municipal Review Committee Annual Meeting, Tuesday, December 9, 2008.

        No action, acknowledged of receipt of Municipal Review Committee Annual Meeting.        

IV.     Selectmen Reports


V.      Old Business

A.      Review list of Rural Wastewater Support Program grant recipients.

        Town Manager MacDonald reviewed the list of grant recipients and summarized the number of ineligible applicants. There were 10 ineligible applicants, 7 applicants for non-payment of property taxes and 3 applicants for failing to have their septic systems inspected. Town Manager MacDonald will present a warrant next week so the payments can be sent out before the holidays.

B.      Preparation for December 4 MDI HS funding formula forum.

        There was considerable discussion with Citizens Andrew Horner and Robert Smallidge about the upcoming funding formula forum December 4, 2008 at the High School. Selectman Smallidge will share his prepared comments with the Board of Selectmen prior to the forum. Selectman Smallidge commented that the figures will speak for themselves. Selectman Bucklin said he would be there to support Selectman Smallidge.

C.      Discussion of “moving forward” with Comprehensive Plan.

        After considerable discussion of the process to the move the Comprehensive Plan through an approval process. Selectman Mooers supporting the amended Plan with "shall seek" replacing "must" and "shall". The Board of Selectman will include another public hearing at the January 5, 2009 Board of Selectman Meeting. The Board of Selectman directed Town Manager MacDonald to contact Comprehensive Planning Chair Suminsby and ask to provide an "Executive Summary" that could be distributed as a mailing to all residents.

D.      Approve release and transfer of $30,000.00 from NEH Marina Reserve account 20-24120-82 (Balance $210,827.10) to NEH Marina budget line 120-05-504-51, Other Purchased Professional Services.

        Selectman Mooers moved to approve the release and transfer of $30,000.00 for the NEH Marina Reserve account 20-24120-82 (Balance $210,827.10) to NEH Marina budget line 120-05-504-51, Other Purchased Professional Services, seconded by Selectman Smith. The motion was approved 4-0.

VI.     New Business

A.      Review of budget development meeting schedule.

Selectman Mooers moved to approve the budget development meeting schedule, seconded by Selectman Smith. The schedule has also been reviewed by the Warrant Committee Chairman Ferm. The motion was approved 4-0.

B.      Discussion of budget assumptions.

        There was considerable discussion with the Board about health insurance options for the upcoming budget; there was a suggestion from a citizen to look into higher employer funded deductible. The Board of Selectmen indicated that the use of energy and high fuel prices are at a historical high. Also the Board accepted the Merit Wage Adjustment Matrix as presented with 3.5% in the center position.

VII.    General Issues

VII.    Other Business


IX. Treasurer’s Warrants

A.      Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #40 for $1,155,079.47.

Selectman Smith moved to approve the Treasurer’s Warrant #40 for $1,155,079.47, seconded by Selectman Mooers. The motion was approved 4-0.

X       Executive Session


Selectman Mooers moved adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday December 15 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor.

Respectfully submitted,

Rick Mooers