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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 09/08/09
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

5:30PM  Inspection of new Fire Department ladder truck in the lower Town Office Parking Lot. Before the Board of Selectmen’s Meeting the new ladder truck was available for viewing in the lower lot of the Town Office Parking Lot. Several members of the Board and public came for the viewing.

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Jeffery Smith, Selectmen Rick Mooers, Chuck Bucklin, Jean Bonville and Marilyn Damon, Town Manager Michael MacDonald, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Fire Chief Michael Bender, Assessor Kyle Avila, Police Chief James Willis, Harbor Master Shawn Murphy, Finance Director John Graves, Town Clerk Joelle Nolan, Recording Secretary Jennifer McWain and members of the public.

I.      Call to order.

Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.

II.     Minutes

A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of August 17, 2009.

Selectman Mooers moved to approve the minutes of August 17, 2009, seconded by Selectman Bucklin. The motion was approved 5-0.   

III.    Appointments and Communications

A.      Authorize Town Manager to submit a letter to the Secretary of the Interior requesting that Mr. Richardson be re-nominated to the Acadia Advisory Commission.

Selectman Mooers moved to authorize the Town Manager to submit a letter to the Secretary of the Interior requesting that Mr. Paul Richardson be re-nominated to the Acadia Advisory Commission, seconded by Selectman Bucklin. The motion was approved 5-0.

IV.     Consent Agenda

A.       Approve Malt, Spirituous and Vinous liquor license for Harbor View Corp d/b/a Main Sail Restaurant.
B.      Acknowledge receipt of Weekly Construction Summary for Somesville WWTF Upgrade, August 14, 2009, August 21, 2009 and August 28, 2009.
C.      Letter of appreciation from Town of Southwest Harbor, donation of ladder truck.
D.      Acadia Disposal District notice of September 26, 2009 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection in Tremont.
E.      Approve Bangor Hydro Electric utility location permit for one pole approximately 605 feet southerly from the junction of Millbrook Road and Tennis Club Road.
F.      Acknowledge receipt of monthly department reports; Code Enforcement, Police, Assessing, Fire, Town Clerk, Public Works and Wastewater.
G.      Acknowledge receipt of 2008-2009 monthly financials; Exp / Rev Report.
H.      Acknowledge receipt of 2009-2010 monthly financials; Exp / Rev Report.
I.      Acknowledge invitation to a celebration of a Blue Mass to recognize those who contribute to the public health and safety, Sunday September 20, 2009.

Selectman Mooers moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, items A-I no items removed, seconded by Selectman Bucklin. The motion was approved 5-0.

V.      Selectmen Reports
Selectman Bucklin mentioned an article that he read about Charter Schools and their funding, he wanted the rest of the Board to read it and let him know their thoughts.

Selectman Bonville asked Town Manager MacDonald if the Town would pay expenses for the Maine Municipal Conference in October, answer in the affirmative. Selectman Bonville also reminded the Board of Selectmen of moving the Town Meeting date needs to be a topic of discussion during the Town Meeting warrant development.

VI.     Old Business

A.      Acknowledge and discussion of petition to research alleged noise pollution from Seal Harbor WWTP.

There was considerable discussion with Public Works Director Smith and Seal Harbor Citizen Dennis Shubert. The Board of Selectmen and Citizens were appreciative of Public Works Director Smith’s efforts to address the sounds coming form the Seal Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant. He thinks the noise is coming from a blower. There was no action taken, the Board will await a report from an acoustical engineer.

B.      Biofuel planned usage update.

Public Works Director Smith said that the mechanics at the garage had done research on the effects that biofuel had on diesel engines. The department would like to limit the use of the biofuel to one of the old trucks to track its effects. There was no action taken, the Board of Selectmen was appreciative of the information.

C.      Discussion of conceptual sketch of meeting room as proposed Police / Dispatch offices.

Police Chief Willis gave a brief introduction and explained the diagram of the proposed transformation of the meeting room into a police/dispatch area. There was considerable discussion between Police Chief Wills, Public Works Director Smith, Public Protection Committee member Dennis Shubert, Town Manager MacDonald and members of the Board of Selectmen. The Board asked for copies of all the drawings related to the renovation/additions to the Town Office building. The Public Protection Committee will be meeting on September 9, 2009.

VII.    New Business

A.      Approve request to solicit bids for replacement vehicle for 2000 F-150 Buildings and Grounds.

Public Works Director Smith told the Board that the old vehicle would not pass inspection. Selectman Bonville approved the request to solicit bids for a replacement vehicle for 2000 F-150, Buildings and Grounds, seconded by Selectman Bucklin. The motion was approved 5-0.
B.      Approve and adopt “Policy on Treasurer’s Disbursement Warrant for State Fees.”

        After a brief explanation from Town Manager MacDonald and a summary of need, Selectman Mooers moved to adopt and approve the disbursement policy for state fees, seconded by Selectman Bonville. The motion was approve 5-0.

C.      Discussion and approval of budget development schedule.

Selectman Mooers moved to approve the budget development schedule, seconded by Selectman Bucklin. The motion was approved 5-0.

D.      Review Finance Director’s report on foreclosed properties.

There was considerable discussion with Finance Director Graves, Town Manager MacDonald and the Board about foreclosed properties and personal property taxes. Selectman Bonville stated that the Town should have a uniform way of sending delinquent tax bills, follow through with the process of liens and foreclosures, and stick with a process and schedule. The Board did reject the suggestion to “write off” Personal Property taxes less than $200.00 and directed staff to take aggressive collection efforts to collect all past due Personal Property taxes. Also directed staff to issue 30 and 45 day demand letters to all past due tax accounts that qualify.

E.      Designate voting delegate to Maine Municipal Annual Business Meeting, October 7, 2009.

        Selectman Mooers moved to designate Town Manager MacDonald as the voting delegate to Maine Municipal Annual Business Meeting, October 7, 2009, seconded by Selectman Damon. The motion was approved 5-0.
F.      Accept donation of a Blitzfire Monitor kit valued at $3,488.37, from the Mount Desert Fire Rescue Association (Article 51 Annual Town Meeting Warrant).

Selectman Bonville moved to accept the donation of the Blitzfire Monitor kit from the Mount Desert Fire Rescue Association, and directed that Town Manager MacDonald write a letter of appreciation, seconded by Selectman Mooers. The motion was approved 5-0.

G.      Accept monetary donation of $2,000.00 from the Mount Desert Fire Rescue Association to be placed in the Fire Equipment Reserve Account.

Selectman Mooers moved to accept the monetary donation of $2,000.00 from the Mount Desert Fire Rescue Association to be placed in the Fire Equipment Reserve Account, and directed that Town Manager MacDonald write a letter of appreciation, seconded by Selectman Bonville. The motion was approved 5-0.

H.      Approve release of $2,000.00 from Fire Equipment Reserve Account # for purchase of additional firefighting equipment for new ladder truck.

Selectman Bonville moved to approve release of $2,000.00 from Fire Equipment Reserve Account # 20-24104-71 for purchase of additional firefighting equipment for new ladder truck, seconded by Selectman Mooers. The motion was approved 5-0.

I.      Approve request to close Rock End Road on Friday October 2, 2009 to permit Neighborhood House to host a T.G.I.F. (Thank Goodness its Fall) "block party" style event.

Item taken out of order, moved to the top of New Business agenda by Board. There was a public safety discussion with Fire Chief Bender and Police Chief Willis about the event. Selectman Mooers moved conditional approval contingent upon providing public safety access during the event, seconded by Selectman Damon. Fire Chief Bender will visit the site of the event to recommend access for public safety. The motion was approved 5-0.

VII.    General Issues

Selectman Mooers raised the issue of the appointment of an Acting Town Manager, noting a conflict with the Town Charter for designation of the Board of Selectman Chairman as Acting Town Manager. There is need for someone from staff to assume the position in the absence of the Town Manager. The Board would like this item added to the next agenda.

VIII.   Committee Reports

No action taken, acknowledged receipt of the Public Protection Committee minutes for July 8, 2009.
X.      Treasurer’s Warrants

A.      Approve Treasurer’s 2008-2009 Warrant #103 for $4,777.95 and #107 for $519.50; 2009-2010 Warrant #12 for $1,396,849.48 and #14 for $739,057.82.

Selectman Mooers moved to approve Treasurer’s 2008-2009 Warrant #103 for $4,777.95 and #107 for $519.50; 2009-2010 Warrant #12 for $1,396,849.48 and #14 for $739,057.82, as presented, seconded by Selectman Bucklin. The motion was approved 4-1, Selectman Bonville voted against signing the warrants as she has questions  regarding some warrant entries.
X       Executive Session

Selectman Mooers moved to adjourn at 8:15PM, seconded by Selectman Bucklin. The motion was approved 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Bonville