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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 03/02/09
Monday, March 2, 2009

Meeting was reschedules to March 4, 2009 because of snowstorm

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room at the Town Office on 21 Sea Street in Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Vice Chairman Patrick Smallidge, Selectmen Jeffrey Smith, Chuck Bucklin, Rick Mooers, Jean Bonville, Town Manager Michael MacDonald, Fire Chief Mike Bender, Harbor Master Shawn Murphy, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Finance Director John Graves, Assessor Kyle Avila, recording secretary Jennifer McWain and members of the public . Finance Director Graves left the meeting at 9:15PM.

I.      Call to order.

Vice Chairman Smallidge called the meeting to order at 6:30PM

II.     Minutes

A.      None

III.    Appointments and Communications

A.      None

IV.     Consent Agenda

A.      Acknowledge receipt of Weekly Construction Summary for Somesville WWTF Upgrade for week of February 20, 2009.

B.      Acknowledge receipt of Notice of Small Claims Court Hearing.

C.      Acknowledge receipt of Electromagnetic Fields letter of concern from Southwest Harbor resident.

D.      Acknowledge receipt of Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust notice of Medical Plan Options.

E.      Acknowledge receipt of Maine Department of Transportation Commissioner Cole “Memo to Municipal Officials” on Transportation related information on federal economic recovery legislation

F.      Acknowledge PW Director Smith notice of Pretty Marsh Road reconstruction project scheduled start date; mid-May.

G.      Notice from Maine Coalition to Save Schools Chairman Skip Greenlaw.

        Motion by Selectman Mooers to accept the Consent Agenda as presented items A-G, no items removed, seconded by Selectman Smith. The motion was approved 5-0.

V.      Selectmen Reports

Selectman Bucklin had questions about the letter from a Southwest Harbor resident regarding concerns of the Electromagnetic Fields relative to wireless towers.

Selectman Smallidge acknowledged Citizen Charles Wray efforts to get email service in the Echo Lake/Hall Quarry area. Selectman Smallidge referred Mr. Wray to speak with Citizen David Irvin who is also having a problem in getting email service. Selectman Smallidge stated that RedZone is Town funded and maybe the Town needed to revisit expansion. Selectman Bucklin reminded the Board that there was a previous letter to the Board pertaining to this subject and the problem with receiving coverage in that area of Town was due to the mature tree growth.

VI.     Old Business

A.      Budget Discussion with PW Director Smith.
        There was a presentation and recap by Public Works Director Smith to the Board and present Warrant Committee members on the justifications to increase the Public Works budget. Director Smith commented that his budget was down 109K from last year, but after his presentation he wanted to add $36,523.00 to the new budget. Selectman Bonville asked how often does the Public Works Department pay Workers Comp insurance and pay increases with Union contracts. Selectman Bonville would like to show the expenditures on the budget for next year, 2008-actuals and 2009 what is spent already. Selectman Mooers moved to accept all changed as presented, resulting in Public Works budget increase of $36,523.00, seconded by Selectman Smith. The motion was approved 5-0.

B.      Review Culture/Rec/Library and All Other /Public Agency funding requests.

        Selectman Mooers moved to approve the following service group requests: Acadian Little League, American Red Cross, Bar Harbor Food Pantry, Down East Aids Network, Downeast Horizons, Downeast Transportation, Eastern Area Agency on Aging, Hospice of Hancock County, Hancock County Homecare and Hospice, Island Connections, Islander Explorer, Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce, Mount Desert Historical Society, Mount Desert Nursery, Mount Desert , Mount Desert Nursing Association, Northeast Harbor Library, Seal Harbor Library, Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society, Somesville Library, Somesville Village Improvement Society and WHCA, seconded by Selectman Smith.  The motion was approved 5-0.

        Selectman Mooers moved to approve the service group request for Community Health and Counseling and the Mount Desert Island YMCA, seconded by Selectman Smith. The motion did not pass, 0-5.

C.      Review Town Meeting Warrant.
There was considerable discussion of grammatical corrections and dates in the warrant.
They were as follows: 1. A-2 Elected Officials, include list of open offices. 2. A-3 Moratorium Ordinance moved from referendum to open Town Meeting. 3. All appropriation of funds articles add “vote to” to appropriations warrant articles so the phrase reads in part “Town of Mount Desert will vote to raise and appropriate”. 4. A-17 add word account after Capital Improvement Reserve.5. A-18 delete or remove (transfer of any balance over $500K). 6. New article to include an advisory warrant article for Marina Budget. 7. All school articles replace with current language. 8. New article approval for lease payments for new fire truck. 9. Include RWWSP ordinance amendment (add “current with taxes”, change completion deadline for pumping septic tanks to November 15. 10. Comp Plan article should reference copies available at the Town Clerk’s office, library and on the Town’s website. 11. Did not vote to include the Water District property sale to MCHT. 12. Add explanation box to sidewalk donation article, (opposite Somesville One Stop).

D.      Review budget worksheets.

        There was considerable discussion from the Board about the budget format and the removal of the department head column and rename Manager to Staff also to remove the Warrant Committee Column and add 2007 and 2008 (six month) actual and include carry forward column. There was also discussion on the negative revenue line for Rapid Renewal costs. Discussion on various personnel salary and wage % increases, verified participation in the retirement programs and P & C insurance allocations.

       New Business

A.      Review Assessor’s draft “Valuation Adjustment” letter to selected property owners.

        Assessor Avila was present to discuss with the Board letters that he sent out to selected property owners advising them that (corrections) had been made to their valuations. Assessor Avila said that after running a sales analysis report it was obvious that these properties required adjustments.

B.      Award print bid for Town Meeting Warrant and Town Report.

        Selectman Smith moved to award the print bid for Town Meeting Warrant and Town Report to Snowman Printing in Bangor, seconded by Selectman Mooers. The motion was approved 5-0.

C.      Review three less than $10.00 liens to decide which accounts to “write off” or pursue through the lien process.

The Board TABLED less than $10.00 liens to decide which accounts to “write off” or pursue through the lien process.

D.      Review possible MD Water District Warrant Article on first refusal for 39 acre Water District parcel.

There was considerable discussion with Maine Coast Heritage Trust Brian Reilly and Mount Desert Water District Paul Slack. Selectman Smith felt that it was too much, too late, table until next available warrant in the fall. Selectman Smallidge moved not to include the waiver of right of first refusal as a warrant article in May 2009 Town Meeting, seconded by Selectman Smith. The vote was approved 5-0.

VII.    General Issues

Resident Matt Bucklin requested appointment to the vacancy on the Mount Desert Island High School Trustee position formally held by Citizen Peckham. Former Trustee Peckham’s letter was unclear as to his date of resignation. The Board directed Town Manager MacDonald to contact Mr. Peckham and request a letter with a date certain for his resignation.
IX.     Committee Reports

        There was a brief verbal report from the Investment Committee endorsing the changes to the Investment Policy.

X.      Treasurer’s Warrants

A.      None

X       Executive Session


Selectman Mooers moved adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Smith. The vote was unanimous in favor, meeting adjourned at 9:40PM.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, March 9, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. in Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor.

Respectfully submitted,

Rick Mooers