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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 04/19/11
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2011

Public Hearing 6:35PM
Special Amusement Permit request for Main Sail Restaurant

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Tom Richardson, Selectmen Jean Bonville, Chuck Bucklin, and Rick Mooers, Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Finance Director John Graves, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Town Clerk/Recording Secretary Joelle Nolan, and members of the public.

I       Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Chairman Richardson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II      Minutes
A.      Approve minutes of March 14, 2011 and April 4, 2011 meetings.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville, to approve the minutes of March 14, 2011 as presented.  The vote was unanimous, 4-0.

MOTION:  Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to approve the minutes of April 4, 2011 as amended.  The vote was unanimous, 4-0.

III     Appointments and Recognitions
A.      Acknowledge receipt of Thank You from Planning Board Chairman Ellen Brawley to Planning Board Secretary Claire Woolfolk for job well done.

MOTION:  Selectman Bucklin moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville to acknowledge receipt of Thank You from Planning Board Chairman Ellen Brawley to Planning Board Secretary Claire Woolfolk for job well done.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

B.      Acknowledge receipt of Thank You to Ken Poors and Highway crew for correcting a drainage issue.

MOTION:  Selectman Bucklin moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville, to acknowledge receipt of Thank You to Ken Poors and Highway crew for correcting a drainage issue.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

C.      Appoint Ballot Clerks for May 2, 2011 Annual Town Meeting Candidate Election.
Selectman Bonville noted that Joanne Robbins is now Joanne Eaton.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to appoint Ballot Clerks for May 2, 2011 Annual Town Meeting Candidate Election as presented, except that Joanne Robbins is changed to Joanne Eaton.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

D.      Appoint Ballot Clerks for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting for MDES Budget Validation Referendum.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville, to appoint Ballot Clerks for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting Candidate Election as presented, except that Joanne Robbins is changed to Joanne Eaton.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

E.      Appoint Ballot Clerks for June 14, 2011 for Mount Desert Island Regional School District Budget Validation Referendum.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville, to appoint Ballot Clerks for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting Candidate Election as presented, except that Joanne Robbins is changed to Joanne Eaton.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

At 6:39 p.m., Chairman Richardson opened the Public Hearing on the Application for Special Amusement Permit by Penny J. Fernald for the Main Sail Restaurant and asked for public comment.  Hearing none, he closed the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m.

IV      Consent Agenda (These items are considered to be routine, and therefore, will not be allotted Selectmen discussion time on the agenda.  The items may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion.  Any Board member may remove an item from the “Consent” portion of the agenda for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
A.      Acknowledge receipt of monthly Department Head reports: Fire, Police, Public Works and Wastewater.
B.      Acknowledge receipt of Acadia Disposal District Annual Meeting Agenda for April 14, 2011.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to approve Consent Agenda items A – B as presented.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

V       Selectmen’s Reports
Chairman Richardson announced that this meeting represents the last regular Board meeting for Selectman Bucklin and Selectman Bonville, as members of the Board of Selectmen.  He recognized their dedication and expressed thanks on behalf of himself and the Town.

Selectman Bucklin recalled that in the late 1990’s there was a Building Code Committee.  He suggested this might be a good time to resurrect the committee, due to the new State mandated building code.  Town Manager Lunt noted that he planned to include the State building code in a list of long range planning items for the new Board of Selectmen.  Selectman Bucklin wondered if Mount Desert would still come under the State mandate if its population drops below 2000.  Town Manager Lunt said probably since this is like a snapshot in time, we may have to wait for a new census.  Chairman Richardson asked what the committee would do.  Selectman Bucklin stated the former committee worked with the Code Enforcement Officer in reviewing codes and ordinances.  The committee was comprised of plumbers, electricians, and contractors.  Selectman Bucklin suggested the committee might be helpful with the implementation of the new State codes.  Town Clerk Nolan offered to research material on the former committee for presentation at a future Board meeting.
Selectman Bonville reminded staff that the Reynolds Scholarship needs to be addressed.  Town Manager Lunt thought there is not much interest income.  Selectman Bonville said the fund is based on what monies are available.  Finance Director Graves agreed there are not a lot of interest earnings, but there is growth in the portfolio.  He asked if we should be distributing capital gains as scholarship, or preserve?  Selectman Bonville said only the original amount of the fund needs to be preserved.

VI      Old Business
None presented.

VII     New Business
A.      Discussion with Finance Director Graves regarding Capital Improvement Reserve Accounting.
Responding to a request from Selectmen to provide a report showing how the Capital Reserve Funds are tracked in the General Ledger, Finance Director Graves prepared a memo of explanation, dated April 11, 2011, and three reports: 1.) a schedule of all the projects approved by the Board, including year to date and those carried over from previous years; 2.) a general ledger report showing the current balances of the investment fund, individual reserve accounts, and project accounts; and 3.) a detailed general ledger report showing all the transactions that have been recorded year to date.

He noted that he was used to a different method of tracking; and that he maintained a spreadsheet which incorporated the approved projects and the expenses charged to them.

This year, after a discussion with Kathi Mahar, he opened accounts payable accounts in the Municipal Reserve Fund (20) to account for each project.  He reiterated, from his memo, the explanation of how the new procedure works and gave an example, using the radio improvements Chief Willis did last fall.  With this current method, accounts are reconciled monthly; and money can be transferred as soon as approved by the Board which allows for opening projects faster.

Chairman Richardson lamented the he doesn’t understand why the TRIO reports are so cumbersome and hard to read.  Shouldn’t it be as easy as debits, credits, and a balance? Finance Director Graves agreed, but said this is what he has to work with.  He hopes once this procedure is better instituted, and there is a standard operating procedure, all will have better faith in the reports and find them easier to read.

7:05 pm. Selectman Mooers excused himself from the meeting.

Selectman Bucklin agreed it is a great idea to track the funds and that the Board and Department Heads need to know on a monthly basis what is spent.  Finance Director Graves said he is still researching the issue of project accounting; Maybe TRIO will offer more.  Selectman Bonville stated the reports should define the initial amount and what is left to use; this is not visible in the budget.  Also, the Somesville sewer bond isn’t showing.  She suggested transactions need to be done in a timely fashion in order track accurately.

7:13 Selectman Mooers returned to the meeting.
Finance Director Graves said the bond debt is not shown in fund 20, but in the general fund ledger; the due to/due from for Somesville sewer bond does not provide complete accounting for the bond fund.  He explained this system is what he inherited, and he is still trying to find a better method of project accounting.  Selectman Bonville insisted we should be able to look at debt service and see what is owed.

B.      Approve Class I Malt and Vinous liquor license for Michael Phillips d/b/a Redbird Provisions.

MOTION: Selectman Bonville moved, seconded by Selectman Mooers, to approve the Class I Malt and Vinous liquor license for Michael Phillips d/b/a Redbird Provisions.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

C.      Approve Dobbs Productions Inc. request to use public access channel 2 to broadcast “The Acadia Channel.”

MOTION: Selectman Bucklin moved, seconded by Selectman Mooers, to Approve Dobbs Productions Inc. request to use public access channel 2 to broadcast “The Acadia Channel.”  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

D       Authorize Mount Desert Fire Rescue Association to set up and staff a table at the Annual Town Meeting, May 3rd to showcase photos of the recently acquired Northeast Harbor Fire Company 1927 Ladder Truck.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville, to authorize Mount Desert Fire Rescue Association to set up and staff a table at the Annual Town Meeting, May 3rd, to showcase photos of the recently acquired Northeast Harbor Fire Company 1927 Ladder Truck.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

E       Request from Grants Hill resident for new street light to be blackened by Bangor Hydro.
Public Works Director Smith explained that “blackened” means the light is shaded to direct the light downward rather than outward.  He went on to say, if approved, he will do the follow-up with Bangor Hydro.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to approve request from Grants Hill resident for the new street light to be blackened by Bangor Hydro.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

F       Approve Special Amusement Permit, Class E, for the Main Sail Restaurant, for a term to coincide with liquor license.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to approve Special Amusement Permit, Class E, for the Main Sail Restaurant, for an extended term to coincide with the liquor license.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

G       Update from Town Manager Lunt regarding the conference call with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) about the Technical Assistance Program.
Town Manager Lunt said the conference call between the Revitalization Committee and ULI was well attended, and included members of the Planning Board.  ULI liked the ideas presented; however, the focus needs to be narrowed to meet the requirements of the Technical Assistance Program.  The RC will meet soon to limit the focus and will bring its recommendation to the Board.

H       Approve Order for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting for MDES Budget Validation Referendum, review draft Warrant and Timeline.

MOTION: Selectman Bonville moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to approve the Order for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting for MDES Budget Validation Referendum.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

I       Approve Order for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting for MDI Regional School District Budget Validation Referendum.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to approve the Order for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting for MDI Regional School District Budget Validation Referendum.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

J       Counter-sign Warrant for June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting for MDI Regional School District Budget Validation Referendum.

MOTION:  Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville to counter-sign the Warrant for the June 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting for MDI Regional School District Budget Validation Referendum.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

VIII    Committee Meeting Reports
A.      Acadia Disposal District meeting minutes for March 17, 2011.

IX      Treasurer’s Warrants
A.      Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #102 for $844,061.11.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bucklin, to approve Treasurer’s Warrant #102 for $844,061.11.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

X       Executive Session
None requested.

XI      Adjournment

MOTION: At 7:38 p.m., Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Bonville, to adjourn the meeting.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

Respectively submitted,

Jean Bonville