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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 11/19/12
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes November 19, 2012

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date at Somesville Fire House, Mount Desert, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Tom Richardson; Selectmen John Macauley, Rick Mooers and Dennis Shubert; staff members Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Treasurer Kathi Mahar, Fire Chief Mike Bender, Public Works Director Tony Smith, and Town Clerk/Recording Secretary Joelle Nolan; and members of the public.  Selectman Martha Dudman was excused.

I       Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Chairman Richardson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II      Public Hearing(s)
A.      None

III     Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes from November 5, 2012 meeting.

MOTION:  Selectman Shubert moved, seconded by Selectman Mooers, to approve the minutes from November 5, 2012 meeting as amended.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

IV      Appointments & Recognitions
A.      Appoint Joelle D. Nolan as Registrar of Voters for the term of January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014

MOTION:  Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to appoint Joelle D. Nolan as Registrar of Voters for the term of January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

V       Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion.  Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
A.      Department Reports:  Wastewater, Fire, Treasurer
B.      Citizens’ Letters of Concern Regarding Closure of Stanley Brook Road During Summer 2013

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Shubert, to acknowledge receipt of Consent Agenda items A – B.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

VI      Selectmen’s Reports
Selectman Shubert brought up the planned closure of Stanley Brook Road.  With the current timeline, it appears we have time to figure out options.  Town Manager Lunt thought not; Acadia National Park (ANP) will be bidding out the work soon, although he is unsure of the timetable.  Regarding a discussion about traffic count in that area, Chairman Richardson suggested ANP has a good idea from the previous bridge closing.  However, Selectman Shubert thought a current traffic count would be helpful so we can have hard numbers to work with.  Selectman Mooers wondered how big a bat we are swinging; and do we even get up to bat.  Town Manager Lunt said he is hoping to get the League of Towns involved, and that they will send a letter of support expressing their concerns.  He’ll also ask the Summer Residents Association to contact anyone with influence.  It was mentioned that Acadia National Park Ranger David Donovan might have influence with a member of congress.

Anne Funderburk, Steve Zirnkilton, Rosemary Matchak, and Carol Bult, all residents of Jordan Pond Road, Seal Harbor, spoke to the issues of safety [for the many children and pets], noise, and the dramatic increase in traffic on Jordan Pond Road.  Some people work from their homes; the heavy increase in traffic and noise would be very disruptive.   Lili Pew, member of the SRA, and a board member of Friends of Acadia, said she participates in ANP budget meetings.  She explained the narrow window of opportunity ANP has to do this work.  However, as a real estate broker, she understands how the dramatic change to high traffic would be a detriment to the area.  She feels it is critically important to sit with ANP and find some flexibility; and offered to talk with members of ANP.  Chairman Richardson suggested she coordinate with Town Manager Lunt.

Chairman Richardson indicated we have control over our town roads.  Selectman Mooers said he is concerned about how advanced the plan was before the Board heard about it.  Town Manager Lunt declared if we had been brought in from the beginning we could have been part of the solution, now we are a part of the problem.  Selectman Mooers agreed.  Selectman Macauley said the current plan is not acceptable.  Chairman Richardson stated the concerns are not going unheard.   Discussion continued about local traffic only on Jordan Pond Road, and whether to close the road at the top or just post it.  Town Manager Lunt will pursue options with ANP.

VII     Old Business
None presented.

VIII    New Business
A.      Draft Budget Schedule 2013-2014
Town Manager Lunt referred to the printed schedule and said it is pretty much the same as last year.  Selectman Shubert wondered, due to the length of time some of the budget meetings take, if they could start earlier.  Chairman Richardson said the Board can also consider other nights.  Town Manager Lunt noted the meetings in past years have started at 4:00 or 4:30 p.m.

B.      Draft CIP
Town Manager Lunt noted Treasurer Kathi Mahar put the CIP together from Department Head input.  The format is much the same as last year.  Board agreed it was well done.

C.      Foreclosures Pending
Chairman Richardson asked Treasurer Mahar what action the Board needs to take.  She replied there is nothing at this point.  She brought this to the Board’s attention now because if the Board wants to waive foreclosure on any of these properties, that needs to be done at the Board’s next meeting (December 3), which is just a few days prior to the foreclosure date of December 6.  In addition to all of the mandatory notices, she has talked with 3 out of the six property owners and left phone messages for the others.

Selectman Shubert asked what it costs the tax payers if a lien matures.  Treasurer Mahar explained it varies; the property owner would have to come before the Board to request to purchasing back the property.  This could include a title search, legal costs, advertising if put to bid, and a quit claim deed.  Selectman Mooers reminded the Board it also has the option of redemption.  Chairman Richardson requested that somebody be prepared to give an assessment of condition of the properties prior to the Board having to take action.  Treasurer Mahar stated CEO Keene would inspect the properties from the code enforcement perspective.  Chief Willis had his Officers confirm occupancy.

D.      Such other business as may be legally conducted
It was noted that two additional appointments need to be made to the LUZO Review Advisory Group.

MOTION:  Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley to appoint Katrina Carter/Citizen and Ellen Brawley/Planning Board Chairman to the LUZO Review Advisory Group effective November 6, 2012 with terms expiring May 31, 2013.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

IX      Committee Meeting Reports
A.      Salary Survey Committee Minutes October 30, 2012

MOTION:   Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to accept the Salary Survey Committee minutes from October 30, 2012 as presented.

DISCUSSION:  Selectman Shubert suggested the comparison to other communities include those in which every taxpayer is a voter, versus a seasonal community.  Town Manager Lunt clarified that the Committee was charged with two criteria: to use communities along the coast, and communities with a substantial influx of seasonal visitors.   He said certainly the Board can modify the charge of the committee.

VOTE:  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

X       Treasurer’s Warrants
A.      Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #61 in the amount of $599,093.75

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Shubert, to approve Treasurer’s Warrant #61 in the amount of $599,093.75.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

XI      Executive Session
A.      None

XII     Adjournment

MOTION: At 7:10 p.m. Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Shubert, to adjourn the meeting.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

John B. Macauley