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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 01/30/12
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Special Budget Meeting Minutes
January 30, 2012

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Tom Richardson; Selectmen Martha Dudman, John Macauley, Rick Mooers, and Dennis Shubert; staff members Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Police Chief Jim Willis, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, and Town Clerk/Recording Secretary Joelle Nolan; and members of the public.  Selectman Dudman was excused.

I       Call to order at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Richardson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

II      New Business
A.      1981 American LaFrance ladder truck, offer to return from Southwest Harbor Fire Department
Fire Chief Bender referred to the letter from Fire Chief Chisholm of Southwest Harbor.  He summarized the issue explaining we gave the truck to them in 2009; they now have a new truck and have offered to return the American LaFrance to Mount Desert.  When asked what the Town might gain from selling the truck, Fire Chief Bender said the last time it was bid, the results ranged from $51 to $3100.  He said it is likely worth more for scrap than bidding out; although, there is a town in Hancock County that would be interested in having the truck.  Fire Chief Bender asked the Board for direction.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to allow Southwest Harbor Fire Department to re-gift the 1981 American LaFrance ladder truck.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

B.      Budget review, Fire and Police
Chairman Richardson started with the Police portion and asked Police Chief Willis about the increase in lines 503-70 and 71/Vehicle Consumables and Gas.  Chief Willis explained that line 70 is used primarily for tires and the cost has increased.  The price of gas per gallon is being estimated at $4.00 and the department uses about 500 gallons a month.  When asked about 505-13 Cell phones, Chief Willis said the Town provides one for him and one in each of the three cruisers.

Selectman Shubert initiated a discussion about the position of Police Sargeant.  He understands the need to keep good help; however, he does not know what the position does.  Police Chief Willis said that the Sargeant is the supervisor when the Chief is absent, and usually works nights in order to have supervisor coverage day and night.  Also, Animal Control Officer and Shellfish Warden are included as part of the job description.  [Both of these positions require training and certification.]  In addition, he performs quarterly reviews of the staff.  Selectman Shubert asked how the department is staffed during the winter, and Police Chief Willis said staffing doesn’t change.  There are 5 full-time positions for the police schedule, of which he is one.
Police Chief Willis noted that wages appear higher than they really are because of accounting preferences.  Lines 501-16 and 17 are totally reimbursed plus the cost of benefits; which translates into nearly $100,000 returned.  The Town raises the money, then MDEA and Hancock County pays it back.

In reviewing the Communications portion, Chairman Richardson asked about the reduction in wages.  Police Chief Willis explained a long time employee retired who had family benefits; his replacement was hired at a lower wage, with single benefits.  There are 4 full-time dispatchers, which leaves on eight hour shift to fill with either overtime or a part-time employee.

The Chief explained that the Capital Improvement Plan has changed some in concept and presentation from last year, when any item listed had to be $5,000 or more.

Chief Willis made note of the $20,000 included in the CIP for a phone system upgrade.  The current system does work and is expandable, but is aging.  He volunteered to review and priced out a system that would service and connect all town buildings at an estimate of $20,000.  The department budget went down enough that if this is inserted it keeps the budget flat.  This led to a technical discussion about internet protocol systems and how it relates to the proposed new software system.  Board directed Chief Willis to contact vendors for a cost analysis.  On behalf of the Warrant Committee Phil Lichtenstein said he supports investigating a phone system, especially with the new computer system.

Selectman Mooers complimented Fire Chief Bender on his bullet point summary sheets; he said it was a good exercise and helpful.

Selectman Macauley questioned the increase in 505-20 Building Rep’ & Maint’ to $20,000.  Fire Chief Bender said he based the increase on the fact that last year that line went over budget almost $5,000; he is trying to keep pace with building repairs, but agreed he could reduce the amount to $15,000.  He went on say that some of the expensive purchases such as tires can be predicted; however, often there are unanticipated repairs.

Selectman Shubert wondered what is being done to attract volunteers.  Fire Chief Bender described a new incentive program which rewards firefighters based on number of years with the department and participation.  He polled the firefighters regarding pay-per-call and most were not interested.  He has a recruiting plan that he will implement in the fall.  The community knows the department is struggling.  He plans to open trainings to the public in hopes of attracting volunteers.  Selectman Shubert asked if part-time employees have been considered, in addition to volunteers.  Fire Chief Bender replied he has not used the approach of “if we paid you, would you join?”  Current stats show the cost of pay-per-call to be about $20,000.  The issue is still the aging of existing members, and the time needed for training and committing to the program.  It’s a national problem.  Selectman Shubert described it as a part-time job that isn’t recognized as such.  Chairman Richardson said he recently met with Southwest Harbor officials and they don’t seem to have a recruitment problem.  He recognized that Southwest Harbor has an interesting dynamic with its year round population.  Parents and grandparents have instilled in their children the importance of volunteering.  Fire Chief Bender recounted the recent loss of four good firefighters that the Town spent a lot of money on training.  Three have left the area and the other works full time out of town.  Firefighter and Warrant Committee member David Higgins said the Town does have a Junior Firefighter program; however, many are lost when they go to college.  Selectman Shubert wondered if it would be fair to ask the summer people include the volunteer firefighter in the job description of their caretakers.  Board thought not; most caretakers don’t live here.   Fire Chief Bender said he can add money to the budget for pay-per-call; however, in his opinion it won’t help.  Mr. Higgins commented that one of the objections firefighters had was the accounting involved; it’s a logistical issue that they did not want to put on the Town.

Warrant Committee member Katrina Carter said she has been questioned why, since the Town has a full time Fire Chief and full time firefighter, there is a need to pay for weekend coverage in the summer.  Fire Chief Bender explained it is important to have teams of at least two firefighters available.  Weekdays are the most difficult time for volunteer firefighters to be available.  Summer weekends are the second toughest time.  He and the full time firefighter work 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to cover what could be the most critical time.

Moving on to the CIP, Fire Chief Bender said he really struggled with it this year.  He echoed Chief Willis’ comment that last year items had to be $5,000 or over.  His old spreadsheet was just trucks, now the CIP includes equipment.  Last year the Board did not fund the entire CIP.  Discussion continued about the CIP format, reserves, and borrowing.

Board agreed the CIP gives a picture of what property the Town has; and that it is an essential tool and thoughtful approach to the budget.  Department Heads were thanked for their efforts.

III     Adjournment

MOTION:  At 5:10 Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to adjourn.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

John Macauley,