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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 12/02/13
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included: Chairman Tom Richardson; Selectmen Martha Dudman, John Macauley, Rick Mooers and Dennis Shubert; staff members Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Fire Chief Mike Bender, Harbormaster John Lemoine and Town Clerk/Recording Secretary Joelle Nolan; and members of the public.

I.      Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Chairman Richardson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Public Hearing(s)
A.      None

III.    Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes from November 18, 2013 meeting.

MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to approve the minutes from November 18, 2013 meeting.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

IV.     Appointments & Recognitions
A.      Approve Nomination of Joshua C. Jordan as Deputy Harbormaster effective December 9, 2013 at a rate of pay $21.76/hr

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to approve the nomination of Joshua C. Jordan as Deputy Harbormaster effective December 9, 2013 at a probationary rate of pay $21.76/hr.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

V.      Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion.  Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
A.      Department Reports:  Fire
B.      Marine Management Committee Minutes November 12, 2013
C.      MRC Cash Distribution for 2013 Fourth Quarter
Town Manager Lunt asked to take item B out to discuss.  Rick Savage from the Marine Management Committee was present and explained there have been numerous requests for laundry facilities at the Northeast Harbor Marina.  Although a facility was in the original design for the Yachtsmen Building, it was cut due to costs.  The Committee is suggesting two sets of small coin operated stackable machines.  Town Manager Lunt noted originally there were concerns of competition to existing laundry facilities in Town, but it appears this should not be a huge economic loss.  Mr. Savage said it is just a convenience item for boaters; the Yachtsmen Building is not open to the general public.  Mr. Savage went on to say the Committee is asking for Board approval to spend excess marina funds, and when pressed thought the cost would be less than $10,000.  Town Manager Lunt said the account is about $60,000 in the black.  

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to authorize the Harbormaster to provide an estimate and plan to add laundry facilities to the Yachtsmen Building at the Northeast Harbor Marina.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

MOTION:  Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to accept Consent Agenda items A & C.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

VI.     Selectmen’s Reports
Chairman Richardson told of a 100 feet or so of sidewalk in Otter Creek, starting at the concrete sluiceway and stretching to Paul Richardson’s driveway, that is a safety hazard.  If the Board is in agreement he would like to request Public Works Director Smith to obtain pricing and add the repair to his list.

MOTION:  Selectman Macauley moved, seconded by Selectman Shubert to authorize Public Works Director Smith to research the cost of repairing the described sidewalk in Otter Creek and to add it to the repair list.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

Selectman Mooers noted there was ice at the bottom of the Oak Hill Road after the last storm.  He was concerned that the water came from the newly installed pipe to the Selectmen’s Building.  Public Works Director Smith assured him the water was not from the construction and that he has a repair plan in place.

VII.    Old Business
None presented.

VIII.   New Business
A.      Request from Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society for Consideration of Needs of Public Bathrooms
Anne Funderburk, Vice President of the SHVIS, was present and reported that she has talked with Larry Taylor and members of SHVIS Board.  She referred to Larry Taylor’s letter dated November 22, 2013 in which he described the disrepair of the building.

The Town owns the building and the SHVIS maintains it.  She noted there have been numerous complaints regarding the lack of ADA access.  She is asking the Board to do a walk-through of the building, and noted it is the only game in Town to serve the beach and village.  Board discussed the uniqueness of the building, touched on the pros and cons of rehabbing versus rebuilding, and short term versus long term solutions.  Mr. Taylor was praised for his efforts.

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to authorize the Public Works Director to obtain an assessment of the building.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

B.      Hold Harmless & Release Agreement with Mount Desert Fire and Rescue Association

MOTION: Selectman Macauley moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to enter into a Hold Harmless & Release Agreement with Mount Desert Fire and Rescue Association and authorize the Fire Chief to sign the agreement.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

C.      Such other business as may be legally conducted
None presented.

IX.     Treasurer’s Warrants
A.      Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP1431 in the amount of $260,839.44
B.      Approve Signed Treasurer’s Payroll &State Fee Warrants 24, 25, AP1430, & 1429 in the amounts of $47,416.91, $46,460.86, $1,661.56, & $56,129.37, respectively
C.      Acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board Payroll Warrant 11 in the amount of $139,324.25

MOTION: Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to approve and acknowledge Treasurer’s Warrants A – C totaling $551,832.39.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

X.      Executive Session
A.      None

XI.     Adjournment

MOTION:  At 6:53 p.m., Selectman Mooers moved, seconded by Selectman Macauley, to adjourn the meeting.  The vote was unanimous in favor, 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,

John B. Macauley