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Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Special Budget Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2013
A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor, Maine.
Those present included: Chairman Tom Richardson; Selectmen Martha Dudman and Rick Mooers; staff members Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Treasurer Kathi Mahar, Fire Chief Mike Bender, Public Works Director Tony Smith; and members of the public. Selectmen John Macauley and Dennis Shubert were excused.
I. Call to order at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Richardson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
II. New Business
A. Budget review, Public Safety
Police Chief Willis explained there are some new lines representing overtime to allow more detailed reporting; and some lines involving state reporting are being deleted. The bottom lines appears to be significantly lower, however, it is simply from removing those items that are accounted for elsewhere (the MDEA officer and outside detail). Chief Willis reviewed the CIP schedule. He is going to phase out the current laptops; therefore, funding is at zero. He is experimenting with tablets, which are considerably less expensive. Hopefully they will hold up. The other significant change is in Records Management Software. He currently uses a stand-alone product that is not connected to the outside world; and has an opportunity to join Spillman through the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department.
This would allow better sharing of data. The cost is roughly $27,000 for Spillman plus connecting to the Sheriff Department server. He is working on a final figure. He’s added $10,000 to the CIP. He went on to describe the CAD component of the Spillman service which means greater interconnectivity and includes the fire department, 911 calls, etc. Everybody sees what everybody is doing in real time. Sharing information is critical. Selectman Mooers expressed concerns about relying on the Sheriff Department for management of the system. He would like to see the development of a Memorandum of Understanding and a Data Use Agreement with the Department for all participants to sign. Hopefully this would protect participants when it comes time for upgrades and equipment replacement [cost of]. Chief Willis said he and the Sheriff’s Department are in total agreement. Selectman Dudman asked if a cost saving
would be realized if other island towns participated. Chief Willis replied no. Review of the regular budget found ammo costs increased, along with training. An expansion into what is now the public restroom is planned, with new police lockers and furniture. Chairman Richardson said the budget appears to be down over 3% due to the deletion of about $64,000 as explained earlier. It is actually up about $36,000 (including the one-time locker/furniture expense); the offset is in revenue (outside detail). Selectman Mooers said he is concerned that the overtime pay line does not reflect coverage needed with the closure of the Jordan Pond Road this summer. Chief Willis said he and Town Manager Lunt met with Paul Murphy/Island Explorer recently to discuss bus scheduling. If the Island Explorer uses the Jordan Pond Road, which means 39 trips daily, nothing changes regarding police coverage. If not, and the route changes to traverse Main
Street, Seal Harbor, the run will be hourly and will not go to Jordan Pond House; this will affect Jordan Pond Road closure and police coverage. Overtime costs depend on how complicated the use of Jordan Pond Road is.
Communications/Dispatch - the CIP includes $40,000 in upgrades to the radio system. Chairman Richardson recalled that a new system was installed last year. Chief Willis agreed; however, the federal government now requires a narrow band system. Over the last 10 years the frequency range has been 900 megahertz (consumer wireless communications) which directly interferes with public safety equipment. The most electronic noise is at Mount Desert Elementary School where the antenna is. Some firefighters can’t be reached. By installing equipment in Otter Creek and Beech Hill we helped the issue of signals coming in but not going out from dispatch. With the addition of narrow banding, there is more potential for interference. It’s a nationwide problem. Forty thousand dollars is to
build a stronger transmission network. Public Works has also suffered. Fire Chief Bender stressed the importance of dealing with this problem; there have been several occasions where firefighters have missed important calls. With a roster of only 19 firefighters, lack of communication is a real problem. He’s nervous something will happen and we won’t be able to contact firefighters and the ambulance. Chairman Richardson asked if this will take care of the problem, and Chief Willis said this should fix it for a long time. Public Works Director offered to contribute toward the costs. Chairman Richardson suggested all departments benefiting contribute to maintenance costs. Chief Willis noted there is $5,000 in the CIP for a security camera system. With the building addition, dispatch lost several windows; this system would cover the entrances they can no longer see and otherwise update a very old, inefficient system. During the discussion, it was decided to purchase the
system within the current budget and reduce the CIP by $5,000.
Fire Chief Bender, regarding the CIP, noted his department is due to replace the 1990 Ford pumper truck, and will do something smaller chassis wise. Fire station space and driveway size are issues that have to be taken into consideration. Chairman Richardson asked if the last truck purchase was done with a mix of reserves and borrowing, and Chief Bender replied no, it was bought directly from reserves. At the end of this fiscal year he will have about $99,000 in truck reserves. The estimated cost of the next truck is $300,000. Chairman Richardson clarified that the reserve increase of $171,000 is about what the department did not receive year, for a total of $282,000. On the regular budget, Chief Bender explained the increase in Custodial Services is for the Seal Harbor and Somesville Fire Station meeting
rooms; the firefighters take care of the truck bays, offices, and equipment rooms. The estimate is based on a quote from a professional cleaning service for a one time, top to bottom cleaning. These buildings have not had a thorough cleaning for many years. Selectman Dudman suggested the estimate [$10,000] is high; perhaps a local cleaner could do it for less. Chief Bender said he has asked around and not been able to find anyone. Public Works Director Smith noted that a professional cleaning service is hired each year to clean the Town Office and the quote Chief Bender has is in line with those costs. Town Manager Lunt spoke to the importance of presenting a professional image and that we are taking care of town buildings. Chairman Richardson returned to the reserves for fire engines and said he understands the request for keeping the numbers in the CIP. The fire trucks are the most expensive pieces of equipment in this town.
He still promotes dealing with a steady reserve and borrowing when the truck is needed. He firmly believes it is more important to pay when used and not pre-tax taxpayers. He sees it as not a question of what is being purchased, but how and when. Town Manager Lunt suggested reserves earned interest and bonds resulted in paying interest. Chief Bender recalled the days when there were no reserves and full funding for trucks was done at Town Meeting. Those were big pills for taxpayers to swallow. Reserves spread out the costs. Selectman Dudman asked for Treasurer Mahar’s perspective. She explained that once we get past these big bumps while trying to get on track, there will not be the big spikes and fluctuations. We will be more in line with spreading the costs over the real life of the equipment. We have been catching up from substantial outlays of money. Chairman Richardson maintained that taxpayers
cannot borrow money at the same rate as the Town. Returning to the regular fire department budget, Chairman Richardson asked about the amount for dry hydrants and Otter Creek Fire Pond. Fire Chief Bender said he is still unsure about the dredging of the fire pond. The cost is a guestimate; however, he hopes to have more information in a few weeks. Chairman Richardson noted that the fire department budget is up 40% overall; however, all but $22,000 is in the CIP.
III. Adjournment
MOTION: At 5:40 p.m. Selectman Dudman moved, seconded by Selectman Mooers to adjourn the meeting. The vote was in favor, 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
John P. Macauley
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