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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 02/16/16
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2016

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included:  Chairman John Macauley; Selectmen Martha Dudman, Matt Hart, Tom Richardson; staff members Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Treasurer Kathi Mahar, and Recording Secretary Heidi Smallidge; and members of the public.  Selectman Shubert, excused.

I.      Call to order at 6:00 p.m.

Chairman Macauley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

II.     Executive Session
  • Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. § 405(6) (E) Consultations with legal counsel regarding an Administrative Consent Agreement
Selectman Hart moved, with Selectman Richardson seconding, to go into Executive Session.  Motion approved 4-0.  Board entered Executive Session at 6:00 PM.

Selectman Macauley moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to end Executive Session.  Motion approved 4-0.  Executive Session ended at 6:24 PM.

III.    Post Executive Session
  • Administrative Consent Agreement, action if necessary
Selectman Richardson moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to sign the Consent Agreement presented in Executive Session.  Motion approved 4-0.

IV.     Public Hearing(s)
None Scheduled

III.    Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes from February 1, 2016 meeting.

MOTION:  Selectman Dudman moved, seconded by Selectman Richardson, to approve the minutes from the February 1, 2016.  Motion approved 4-0.

IV.     Appointments/Recognitions/Resignations
A.      Confirm Appointment of Manuel Young as Wastewater Assistant Operator effective on or before March 7, 2016 at $17.18/hr.

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to confirm Appointment of Manuel Young as Wastewater Assistant Operator effective on or before March 7, 2016 at $17.18/hr.  Motion approved, 4-0.

B.      Confirm Appointment of Samuel Coplon to the Village Center Planning Committee

MOTION:  Selectman Dudman moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to confirm Appointment of Samuel Coplon to the Village Center Planning Committee.  Motion approved, 4-0.

C.      Confirm Appointment of Joanne R. Eaton to the Planning Board Committee

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to confirm Appointment of Joanne R. Eaton to the Planning Board Committee.  Motion approved, 4-0.

V.      Consent Agenda
A.      Department Reports:  Wastewater
B.      Event Committee minutes from November 19, 2015 meeting
D.      Northeast Harbor Ambulance Service one-time contribution in the amount of $616.25 to help offset the repair of the ambulance bay door
C.      Hancock County Commissioners Special Meeting Minutes January 22, 2016

Selectman Richardson requested to remove Item D for discussion.  He thanked the Ambulance Service for their donation.  

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.  Motion approved, 4-0.

VI.     Selectmen’s Reports
None presented.

VII.    Old Business
  • Sign the collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Mount Desert and Teamsters Local Union No. 340 for Public Works and Wastewater Department for the period beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015
MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to sign the collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Mount Desert and Teamsters Local Union No. 340 for Public Works and Wastewater Department for the period beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015.  Motion approved, 4-0.

  • Sign the collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Mount Desert and Teamsters Local Union No. 340 for Public Works and Wastewater Department for the period beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2018
MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to sign the collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Mount Desert and Teamsters Local Union No. 340 for Public Works and Wastewater Department for the period beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2018.   Motion approved, 4-0.

  • Presentation and Discussion by Representative of the MRC of Plan for Post-2018 MSW Management
Karen Fussell, Finance Director for the City of Brewer and Board Member of MRC, presented to the Board a detailed review of the MRC plan.  Ms. Fussell reviewed the Request for Proposals process that began as far back as 2011.  The MRC chose the Fiberight Company in 2015, and MRC has been able to locate a piece of land for the operations in Hampden.  

Fiberight technology was discussed.  It consists of a three-part process; a front-end sorting which pulls recyclables out of the waste stream, pulping and washing, and anaerobic digestion that converts organic materials into a biofuel.  The plant will be able to create additional products to meet anticipated future needs.  Biomass residuals will be used to operate the plant, so no outside fuel costs will be necessary.

Towns would not be required to provide a fixed amount of waste. The MRC will be required as a whole to provide 150,000 tons, but no town will be expected to provide a particular share.  It was noted that lower tonnage rates might result in penalties Towns would be expected to share.  A number of factors that could mitigate the possibility were mentioned.  MRC communities currently provide 180,000 tons.  Selectman Macauley asked how much tonnage actually ends up in the landfill.  Ms. Fussell noted that for 2015, 63% of the waste sent to PERC was diverted, and the rest went to the landfill.   The Fiberight process estimates about 20% will end up in landfills.  The plant will be able to accept all waste and they will be able to accept single-sort recyclables.  MRC will not accept out of State waste.  There will be revenue sharing opportunities.  

There are currently 25 million dollars in reserve for the MRC members.  These funds would be used to:
  • Purchase the property for the facility and construct access, allowing MRC to be the landlord.  
  • Create a building reserve which will allow MRC to purchase the building should it become necessary.  
  • Create a penalty reserve
  • To use should operations not begin in as timely a manner as expected.  
  • Closure funds to cover the cessation of the partnership with PERC.  
  • Funding to reduce tip fees for the first few years of operation.  
Selectman Dudman asked whether the proposed technology is being used in the US.  Ms. Fussell said it would be the largest facility using the technology in the US, however there were many facilities using the technology in Europe.

Selectman Hart inquired what the market would be for the gas derived from the plant, and whether the gas line near the planned facility was designed for the type of gas to be derived at the plant.  Discussions with potential purchasers are ongoing and the pipeline needs only modest modifications to accept the gas.  

Ms. Fussell reported that Brewer has signed on to the agreement and Bar Harbor was voting on the issue that night.

VIII.   New Business
A.      Service Groups/3rd Party Budget 2016-2017 Requests

Presentations were made by the following service groups:  
Northeast Harbor Library, requesting $ 20,500.00.
Seal Harbor Library, requesting $4,000.00
Somesville Library – requesting $9,000.00.  The increase from last year’s request is due to state library assessments and additional costs.
Pretty Marsh Community Association, requesting $2,940.00.  The money would be used to build a second egress door and a ramp.
Northeast Harbor Village Improvement Society, requested $5,000.00.  This money will offset the cost of contracting tree work.
Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society, requesting $32,000.00.  
Somesville Historical Society, requesting $2,800.00.  The money would be used to paint part of their building.
Somesville Village Improvement Society, requesting $225.00.  
Great Harbor Maritime Museum – Sidney Roberts Rockefeller noted the museum was not asking for money for the museum, but for the restrooms outside the museum.  She is asking for $3,500.00 for the restrooms.  Ms. Rockefeller noted the town employee used to do the maintenance, but was paid by the museum.
Neighborhood House, requesting $88,000.00.  It was noted the Neighborhood House acts in the role of recreational department to the Town.
Acadian Little League, requesting $1,500.00.  The name of this organization has changed to Acadian Youth Sports and now combines the baseball, basketball and football programs.  Despite combining the three sports programs, it was noted their request has not increased from the previous year.
Island Connections, requesting $2,000.00.
American Red Cross, requesting $1,500.00.
Eastern Area Agency on Aging – There was no representative present to make a request.
Mount Desert Nursing Association, requesting $29,000.00.
Downeast Horizons, requesting $5,600.00.
Mount Desert Nursery School, requesting $3,000.00.  The money will offset an additional employee recently hired.
Island Explorer – There was no representative to make a request.
Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce, requesting $48,450.00.  This is an increase in their usual request.  They would like to hire a part-time year-round executive director.  The money would also cover marketing for the year.  Selectman Richardson voiced his desire for a clearer understanding of the economic development issues.  It was noted that in working with the Economic Development Committee, some specific tasks were deemed appropriate to turn over to the Chamber, including village directory sign maintenance, brochure publication, directorship of the Events Committee, maintaining the Town’s Facebook page with regard to events.  It was felt this was a transitional year for the Chamber and these funds wouldn’t be available till July.  It was felt that a higher than usual amount may be requested for a few more years, but the goal is that with more members and more fundraising some of the cost can be offset.  There were 85 Chamber members for 2015, and four new members for 2016 already.  
VNA Home Health Hospice dba Hancock County HomeCare & Hospice, requesting $1,200.00.
Hospice of Hancock County, requesting $1,000.00.
Bar Harbor Food Pantry, the specific amount of the request was not noted in the discussion.
WHCA, requesting $1,452.00.  It was noted that in applying for grants, it was important for the agency to show that the communities support the programs.
Mount Desert Lodge – Town Manager Durlin Lunt noted that the Acadia Repertory Theater rents from the lodge, and the lodge gets assessed partial taxes for the theater’s use.  They also provide water to the fire station, so the two offset each other.  
Otter Creek Aid Society, requesting $5,000.00.  The money would be used to turn an empty lot in town into public green space.
Harbor House Campfire Coalition, the specific amount of the request was not noted in the discussion.
Life Flight, the specific amount of the request was not noted in the discussion.
Emmaus Center, requesting $2,053.00.
Acadia Family Center, requesting $2,000.00.

B.      Re-adoption of ICMA 401 Plans as Mandated by the Internal Revenue Service

MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to accept the re-adoption of ICMA 401 Plans as Mandated by the Internal Revenue Service.
Motion approved, 4-0.

  • Such other business as may be legally conducted
There was no other business.

XI.     Treasurer’s Warrants
A.      Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP1653 in the amount of $350,387.82
B.      Approve Signed Treasurer’s Payroll, State Fees, & PR Benefit Warrants AP1651, AP1652, PR1632, and PR1633 in the amounts of $2,675.67, $90,306.09, $40,789.85, and $43,816.89 respectively
C.      Acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board AP/Payroll Warrant(s) 9 and 17 in the amounts of $132,958.01 and $72,901.38, respectively

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to approve, sign, and acknowledge Treasurer’s Warrants A – C totaling $733,835.71.  Motion approved, 4-0.

XI.     Adjournment

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion approved, 4-0.  

Meeting was adjourned at 8:21PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew J. Hart, Secretary