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Selectmen Meeting Minutes - 02/01/16
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2016

A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held this date in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Those present included:  Chairman John Macauley; Selectmen Martha Dudman, Matt Hart, and Tom Richardson; staff members Town Manager Durlin Lunt, Harbormaster John Lemoine, Fire Chief Mike Bender, Public Works Director Tony Smith, Treasurer Kathi Mahar, Code Enforcement Officer Kim Keene, Town Clerk Claire Woolfolk, and Recording Secretary Heidi Smallidge; and members of the public.  Selectman Dennis Shubert was excused.

I.      Call to order at 6:30 p.m.

Chairman Macauley called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Public Hearing(s)
A.      Liquor License Application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc. /DBA Tan Turtle Tavern

Public Hearing was opened.  There was no comment from the public.  

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, with Selectman Hart seconding, to close the Public Hearing.  Motion approved 4-0.

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to approve the liquor license application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc./DBA Tan Turtle Tavern as presented.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

B.      Special Amusement Application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc. /DBA Tan Turtle Tavern
Public Hearing was opened.  There was no comment from the public.  

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, with Selectman Dudman seconding, to close the Public Hearing.  Motion approved 4-0.

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to approve the special amusement application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc./DBA Tan Turtle Tavern as presented.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

III.    Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes from January 19, 2016 meeting.

MOTION:  Selectman Dudman moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to approve the minutes from the January 19, 2016 as amended.  The vote was in favor, 4-0

IV.     Appointments/Recognitions/Resignations
A.      Thank You to the Public Works Road Crew from Hall Quarry Resident       


V.      Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion.  Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
A.      League of Towns Meeting Minutes for November 24, 2015
B.      Broadband Committee Meeting Minutes for December 01, 2015, January 05, 2016 and January 12, 2016
C.      Sustainability Committee Meeting report on Solar visit and ACT Event- GMB, Venu Roa presentation at ACT, January 24, 2016 and meeting minutes from January 28, 2016
D.      FYI, Warrant Committee meeting agenda for February 2, 2016
E.      Financial Reports for December

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

VI.     Selectmen’s Reports
None presented.

VII.    Old Business
A.      Town Report Cover
It was agreed that all the pictures submitted would be used in the Town Report.  Discussion ensued regarding which pictures to use on the front and back cover.

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to approve the artwork for the Town Report, with great thanks and enthusiasm to the students and to art teacher Carol Shutt. The vote was in favor, 4-0.

B.      MRC Plan for 2018: The Joinder Agreement

Discussion ensued regarding the MRC Joinder Agreement.  It was Mr. Smith’s recommendation to go with the plan.  

No action was taken.  

VIII.   New Business
A.      Award Heating Oil Bid to Acadia Fuel for 20,000 Gallons at a Price of $0.98. Contract Effective September 15, 2016

MOTION: Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to provisionally award the 2016 – 2017 heating oil fuel bid to Acadia Fuel, LLC at $.98/gallon.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

B.      Planning Board Stipend Request

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to recommend for approval at the Town Meeting an annual stipend of $3,000.00 for each Planning Board member.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

C.      MDOT Sign Applications for College of the Atlantic/Beech Hill Farm for review and approval

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to approve the MDOT Sign Applications for College of the Atlantic/Beech Hill Farm.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

D.      Public Space Special Event Application - TMD Event Committee Movie Nights July & August 2016

MOTION: Selectman Dudman moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to approve the Village Green Special Event Application from the TMD Event Committee for Movie Nights in July & August 2016, as specified on the application.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

E.      Miscellaneous Warrant Article(s): General Review of Draft Warrant

        Board members discussed the Broadband Consultant funding and LED lighting funding.  It was agreed to have the articles prepared for a vote at the next meeting.  

F.      Authorization to spend $3,100.00 from the Bartlett Harbor Docks Reserve CIP line #4010300-24670 to rebuild the gangway ramp at Bartlett Landing

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to spend $3,100.00 from the Bartlett Harbor Docks Reserve CIP line #4010300-24670 to rebuild the gangway ramp at Bartlett Landing.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

G.      Authorization to spend $2,800.00 from the Seal Harbor Docks Reserve CIP line #4010200-24600 to rebuild the gangway ramp to main pier in Seal Harbor

MOTION:  Selectman Hart moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to spend $2,800.00 from the Seal Harbor Docks Reserve CIP line #4010200-24600 to rebuild the gangway ramp to main pier in Seal Harbor. The vote was in favor, 4-0.

H.      Such other business as may be legally conducted
Harbormaster John Lemoine reported on changes to the estimate to the Northeast Harbor dock expansion.  He reported the price has changed by approximately $100,000.  Discussion ensued.  The amount would be added to the warrant.  No action was taken.

IX.     Treasurer’s Warrants

A.      Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP1647 in the amount of $113,379.71
B.      Approve Signed Treasurer’s Payroll, State Fees, & PR Benefit Warrants AP1648, AP1649, PR1630 and PR1631 in the amount of $23,929.96, $1,875.06, $46,024.20 and $41,337.77 respectively
C.      Acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board AP/Payroll Warrant(s) 16 in the amount of $170,085.65

MOTION:  Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Hart, to approve, sign, and acknowledge Treasurer’s Warrants A – C totaling $396,632.35.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

X.      Executive Session

None Scheduled

XI.     Adjournment

MOTION:  At 7:30 p.m., Selectman Richardson moved, seconded by Selectman Dudman, to adjourn the meeting.  The vote was in favor, 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew J. Hart, Secretary