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Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Location: Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor
I. Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Public Hearing(s)
None Scheduled
III. Minutes
A. Approval of minutes from June 20, 2016 meeting.
IV. Appointments/Recognitions/Resignations
- Appointment of Part-time (On-Call) Firefighters
- Confirm appointments of Benjamin Wallace and Chapin McFarland as Full-time Firefighters at $17.00 per hour effective July 18, 2016
- Confirm appointment of John Littlefield as Wastewater Lab Technician at $21.01 per hour effective July 5, 2016
- Acknowledge Sgt. Leigh Guildford for job well done
V. Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion. Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
- Monthly Reports: Public Works, Wastewater, and Treasurer
- Thank you note to Chief Willis from Camden Police Chief Randy M. Gagne
- S. 3027 National Park Boundary Act of 1986 and the ANP acquisition of Schoodic Woods and lot in Tremont letter to Senators Susan M. Collins and Angus King
- League of Towns minutes from June 28, 2016
- Hancock County Commissioners Meeting Minutes June 7, 2016
VI. Selectmen’s Reports
VII. Old Business
None Scheduled
VIII. New Business
- Sign Service Agreement with Group Dynamics Inc. for administrative services for Flexible Benefit Plan
- Sign Agreement with Group Dynamics Inc. for Flexible Benefit Plan
- Action on the Non-Union Employees’ request for consideration regarding Health Insurance premiums
- Authorize agreement for Norwood Delaittre & Sons, Inc. to perform Stone Work on the Town Office Main and Meeting House Entrances at a cost of $5,500 to be paid from Town Office Building Reserve Account number 4050100-24570
- Sign contract for James W. Wadman, CPA to provide audit services for the Town of Mount Desert for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2016
- Historic vessel “America” charter approval
- Citizen Request for Town assistance in clarifying ownership of boat slip and boat slip wharf in Otter Creek
- Ballots for Election to MMA’s Legislative Policy Committee
Such other business as may be legally conducted
IX. Treasurer’s Warrants
A. Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP1684 in the amount of $150,073.59
B. Approve Signed Treasurer’s Payroll, State Fees, & PR Benefit Warrants AP1682 and AP1683, PR1652,PR1653, PR1653V, and PR1654 in the amounts of $4,058.00, $4,884.69, $43,786.08, $50,489.68, $(500.00), and $606.56, respectively
C. Acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board AP/Payroll Warrant 14 in the amount of $54,157.55
X. Executive Session
None Scheduled
XI. Adjournment
The next regularly scheduled meeting is at 6:30 p.m., Monday, July 18, 2016 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor
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