Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Location: Somesville Fire Station, 1157 Main St, Somesville
I. Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Public Hearing(s)
III. Minutes
A. Approval of minutes from February 4, 2015 meeting.
IV. Appointments/Recognitions/Resignations
A. Thank You to Public Works Crews
V. Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion. Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
A. Department Reports: Fire, Public Works, Wastewater Treatment Plants
B. Proposed Regional Fire Training Facility, update
C. Planning Board Meeting Minutes December 10, 2014
D. Hancock County Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 9, 16, 20, & 22, 2015
VI. Selectmen’s Reports
VII. Old Business
A. 2015 Projected Schedule for LUZO Amendments, Noel Musson
B. Revised 2015-2016 Budget Schedule
C. Social Media Policy
D. Phone System Update
E. Authorization to Release $1,500 to Hedefine Engineering & Design for Otter Creek Fire Pond Project Engineer Work
VIII. New Business
A. Service Groups/3rd Party Budget 2015-2016 Requests
B. Revenues Budget 2015-2016
C. Proposed 2015-2016 Warrant Articles from Fire Chief Bender: Arrangements for Public Safety Training; Otter Creek Fire Pond Dredging and Dry Hydrant Replacement
D. Proposed 2015-2016 Warrant Articles from Public Works Director Smith: Otter Creek Landing Reconstruction Project; Seal Harbor Comfort Station; Steamboat Wharf Road Boardwalk, Seal Harbor; Brookside Road Bridge, Somesville; Paving, Northeast Harbor; New Buildings & Grounds Reserve Account; and New Parks & Cemeteries Reserve Account
E. Miscellaneous Warrant Article(s): Seal Harbor Bait House Lease; Mobile Vendor Ordinance
F. Scholarship Recommendations
G. Such other business as may be legally conducted
IX. Treasurer’s Warrants
A. Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP1551 in the amount of $326,529.56
B. Approve Signed Treasurer’s Payroll, State Fees, & PR Benefit Warrants AP1549, AP1550, PR1532, & PR1533 in the amount of $65,550.30, $24,462.57, $46,106.83, & $52,941.24, respectively
C. Acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board AP/Payroll Warrant(s) 9 & 17 in the amount(s) of $127,393.00 & $59,849.49
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjournment
The next regularly scheduled meeting is at 6:30 p.m., Monday, March 2, 2015 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor