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Board of Selectmen Agenda 04/01/13
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday, April 1, 2013
Location: Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order at 6:00 p.m.

II.     Executive Session
A.      Pursuant to 1 MRSA §405.6.E. Consultation with Town Attorney

III.    Public Hearing(s)
A.      None

IV.     Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes from March 18, 2013 meeting.

V.      Appointments & Recognitions

VI.     Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion.  Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
A.      Department Reports:  Wastewater Treatment Plants, Public Works
B.      League of Towns Minutes February 26, 2013
C.      Nature Conservancy Ownership of Newbold Preserve Map 012 Lot 033
D.      MeDOT 2013 Projects

VII.    Selectmen’s Reports

VIII.   Old Business
A.      Annual Town Meeting Warrant May 6 – 7, 2013, signing
B.      Lease Agreement Renewal for Cranberry Isles Parking, signing
C.      Sidewalk Plow Bids

IX.     New Business
A.      FY 2011 – 2012 Audit Review and Corrective Action Plan
B.      Seal Harbor Library Request to use Seal Harbor Village Green August 3, 2013
C.      Request for Resolution Regarding Governor’s Revenue Sharing Proposal
D.      Special Town Meeting June 11, 2013 Mount Desert Island Regional School District Budget Validation Referendum Warrant, signing
E.      Harbormaster Request for Repairs to Northeast Harbor Pier
F.      Public Works Director Request to Solicit Truck Bids
G.      Such other business as may be legally conducted


X.      Treasurer’s Warrants
A.      Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant #113 in the amount of $87,673.50
B.      Approve Signed Treasurer’s State Fee Warrants #109 & 111 in the amount of $1,010.50 & 2,617.00, respectively
C.      Approve Signed Treasurer’s Wage & Benefit Warrants #110 & 112 in the amount of $43,181.57 7 $48,229.45, respectively

XI.     Adjournment

The next regularly scheduled meeting is at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, 2013 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor