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Board of Selectmen Agenda 11/16/09
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
November 16, 2009
Location: Kelley Auditorium, Mount Desert Elementary School, Joy Road, Northeast Harbor

I               Call to order at 7:30PM or at the conclusion of Special Town Meeting.
II              Minutes
        A       Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of November 2, 2009.
III             Appointments
        A       None
IV              Consent Agenda and Communications
        A       Acknowledge receipt of monthly department reports, Assessing, Town Clerk, Police, Fire, Public Works (Highway, Solid Waste, Buildings and Grounds, Wastewater), Wastewater, Code Enforcement, Harbors and Finance.
        B       Acknowledge receipt of Olver Associates Weekly Construction Summary for Somesville WWTF Upgrade for weeks of October 30 and November 2, 2009.
        C       Acknowledge receipt of letter from Long Pond resident requesting a meeting with the dam owner (Town of MD) to review dam level and develop a “cooperative solution” to determine appropriate water level.
        D       Acknowledge receipt of monthly financials, revenue/expense report and general ledger for month ending October 31, 2009.
V               Selectmen’s Reports
VI              Old Business
        A       Approve return of $2,652.69 from Float Project and return of $722.03 from Master Plan Phase I to NEH Marina CIP Reserve (account #20-24120-82) and authorize release of $5,000.00 from NEH Marina CIP Reserve for Phase II of “Northeast Harbor Marina Redevelopment Project.”
        B       Approve extension to Town Manager employment contract to November 2, 2012.
VII             New Business
        A       Cast ballot for one position on the Municipal Review Committee (MRC) Board of Directors.
        B       Review flu policy for municipal employees.
VIII            General Issues
        A       Discussion of approving a between meeting accounts payable warrant, three week period between meetings, next scheduled meeting December 7, 2009.
        B       Update on status of schoolhouse ledge parcel.
IX              Committee Reports
        A       None
X               Treasurer’s Warrants
        A       Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #29 for $859,396.39.
XI              Executive Session
        A       Pursuant to M.R.S.A. Title 1, subsection 406.6(A), Town Manager annual performance review.
                Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, December 7, 2009 at 6:30PM in the Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor.