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Board of Selectmen Agenda 11/02/09
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday, November 2, 2009
Location: Town Office Meeting Room,

Public Hearing  6:35 PM Receive Comments on New General Assistance Maximums

I               Call to order at 6:30 pm
II              Minutes
        A       Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of September 21, 2009 and October 19, 2009.
III             Appointments
        A       Approve appointment of Sumner Rulon-Miller to Public Protection Committee.
        B       Accept resignation of Police Patrol Officer Christopher K. Wharff effective November 3, 2009.
        C       Accept resignation of Police Patrol Officer Jacob E. Day effective November 16, 2009.
        D       Appointment to fill unexpired term of vacant Board of Selectmen position.
IV              Consent Agenda and Communications
        A       Approve 2009-2010 General Assistance Ordinances Appendices A, B and C.
        B       Acknowledge receipt of Olver Associates Weekly Construction Summary for Somesville WWTF Upgrade for October 16 and October 23, 2009.
        C       Acknowledge receipt of note of appreciation from Woods Road Association.
        D       Acknowledge receipt of notice of transfer of funds from Acadia Trust.
        E       Acknowledge receipt of notice from Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society of intent to rehabilitate Dunham Memorial Park.   Acceptance of gift of trees would require Town Meeting approval of a “Conditional Gift.”
        F       Acknowledge receipt of notice of change in chairmanship of Public Protection Committee.
        G       Acknowledge receipt of request for support for MDI Community Campfire Coalition.
V               Selectmen’s Reports
                Reorganization of Board of Selectmen, election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary.
VI              Old Business
        A       Approve financial support for MDI Community Campfire Coalition, amount to be determined.
        B       Approve additional appropriation and declare additional offsetting revenue for Phase II of “Northeast Harbor Marina Redevelopment Project.”
        C       Review of Finance Director report on NEH Marina Master Plan Expenses.
        D       Review of Finance Director report on Capital Reserve Balances.
        E       Review Fire Chief Bender’s report on regionalization of fire protection services.
        F       Neighborhood House fitness program discount for Town employees, (Damon).
        G       Sign Special Town Meeting Warrant.
        H       Approve extension to Town Manager employment contract to November 2, 2012.
VII             New Business
        A       Accept gift of a sidewalk adjacent to property at Town of Mount Desert property tax map 10 lot 146 as authorized by 2009 Annual Town Meeting Warrant Article 53.
VII             General Issues
        A       Review of voting credentials for Town staff members of Public Protection Committee (Bonville).
IX              Committee Reports
        A       Acknowledge receipt of Public Protection Committee minutes; September 30, 2009 and “Best Fit” workgroup, September 30, 2009.
IX              Treasurer’s Warrants
        A       Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #26 for $1,819,903.56.
X               Executive Session
        A       None
                Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, November 16, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. in the Community Room, Somesville Fire Station, Somesville.