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Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda 08/04/08
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday August 4, 2008
Location: Meeting Room Town Office, Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes of July 21, 2008.

III.    Appointments and Communications
A.      Approve appointment of Nancy Turner to Solid Waste/Recycling committee.
B.      Public Hearing notice for Phase I of Acadia Gateway Center in Trenton.  Trenton Elementary School, 7:00 PM August 5, 2008.

IV.     Selectmen's Reports

V.      Old Business
A.      Approve and sign $5,300,000.00 Somesville Wastewater Treatment Plant Maine Municipal Bond Bank bond.  
B.      Review Department of Conservation Submerged Lands permit for Somes Sound View, Inc. Float Proposal.
C.      Review Matthews' family recommendation for text of Lyle and Zettie Smith memorial plaque and approve an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 for the purchase and installation of the Smith memorial plaque.  Payment from Selectmen's Contingency Account 102-01-509-50.
D.      Update on Comprehensive Plan August 11, 2008 forum and informational session.

VI.     New Business
A.      Authorize PW Director Smith to coordinate with local veterans group to determine placement of Cole Foundation memorial bench.
B.      Discussion of Consent Decree and penalties for Hans and Susan Lyall Utsch internal plumbing code violation.

VII.    General Issue
A.      Approve resolve acknowledging heroic efforts of Mount Desert Fire Department and mutual aid communities in combating the July 29, 2008 Main Street Northeast Harbor fire.
B.      Approve resolve acknowledging heroic life-saving efforts of Mount Desert Police Officer Christopher Wharff.

VIII.   Other Business
A.      Auditor James Wadman follow-up of May 18, 2008 auditor's management letter.
B.      Discuss required elected official training for Maine Right To Know legislation.
C.      Notice of cancellation of purchase of CEO vehicle from Darlings Ford.
D.      Notice of possible volunteer appreciation family picnic at NEH village green August 17, 2008.

IX.     Treasurer's Warrants
Approve Treasurer's Warrant # #85 for $11391.28; #7 for $138,430.95.

X.      Executive Session -None requested .


The next scheduled meeting is August 11, 2008 at 6:00 P.M. in the Forum, in the Mount Desert Elementary School, Joy Road, Northeast Harbor to meet with the Planning Board and Comprehensive Plan Committee to receive public comment on the proposed Comprehensive Plan.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 18, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. in the Somesville Fire Station Community Room, Somesville.