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Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda 03/10/08
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday March 10, 2008
Location: Community Room, Somesville Fire Station, Somesville

I.      Call to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes from regular meeting of March 3, 2008.

III.    Appointments and Communications
A.      Confirm appointment of Kenneth Mitchell as part-time Police Patrol Officer effective March 11, 2008 at hourly rate of $13.00/hr.
B.      Accept with regret, resignation of Zoning Board of Appeals member Jane Lee Vris.
C.      Acknowledge receipt of Acadia Disposal District 2007 report for 2007 Annual Report.
D.      Acknowledge notice of American Diabetes Association "Tour de Cure" event on Sunday May 18, 2008.
E.      Acknowledge receipt of department monthly report; Assessing, Code Enforcement, Harbor, Police Department, and Town Clerk.
F.      Acknowledge receipt of Monthly Financials
G.      Acknowledge receipt of Safety Committee minutes.

IV.     Selectmen's Reports

V.      Old Business
A.      Notice from Town Clerk of vacancy on Zoning Board of Appeals.

VI.     New Business
A.      Approve Malt and vinous liquor license for Journey's End Inc. d/b/a Docksider.
B.      Approval of offer to use residence at 13 Manchester Road, Northeast Harbor for Fire Department interior operations training.  Authorize Town Manger to execute agreement.
C.      Review and discuss Comprehensive Plan with Committee Chairman Suminsby.
D.      Approve purchase of Sewer Equipment Company Model 184XL Mongoose from J.F. McDermott Corp not to exceed $55,000.00 and authorize release of $27,500.00 from Reserve Account 20-24-105-00 PW Equipment Reserve, balance $95,674.50 (old account #2750); and $27,500.00 from Reserve Account 20-24-105-01 Water Infiltration of Sewers, balance $124,849.51 (old account #2740).

VII.    General Issue
A.      None

VIII.   Other Business
A.      Review and approve 2008-2009 Municipal Budget and Warrant Articles.

IX.     Treasurer's Warrants
Approve Treasurer's Warrant #26 for $117,442.27and #27 for 244,051.60.

X.      Executive Session - None requested

Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday March 17, 2008, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor.