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Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda 10/15/07
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday October 15, 2007
Location: Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor

5:30 PM School Committee/Board of Selectmen Workshop - School Administration Consolidation
6:35 PM Public Hearing - Adoption of General Assistance Ordinance Appendices A, B and C
I.      Call to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Minutes
A.      Minutes unavailable

III.    Appointments and Communications
A.      Approve Police Officer John Wardwell assignment to Hancock County Drug Task Force, effective October 22, 2007.
B.      Confirm appointment of Christopher Wharff as Police Patrol Officer, effective October 16, 2007 at probationary rate of $16.25 per hour, increasing to $17.06 after successful completion of six-month probationary period.
C.      Appoint Kyle Avila as Assessor, effect November 5, 2007 at weekly salary of $1,010.00, increasing to $1,060.50 after successful conclusion of six-month probationary period.
D.      Acknowledge receipt of monthly department reports; Harbor Master, Police, Code Enforcement, Public Works, Fire
E.      Acknowledge receipt of monthly financials
F.      Acknowledge receipt of Mooring Agent end-of-year report, total rental income $26,256.50.
G.      Notice of submittal of Draft Comprehensive Plan to State Planning Office.

IV.     Selectmen's Reports

V.      Old Business
A.      Cancel police cruiser purchase from Dave Gould Ford; approve purchase of police cruiser from Quirk Ford, Augusta, for $21,389.00.

VI.     New Business
A.      Approval of General Assistance Ordinance Appendices A, B and C.
B.      Authorize Public Works Director to solicit bids for plow/dump truck and packer truck.
C.      Respond to proposed Local Health Officer rules changes, fiscal impact.
D.      Approve award of 2007-08 Winter Roads sand bid.

VII.    General Issue
A.      Budget Workshop

VIII.   Other Business
IX.     Treasurer's Warrants
Approve Treasurer's Warrant #74 for $122,147.69 and #75 for $1,301,943.59

X.      Executive Session - Pursuant to 1 MRSA §405.6.A - Town Manager's annual performance review.

Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, November 5, 2007 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor.