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Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda 08/06/07
Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
Monday, August 6, 2007
Location: Town Office Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order at 6:30 p.m.

II.     Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of July 16, 2007.

III.    Appointments and Communications
A.      Confirm appointment of Robert Courtot as part-time Dispatcher, effective August 7, 2007 at hourly rate of $12.00.
B.      Respond to request to purchase hand pump located on Town owned property on Beech Hill Rd.
C.      Acknowledge receipt of MDI Water Quality Coalition report on Seal Harbor beach.
D.      Acknowledge receipt of department reports; Harbor Master, Code Enforcement, Public Works.
E.      Acknowledge Verizon application to MDOT for utility pole location permit (Stub Pole on Rt. 3, Peabody Drive).
F.      Acknowledge Verizon application to MDOT for utility pole location permit (Rt. 3 Dodge Pt Rd.).
G.      Request from sailing vessel Rachel B. Jackson for commercial "drop off" privileges at NEH dock.
H.      Public Works Director's report on Rt. 3 meeting with MDOT officials.

IV.     Selectmen's Reports

V.      Old Business
A.      Report on Reorganization Planning Committee.
B.      Correct minutes of June 18, 2007 meeting.

VI.     New Business
A.      Approve transfer of $3,370.16 from Marina reserve account #2840 (NEH Landing- balance $150,120.17); permitting expense for float expansion.
B.      Approve expenditure of up to $8,200.00 from reserve account 2950 (S H Marina access road - balance $138,470.31) for technical services.
C.      Approve expenditure of up to $1,500.00 from reserve account 2660 (Capital Improvement Reserve- balance $2,059,926.74) for Highway garage technical services.
D.      Acknowledge and post Hancock County Commissioners Caucus Warrant for Budget Advisory Committee election.
E.      Cast ballot for Maine Municipal Association officers and directors.
F.      Approve Jeffery Smith Acadia Advisory Commission nomination letter.
G.      Approve request to place 26 foot camper trailer on lot at 118 Northern Neck Rd.
H.      Approve request for support to remove utility pole on Route 3 near 188 Peabody Drive, Seal Harbor.

VII.    General Issue

VIII.   Other Business

IX.     Treasurer's Warrants
Approve Treasurer's Warrant # 55 for $204,999.68

X.      Executive Session -Pursuant to MSRA Title1, Ch 13, §405.6.A; to discuss a personnel matter.

Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, August 20, 2007 at 6:30 P.M. in the Community Room, Seal Harbor Fire Station.