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Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting
July 24, 2006
Location: Meeting Room, Community Room, Seal Harbor Fire Station

I.      Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
II.     Executive Session -
A.      Discussion of labor contracts negotiation position for upcoming Teamster's Local 340 negotiating session, pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405.6.D.

7:00 PM Return to public session

III.    Minutes
A.      Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of July 10, 2006.

IV.     Appointments and Communications
A.      Approve appointment of Edward Bonville to Zoning Board of Appeals.
B.      Confirm appointment of Steve Rittman as part-time seasonal Wastewater Treatment employee at hourly rate of $11.50, effective July 25, 2006.
C.      Acknowledge receipt of Board and Committee meeting minutes: Comprehensive Planning committee, July 12, 2006; Planning Board May 22 and June 26, 2006;
D.      Acknowledge receipt of Department Monthly Reports: Code Enforcement; Fire Department; Harbor Master;
E.      Press Release from Senator Olympia Snowe's office advising of successful passage of a bill that included Mount Desert's de-authorization from the Federal Navigation Project.
F.      Franchisee notice from Time Warner Cable.
G.      Hancock County annual audit available.
H.      Letter of appreciation to Tom Wallace for removing graffiti from Police vehicle.

V.      Selectmen's Reports

VI.     Old Business
A.      Vision Appraisal Technologies power point presentation on 2006 tax equalization program.
B.      Notice from ME DOT of SHIP award of $28,000 for float replacement, municipal share 35% or $15,000.
C.      Approve release of funds, amount not to exceed $45,000, from Reserve Account R-2840 (NEH Landing, current balance $157,365.00) to complete the 2006-2007 float replacement project.

VII.    New Business
A.      Approve utility location permit to install 92' replacement of seasonal water line for Nancy & Charles McCormick, Cooksey Drive.
B.      Approval to release $36,550.00 from account #440-6020 (current balance ($46,995.00), Compliance & Mandates, to install a vehicle exhaust system in Fire Station #1 (Northeast Harbor) and to modify the existing exhaust system in Station #2 (Seal Harbor) to fit the new Air Truck that has been ordered and authorize Fire Chief to sign purchase agreement.
C.      Approve release and transfer of $40,000 from the Credit Reserve Account (GL# 2660, current balance $1,823,222.01) as described in Article 58 of the 2006 Annual Town Meeting Warrant.
D.      Approve release of $30,000 from Reserve Account Number 2740 (current balance $100,000.00.
E.      Award fuel bid.
F.      Approve resolve pursuant to 23 M.S.R.A. §3028(2), declaring thirty-three foot right of way for Summit Road, Manchester road and Church Road.
G.      Approve vote for MMA Legislative Policy Committee candidates, Minier of SWH and MacDonald of TOMD.
H.      Cast ballot for MMA Executive Committee Officers and Directors; one contested position, Vice President, three candidates.

VIII.   General Issue
A.      Schedule combined Mount Desert Board of Selectmen / School Committee meeting, suggest September 18, 2006 BOS meeting.

IX.     Other Business
X.      Treasurer's Warrants
Approve Treasurer's Warrant #57 for $452,564.78 and Warrant #58 for $50,545.76.

XI.     Executive Session -
i.      To deliberate over an abatement (PA 2006-01) pursuant to 36 M.R.S.A. §841 (2)

Adjournment.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, August 7, 2006 at 6:30 P.M. in the Meeting Room, Town Office, Northeast Harbor.