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Summer Residents Association Minutes 08/11/2011 - Annual Meeting
                                SUMMER RESIDENTS~ASSOCIATION


Lanie Lincoln welcomed the SRA members and introduced the members of the Board who were present: Ham Clark, Jamie Clark, Jan Russell, Mary Morgan, Charlie Merriman, Andy Pew, Kathe McCoy, Temple Grassi and Ed Lipkin
She then introduced Town Manager Durlin Lunt who spoke about the town government operation and updated the Marina Project, including a power point presentation with charts and definitions of specific funding methods. A description of an “Enterprise Fund” was provided.
Tom Richardson, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, discussed the workings of the five month budget process for the Town Meeting.  The Warrant Committee receives input from the town boards and committees beginning in January and the best time for residents to influence the process is during the hearings in January and February when there is a great deal of interaction between the Warrant Committee and the various groups. In March the Warrant Committee holds hearings on the Budget open to the public and most issues are brought up at these hearings.  By the May meeting most voters have had their chance to speak to the issues.  There were questions and discussion and it was suggested that those interested follow the process on-line at the town website
Peter Godfrey asked, once again, why the Town Meeting was in May verses July or August when summer residents could attend. Tom Richardson explained the process took a while and decisions were already made by the May meeting, so any input at that date could not be applied. Tom also stated July and August are the busiest months for the town.
Kyle Avila, the Town Assessor made a detailed presentation on how the town assesses properties. ~He used a power point presentation, with graphs and comparables to explain the process.  The Town did a reevaluation in 2007 and the present assessed value of the property in the Town of Mount Desert is over two billion dollars.  The present tax rate is $5.89.  Much of the tax rate is regulated by the state and there is a ratio of assessed value divided by the sales prices.  He stated that the tax rate is lower than 20 years ago due to the reevaluation done to achieve equity.  Taxes go up as a result of budget increases and the tax increases are offset by added value in assessment of new construction.  There were many questions and much discussion from the audience.
Bob Ho presented the new plan for the building on Main Street as had been presented in July. The plans are posted on the fence in front of the property, or one can call Bob directly for further information. The SRA has copies of the conceptual plan.
Kathe McCoy thanked the Board of Selectmen, Durlin Lunt and Kyle Avila for all their help in 2010-2011. The communications between the SRA, Revitalization Committee, the town and other efforts has been outstanding.
Lanie Lincoln thanked Mary Morgan for her service to the SRA over the past six years.  She also announced that Martha Dudman, of Northeast Harbor has been appointed to the Board of Selectmen for the remainder of the term of Sumner Rulon-Miller
The meeting then went into the business portion of the Annual Meeting.~
The reading of the minutes of the Annual Meeting, August 18, 2010 was waived.
Treasurers Report was given by Charlie Merriman, reporting on membership and finances of the SRA. Charlie asked for the board to solicit friends to join the SRA.
Kathe McCoy gave the Nominating Committee report.  Those Board members up for re-nomination are Callie Brauer and Jamie Clark, each for a second three year .term.  Those members were unanimously elected.
Nominated and approved as new members to the SRA Board were Leslie Fogg of Seal Harbor and Don Graves of Northeast Harbor.
All business having been concluded, the meeting was adjourned.

A quick Board meeting followed.~
The slate for the Officers of the SRA was presented by Lanie Lincoln: Ham Clark, President; Kathe McCoy, Vice President; Jan Russell, Nominating Committee.
All were approved.
Ham Clark then gave a tribute to Lanie Lincoln and thanked her for her dedication to her hard work, improvement an