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Summer Residents Association Minutes 08/19/2010
The August meeting of the Summer Residents Association was brought to order at 4:05 by Lanie Lincoln.  She introduced the members of the board members who were present.

The SRA is putting together a committee of four summer residents and four townspeople along with a facilitator to study what improvements could be made and to assist in the revitalization of the town of Mount Desert.

The next meeting of ReStore Northeast Harbor is Wednesday, August 25th 4:30 at the Neighborhood House.  It is hoped that the Revitalization Committee will work closely with the ReStore Northeast Harbor Committee.

The SRA represents all of the towns of Mount Desert, not just the village of Northeast Harbor.  The four summer members of the committee will be Lanie, Ham Clark, Kathe McCoy and Ed Lipkin from Seal Harbor.  The members from the local community have not yet been named.

Rick Savage was introduced to answer questions about the Marina Improvement Project.  The success of the marina project will effect the revitalization of Main Street and vice versa.  Rick wanted emphasize that this project was developed through the hard work of many volunteers.  Currently the project is in the design review stage, finalizing buildings, etc and bidding process will begin soon.  

Rick showed the schematic and architectural renderings for the new Harbor Masters office and yachtsman’s center, along with the schematics for the Welcome Center.

Rick thanked the Board of Selectmen for all of their volunteer time that has been very supportive of the project.  Also represented at the meeting was the engineer of the project Noel Mussen, Sally Black representing the Chamber of Commerce, and Harbormaster
Sean Murphy.

A question was proposed about the traffic pattern.  There will be two-way traffic on the exterior loop and it should be much safer

Timetable:  The Marina project committee expects to go before the Planning Board in September/early October for building permits. In October, they expect to begin the bidding process, which would take about 3 weeks.  Hopefully the Selectmen could accept in November and the project could begin in December

In FY 2009, the marine generated $251,551 of which $187,586 was transferred to “Other Funds” including $75,000 to the “NEH Capital Improvement Reserve.  In answer to the question as to the use of that reserve, it was noted that all transfers of funds generated by the marina into the said reserve are earmarked for marina capital projects.  The biggest income generator is dockage fees, which brought in $491,798 in revenue.  July occupancy was about average 80%.  Some of the income represents owners prepaying for the year.  The town does not own the moorings in the harbor, but they do take a percentage of all the moorings rented in the harbor.

The Engineer will control the bid package.  It would be nice to have the local contractors get the first crack.  The Engineer wants to get the best price for the town

3.64% is the interest rate offered for the project.

The Engineers are very sensitive to the lighting at the Marina and are accepting suggestion for lighting styles.

It is important that we maintain pedestrian access to Main Street other than Sea St. and improve linkages between marina and town.  Additionally there needs to be improved signage and walkways.

Parking is a concern.  We need to consider improving the situation.  Angle parking may work or possibly extending the parking lot.

There is also a need to place the dumpsters.  They will have to be moved from their current location, but that location has not been identified.

Mr. Savage asked for a round of applause for the volunteers who have put in two years to put this project together.

Tom Richardson then spoke on other major projects of the town.  The Board of Selectmen meets twice a month and it is currently the end of the fiscal year.  One project is to designate the four members of the town to join the Revitalization Committee.  

The municipal garage is a concern.  It was built in the 60s. Currently there are parts of the structure that can no longer be insured.  The building is inadequate. The Selectmen are looking at the costs of refurbishing vs. rebuilding and getting it up to code.  The cost would be between $800,000 and $1 million.  They are trying to get information from the insurance company as to what must be done.

Any other capital expenses expected.  There will need to be a sewer upgrade by 1012.  Somesville and Seal Harbor both completed their sewer projects.  

The Warrant for the Town Meeting is posted on line prior to Town Meeting and is available to all who would like to read it.

An audit was done on the Town Office building with regard to security and functional efficiency.  Improvements were made, but there may be more that needs to happen particularly with the Fire Department.

There is widespread concern that younger people are fading out of town.  How serious is the issue?   The problem has not been discussed by the Board of Selectmen, but everyone is aware of the problem.   Currently there are about 2,000 year-round residents swelling to 5,000 seasonally.

At this point the meeting moved to the Annual Meeting of the Board of the Summer Residents Association.

Meeting of last meeting were accepted.

Kevit Cook reported as Treasurer.  There are 344 members currently in the SRA. There are 18 new members but nearly 60 members who have not signed up this year.  25% of membership makes an additional donation.   The SRA should end up with a balance of about $12,000.  Money is invested conservatively.  It would be good business practice to hire a proper bookkeeper.   We are currently interviewing candidates for a bookkeeper and expect to have a responsible person to take the job shortly.

Ham Clarrk reporting for the Nominating Committee.  Board members can stay on for two 3-year terms and then must rotate off.

The following candidates were proposed for a three-year term.

Lanie Lincoln
Temple Grassi
Ed Lipkin
Jan Russell

The Nominees were proposed and seconded.

This will bring us to 14 members.

There is an issue of motorcycles and traffic along South Shore Road.  Durlin Lunt should be contacted to either control traffic or reduce speed limit.

Lanie would like to get a list of all non-profit organizations on the island and their missions for the summer resident’s information.  

Meeting adjourned at 4:10

Respectfully Submitted
Callie Brauer, Secretary