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Summer Residents Association Minutes 07/15/2010
Summer Residents Association
July 15, 2010

The Summer Residents Association meeting was called to order at 4:03 by Chair Lanie Lincoln.  Mrs. Lincoln introduced those members of the Board who were present.  Lanie then introduce the selectmen present Tom Richardson, Rick Moores and Chuck Bucklin,  and Durlin Lunt our current Town Manager

Mr. Lunt spoke first.  He thanked those present for being interested in building a strong community.  He orginally took the position on a temporary basis and is enjoying his work. Mr Lunt has now been hired on a permanent basis.   He realizes that while he sets goals for the day, we must all remain flexible.  He told several stories outlining his philosophies of the job including quotes from Churchill, Roosevelt, Lincoln, and John F Kennedy.  Achievement is the ultimate measure of success.  While the Selectmen cannot accommodate everyone’s requests, they can certainly always be professional.  

Mr. Lunt addressed the issue of taxation without representation.  Two thirds of the taxes in the town of Mt Desert are paid by non-residents.  Spending has remained static in the town.

The Waterfront Improvement plan was approved and the town plans to pay for it by issuing a bond.  The current debt for the town is less that 1% of valuation.  

Mr. Lunt was very entertaining and looks forward to working closely with the SRA.

Mr. Lunt updated the group on the waterfront plan.  The job is currently out to bid with those bids expected back by mid-October.  The plan would be complete by next summer at a cost of $2.2 million total.  It is expected that the project will come in under budget as contractors seem to need work right now.

Revenue for the waterfront comes from dockage fees and mooring fees.  They remain strong this year and provide a predictable revenue stream.  We have already had 2 large boats in the harbor (ahead of last year).  The dockage fee is about $3.00/foot per day.

As for the physical project, no major changes are planned for the dock side of the property.  The Harbor Master building will be moved across the street and the road will be reconfigured.  The Island Explorer will have a spot over near dumpsters.  Yachtsman’s building will be replaced.  There will be a third building built for information and ticket sales

Parking spaces will experience a 4 to 5 space reduction.

It was suggested the project include some “Green Buildings” at the marina and avail them of state funding.

What will happen to dumpsters down at the Marina?  They will probably be relocated to a sight close by.

As for other capital expenses for the town, the Stanley Brook bridge will be replaced either during Spring or October 2011 and will take about 5 days.  There are also plans to repair road above Hadlock Pond to include a bike path.

Any cell phone access planned??  More towers are planned.  Apparently AT & T has one planned in Trenton

There are currently no specific plans to improve the Recycling Center, but hopefully plans are in the works.  There is a community group working on this project.

Future capital plans for town include a new municipal garage.  The building currently has insurance issues as building has outlasted its expected life.  There will probably be sewer work needed soon.  There will also probably be an issue soon of fully qualified fire protection personnel.  Currently all firefighters are volunteer except the fire chief who is paid.  NEH is covered pretty well, but the outer communities have very little coverage (personnel).  A public safety building will be needed

Main Street news:  Sam Shaw has developed a garden in the old Wingspread property where residents are free to plant things in a “victory garden”.  There are no current plans to build on empty lots.

There are no current plans to change the current zoning laws in town.

Mr Godfrey suggested that the town meeting be moved so that more of the summer people could attend.  Currently 22% of registered voters attend the meeting.  Number one priority of the town should be the improving the commercial viability of Main Street.

Lubec, ME is currently experiencing a revitalization. Mr. Lunt is planning to visit the town and figure out if there are any lessons to be learned.

The town has experienced a communication problem with emergency personnel (ambulance).  Two towers will be erected, one at COA and one in Otter Creek which will then shoot a signal to the Elementary school and will complete communication between the ambulance and medical staff in Ellsworth.  These towers should be up and running by the end of the month

There is discussion ongoing regarding the commercialization at the Waterfront.  Currently it is against town zoning to have commercial business on the Waterfront.

Mr Lunt suggested an SRA have a link on the town website to disseminate information from the town

Mr. Richardson reminded us that Zoning is not static and can be changed by town meeting.  All the open space at marina is owned by town and it is a big problem to disperse land for individual businesses.

Lanie noted that there are a lot of people who care very much about the future of the town and if anyone would like to be on a committee to help, please tell her.

Meeting closed at 5:20

Respectfully submitted,
Callie Brauer, Secretary