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Public Protection Minutes 10/28/2009
Public Protection Committee
Minutes of 10:00 A.M., October 28, 2009 Meeting
Town Office Meeting Room

A list of abbreviations can be found at the end of these minutes.

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:07 A.M. by Chief Bender.

II. Roll Call of Members

Attendance      Present Attendance      Present
“Voting Members (10 total)”             Citizen Rep. Kathy Branch (Kathy)       No
Citizen Rep. Mary-Lee Bayne (MLB)       Yes     Pub. Works Dir. Tony Smith (TS) Yes
Citizen Rep. Katie Bell (KB)    Yes     Police Chief Jim Willis (JW)    Yes
Fire Chief Mike Bender (MB)     Yes     “Non-voting attendees/at large” 
Harbormaster Shawn Murphy (SM)  No      Town Mgr. Mike MacDonald (MM)   Yes
NEHA Joanne Robbins (JR)        Excused BOS Liaison Rick Mooers (RM)    No
Citizen Rep. Dennis Shubert (DS)        Yes     MDWD Mgr. Paul Slack (PS)       No
Citizen Rep. Sharon Gilley (SG) Yes     Basil Mahaney (BM) for JR-NEHA  Excused

MLB arrived at 10:15, SRM and Selectmen MD and JB were all in attendance as members of the public. JR arrived at 11:32.
III. Discussion/Approval of Minutes

SG questioned the process by which the subgroup meeting/workshop was held and advertised.  DS stated that it was openly discussed at a previous meeting and that he invited himself to it.  He stressed that it was above board and everyone at the PPC meeting knew about it.  It was agreed that any future workshop meetings will be recorded with a motion, a second and a vote taken for the record.  KB was not clear at the subgroup notes prepared by DS referring to the subgroup as the “Best Fit”.  DS said he made up the name and maybe it was not the best one that could have been used.

Minutes of September 9, 2009 were approved as presented 5-0 (DS-TS).  SG did not vote due to her not being present at the meeting.

MB handed out minutes from the October 14, 2009 meeting.  They contained highlighted revisions proposed by DS.  MB went through them item by item.  DS explained to the group that it was agreed shortly after the PPC was resurrected that he would assist TS with the minutes, reviewing and commenting on them as he felt necessary.  A general discussion of the minutes was conducted with some confusion as to when they were distributed.  TS stated that he provided them to MB on Tuesday, October 13, 2009.  It was agreed to table the October 14, 2009 minutes until members had a chance to thoroughly review them.

DS stated that the PPC members need to read the documents provided to them to keep up with the progress of the PPC.  TS stated that he will attempt to get minutes out as quickly as possible.

IV. Statement from the Chair

MB resigned as Chairman of the PPC effective immediately.  DS complimented MB on a job well done.  As vice-chairman, JW assumed management of the rest of the meeting.  MLB recommended we change from an employee to a non-employee as chairman and suggested DS be appointed chairman.  DS recommended the appointment be tabled until the next meeting so members have a chance to think about it.

V.  Unfinished Business

Item B taken out of order:  JW introduced the item and then turned the floor over to SG. She indicated that town staff did not vote on issues discussed by the former PPC of years ago.  She stated that she just cannot get it straight in her head why department heads are allowed to be voting members of the PPC.  She stated that they could be the majority vote most of the time.  TS interjected that of the 25 – 30 votes taken by the PPC, including approval of minutes, all votes have been unanimous.

MLB explained to SG that we essentially only vote our opinions and that we seem more like voters at a straw poll.  We only make recommendations to the BOS, we do not make policy nor do we spend money.

DS stated that he felt the PPC did not have a great deal of influence on elected officials.  MB and KB disagreed.

Motion made and passed 8-0 (DS-MLB) that the results of voting be presented in the minutes in the same manner the attendance is presented.

SG said she was going to discuss with the BOS the authority of the DH’s to be voting members of the PPC.  It was stressed by other members of the PPC that she was speaking for herself, not the PPC.

Item A.  DS gave an overview of the PPC and how we got to where we are today.  He also discussed what was addressed at the subgroup workshop referred to as the “Best Fit Group”, an admitted misnomer per DS.  At DS’ question, MB stated that approximately $25,000 of the FD goes to volunteer FF’s and we had previously agreed to recommend increasing it to $75,000.  DS indicated that we would be recommending the BOS approve these monies and have the FD work with an accountant or lawyer to determine the legal ways the FF’s can be compensated.  He went on to say that the $75,000 might or might not be spent.  DS indicated we would likely want to recruit those FF’s that have left in the last five years.

MLB asked if regionalization had been discussed at the subgroup meeting.  Ds stated it had not and went on to say such a plan would likely result in the loss of respective FD and PD chiefs and would free up some space but not a lot.

MB stated that he would likely ask FF’s for input on types of programs that could be used for R&R to best use the funds available.

DS stated that we need to look for recruits; we already have some FF’s on staff.  He reiterated we start with the FF’s who have left within the last five years.  KB agreed with him.

In answer to a question, MB indicated that about a dozen FF’s have resigned in recent memory.  Those that spoke with him about resigning had exit interviews with most individuals indicating a lack of time as being the primary reason for their leaving the FD.  He went on to say that he has an open door policy and that applicable past training will count as much as possible.

KB asked MB about college attendees and their ability to serve on the FD.  MB explained that they are able to serve and stay active. They, like merchant marines who are in the FD, must be current on our federally mandated training, a lot of which is offered on-line, and to respond to calls as much as possible when they are home.  MB said he encourages such individuals to participant and stay on the FD.

DS suggested we recommend the following to the BOS.  The two options 1 and 2 referred to are from the Summary Minutes of the “Best Fit Group” dated September 30, 2009 and are as follows:

Motion made and passed 7-0 (DS-TS): Begin Motion:  Options 1 and 2 as follows be presented to the BOS as the PPC recommendations to address our identified deficiencies:

1.      Option one:     Construct a Public Safety Building now, accommodate Town administrative needs in vacated Town Hall space, hire and staff a combination FD when volunteer force becomes inadequate.

2.      Option two:     Construct a two-story addition to the Town Hall to accommodate present Town administrative needs, PD needs and FD needs.  Invest in a recruitment and retention program for volunteer FD.  If the expanded recruitment and retention program fails to provide an adequate FF force then A. Hire core full time FF, B. Either add on a second story to the present fire station to accommodate the space needs of full time FF, or C.  If equipment and apparatus space in present FD is inadequate in the future, then build a new Fire Station and abandon the present FD space. End Motion.

VI. New Business

JW indicated that he was not interested in being PPC chairman.

DS stated, and KB agreed, that we need a matrix by which we can assess FD staff:

•       Number of people needed
•       Experience of people
•       Future obligations of the FD

DS went on to say that we need the current reality of FF numbers both here and in other towns.  We need to know how other towns are addressing their FD needs, including numbers of volunteer FF’s.  We also need to know how to measure things going forward e.g. effectiveness of the proposed R&R concept; just what other towns accept as reasonable fire protection coverage.  MB added that an acceptable level of coverage and service can vary from town to town and within a town.

VII. Public Comments

JB thanked the group for getting the meeting notices on the Town website.

MD has questions about the availability of minutes to the general public so they could follow along in them.  It was explained that the minutes are not made public until they are finalized and offered for approval e.g. the October 14th minutes discussed above.  MD asked if past members of the FD could rejoin.  MB said he has not turned away anyone.  MD asked if the PPC would consider night meetings.  No action was taken.

SRM said he would like copies of our minutes to review prior to their approval.

VI. Adjournment

Motion made and passed at 11:39 to adjourn: 8-0 (TS-DS).  

VII. Next Meeting

Per today’s agenda, the next meeting is scheduled for 10:00 A.M., November 10, 2009 in the NEH MRm.

Abbreviations   Description     Abbreviations   Description
Admin   Administration Department       PS      Pump Station
BH      Bar Harbor      PT      Part-time
BOS     Board of Selectmen      PW      Public Work’s
DH      Department Head REG     Regionalization
COC     Chamber of Commerce     SLAM    Original Architects for TO
FD      Fire Department SH      Seal Harbor
FF      Fire Fighter    SV      Somesville
FT      Full-time       SWH     Southwest Harbor
MDWD    Mount Desert Water District     SRM     Sumner Roulon-Miller
MMA     Maine Municipal Association     TO      Town Office
MRm     Meeting Room    WC      Warrant Committee
NEH     Northeast Harbor        WWTP    Wastewater Treatment Plant
PM      Pretty Marsh