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Public Protection Minutes 10/14/2009
Public Protection Committee
Minutes of 10:00 A.M., October 14, 2009 Meeting
Town Office Meeting Room

A list of abbreviations can be found at the end of these minutes.

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:03 A.M. by Chief Bender.

II. Roll Call of Members

Attendance      Present Attendance      Present
“Voting Members (9 total)”              Citizen Rep. Kathy Branch (Kathy)       Excused
Citizen Rep. Mary-Lee Bayne (MLB)       Excused Pub. Works Dir. Tony Smith (TS) Yes
Citizen Rep. Katie Bell (KB)    Yes     Police Chief Jim Willis (JW)    Yes
Fire Chief Mike Bender (MB)     Yes     “Non-voting attendees/at large” 
Harbormaster Shawn Murphy (SM)  Yes     Town Mgr. Mike MacDonald (MM)   No
NEHA Joanne Robbins (JR)        Yes     BOS Liaison Rick Mooers (RM)    No
Citizen Rep. Dennis Shubert (DS)        Yes     MDWD Mgr. Paul Slack (PS)       No
Citizen Rep. Sharon Gilley (SG) Yes     Basil Mahaney (BM) for JR-NEHA  No

Selectman Marilyn Damon arrived at 10:07, PPC member JR arrived at 10:09; Selectman Jean Bonville arrived at 10:20.  All three were in attendance for the rest of the entire meeting as a PPC member and members of the public.
III. Discussion/Approval of Minutes

Minutes of September 29, 2009 were approved 7-0 (JW-TS).

IV. Unfinished Business

MB summarized the subgroup meeting held September 30, 2009 with MRM, MB, DS, JW and TS in attendance.  DS then reviewed the written summary of the subgroup meeting with those in attendance.  That summary is appended as an exhibit with these minutes.

JR asked where the ambulance fit into the space needs ideas presented and discussed to date.  DS responded that they have not been addressed since the ambulance is a contracted service and is not a direct town function.  It was generally agreed that the PPC is not at the “who goes where” stage yet regarding space needs per option discussed.  MB and DS discussed that the ambulance will likely stay as is or move to a public safety building with the PD and FD if one is constructed.

KB and SG asked about upkeep of an expanded town office building or a new building.  TS presented the duties of town staff relative to originally being for the town office building only but since extended to work between Seal Harbor, Hall Quarry, Bartlett’s Landing and points in between.

V.  New Business

MB discussed the fact that based on current trends, it is going to be very difficult to maintain a volunteer staffed FD in the near future.  Typically, FD’s are all volunteer, fulltime with no volunteers or a combination FD like BH with both volunteers and FT FF’s.  

DS stated that we need the best protection for the least cost.  He went on to say that BH has ambulance and EMS to help support the FD.  He said it was his opinion that we should maintain an all-volunteer department by increasing resources used for recruitment and retention. He said his research shows that the average FF is worth $45,000 to the Town.  He then distributed and discussed four handouts related to retention and recruitment of volunteer FF’s:

•       A portion of FEMA’s Retention and Recruitment for the Volunteer Emergency Services publication FA-310 dated May 2007 which discussed the nationwide declining numbers of volunteers.
•       A newspaper article entitled “Volunteer firefighter numbers drop in Texas”
•       Table 3 entitled “Sample Award Tiers” found on Page 112 of the FEMA publication described above which described various incentive programs fro volunteers.
•       DS’ table entitled “Fire Department Costs”

DS suggested that the PPC recommend a specific dollar amount to the BOS to fund retention of current FF’s and recruitment of new ones.  He said the current FD staff should be a resource to help decide how to most effectively spend the funds.  SM stated that he agreed with DS.

DS pointed out that the volunteers cannot be paid but they can be offered incentives to stay or to join the FD.  JR suggested appreciation dinners for the FF’s with family members also invited.  JW asked how the volunteers could be paid.  MB will research this.

TS said one concern is weekend calls in the summer when many FF’s are out of Town.  Could there be on-call pay?

SG asked why the volunteer numbers are dropping.  SG expressed concern about one situation that suggested to her that retention efforts were not as they should be.  MB explained the process by which volunteers that do not attend the required training are addressed e.g. the volunteer receives a letter by certified mail asking them to contact him within 60 days to see why they are missing training, is there anything that can be worked out to help them stay If the volunteer does not contact MB within the 60 days the assumption is made that the individual is no longer interested in the FD and are removed from the roster.  Sending the inquiry to the absentee by certified letter serves at least two purposes, 1) we know the individual received the letter and has been offered the opportunity to respond and 2) serves as a record that protects the Town from any claims that they did not notify the individual. MB provided specific examples of retention efforts such as the use of leave of absence.

JR stated that the NEH ambulance service has four people doing the job that MB is responsible for by himself e.g. they have spread the work load over four ambulance officers whereas MB has similar duties that he alone is responsible for.

There then was a general discussion of a human resources-type person in the FD to contact the absentee or fringe FF’s to discuss why e.g. they are not turning out for training.  KB said she understood the professional and liability part of the certified letter contact but suggested we mix in more of the personal touch side of things.  She offered to assist with this if the FD deemed it appropriate.

DS and SM agreed that the retention and recruitment budget be increased from the current $34,000 to $75,000.  DS said as a taxpayer he would like to prevent the need for full time FFs.  If the proposed retention and recruitment concept fails, we may have to go to a FT FD.  MB stressed that we need people to respond to calls and training when we need them.  JR stressed that she felt being paid to respond to calls will bring out the volunteers.

The following motion was passed 8-0 (DS-SM): “The PPC make a recommendation to the BOS that the volunteer portion of the FD budget be increased to $75,000 to use towards recruitment and retention programs.”  It was generally agreed that the committee was asking the BOS to budget for a recruitment and retention program before the details are known.  The assumption is that the BOS would be kept apprised of developments along the way.  The group agreed that the presence of committed funds would concentrate and assist the effort to develop the recruitment and retention program.

MB and KB agreed on the concept of a FF of the Year Award with the awards ceremony being open to the general public.  At KB’s inquiry and interest in the public being involved, JR explained that townspeople can join the Fire and Rescue Association to help raise money and meet the FF’s.

VI. Public Comments

MB introduced this portion of the agenda to all in attendance.  It is intended to include the public in the process and to allow the PPC to continue a smooth flow of information and work without having to e.g. explain a years worth of work by the PPC to someone in the audience that is attending their first meeting.

JB stated that she attends to listen but was concerned that the meetings were not posted on the Town website and general Town e-mail list.

In response to MD’s questions:

1) JR explained that the ambulance staff consists of 20 volunteers.

2) KB said he was not interested in assembling a human resource-type group for the FD but she will help on such a group if one is formed.  Based on JR’s description, MB went on to say she now felt the best way for the public to become involved is to join the Fire and Rescue Association; KB indicated an interest in the Association.  MB explained that members of the Association can turnout during an emergency to provide snacks, beverages or assist with other necessary duties.  JW asked if the Association can go on the Town website even though it is not an official Town entity.

3) MD wondered if we do hold a Christmas party for the FD can the public be invited.

VI. Adjournment

Motion made and passed at 11:25 to adjourn: 8-0 (DS-SG).  

VII. Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for 10:00 A.M., October 28, 2009 in the NEH MRm.

Abbreviations   Description     Abbreviations   Description
Admin   Administration Department       PS      Pump Station
BH      Bar Harbor      PT      Part-time
BOS     Board of Selectmen      PW      Public Work’s
COC     Chamber of Commerce     REG     Regionalization
FD      Fire Department SLAM    Original Architects for TO
FF      Fire Fighter    SH      Seal Harbor
FT      Full-time       SV      Somesville
MDWD    Mount Desert Water District     SWH     Southwest Harbor
MMA     Maine Municipal Association     SRM     Sumner Roulon-Miller
MRm     Meeting Room    TO      Town Office
NEH     Northeast Harbor        WC      Warrant Committee
PM      Pretty Marsh    WWTP    Wastewater Treatment Plant