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Public Protection Minutes 06/17/2009
Public Protection Committee
Minutes of 10:00 A.M., June 17, 2009 Meeting
Town Office Meeting Room

Abbreviations   Description     Abbreviations   Description
BH      Bar Harbor      PT      Part-time
BOS     Board of Selectmen      SH      Seal Harbor
FD      Fire Department SV      Somesville
FF      Fire Fighter    SWH     Southwest Harbor
FT      Full-time       WC      Warrant Committee
MDWD    Mount Desert Water District     WWTP    Wastewater Treatment Plant
MMA     Maine Municipal Association             
NEH     Northeast Harbor                
PS      Pump Station            

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:04 A.M. by Chief Bender.

II. Roll Call of Members

Attendance      Present Attendance      Present
“Voting Members (9 total)”              Kathy Branch (Kathy)    Yes
Citizen Rep. Mary-Lee Bayne (MLB)       Yes     Pub. Works Dir. Tony Smith (TS) Yes
Citizen Rep. Katie Bell (KB)    No      Police Chief Jim Willis (JW)    Yes
Fire Chief Mike Bender (MB)     Yes     “Non-voting attendees/at large” 
Harbormaster Shawn Murphy (SM)  No      Town Mgr. Mike MacDonald (MM)   No
NEHA Joanne Robbins (JR)        Yes     BOS Liaison Rick Mooers (RM)    No
Citizen Rep. Dennis Shubert (DS)        Yes     MDWD Mgr. Paul Slack (PS)       No
Sharon Gilley (SG)      Yes     Basil Mahaney (BM) for JR-NEHA  Yes

New members Sharon Gilley and Kathy Branch were recognized and welcomed; prior members introduced themselves.  Selectman Jean Bonville was in attendance for the entire meeting as a member of the public.

III. Discussion/Approval of Minutes

Minutes of May 13, 2009 approved. Motion made and passed: 7-0 (TS-JW).  DS arrived at 10:21 and did not vote.

IV. Unfinished Business

MLB stated that the Burden’s have a remote electrical service disconnect and Alan Gregory told her his cost was approximately $75.00.  She said she thought it might be beneficial if the PPC made homeowners aware that such a piece of equipment was available.

V. New Business

A.  BH FD tour:  MLB said it was eye opening and that MB might need a few things to make life easier.  She stated that the BH chief stated that he would not have applied for MB’s job due to the workload that MB has.  MLB pointed out that BH is a lot bigger that we are geographically.  MB pointed out that regardless of size; most communities have similar FD problems.  TS said his observation was that the BH chief spent a lot of time dealing with administration and finances of the department (as opposed to hands-on hose testing, training, trouble-shooting, etc).  Kathy asked what the BH FD budget was.  MB said he would get it for us.  It was generally agreed that additional field trips were not necessary at this time.

B.  PPC interim report:  The report was accepted to provide to the BOS at their July 6th meeting.  Motion made and passed: 8-0 (TS-JW).  DS asked MB to send him an e-mail when the BOS does address this.  It was recommended all members be in attendance.

C.  MB asked DS to continue the discussion, specifically to explain how we got to the point we are at now.  He explained that the first priority was for us to address the PD’s privacy and safety concerns stating that the facility is the issue.  Corrective action to be considered includes:

a. Remodel the existing facility.
b. Is there another building in town that PD can use?
c. Construct a new facility.

As such:

a. Remodel the existing facility.

JW again reviewed the new two-story addition proposed by SLAM, the original architectural firm that designed the building and, the schematics that he and TS prepared then used to solicit concept prices from two area contractors.  Utilizing the meeting room for the PD was proposed by MLB.  Discussion ensued that former BOS said they would never consider dividing the meeting room into office-type space.  TS stated that when he proposed it the reaction to it was less than enthusiastic from the former BOS.  A lot of the concern about subdividing the town office meeting room centered on the fact that Curtis Blake donated the building with the intent that the meeting room would remain as such.  Jean Bonville was recognized and offered that she had spoken with Mr. Blake and he would prefer utilizing the meeting room for office-type space as opposed to a building addition.  It was noted that many rumors had been circulating about use of the room and it was generally agreed that there are typically many more rumors than truth around.

It was agreed that TS and JW would provide a sketch of the meeting room as it might be used by the PD with associated reconstruction costs at the July meeting of the PPC.  It was noted that we all must keep in mind both short and long-term needs and associated solutions for the PD.  JW is out the week of June 22nd.

b. Is there another building in town that PD can use?

DS asked about other buildings in town that the PD might be able to use.  JW pointed out the letter report prepared by CES that presented their finding when they reviewed the SH fire station as a possible location for the PD.  In summary, the CES report stated that the SH location was not a viable option.  MB identified the meeting/community rooms at the SH and SV fire stations.  TS reiterated that these rooms were being utilized for the intent they were built – community rooms for funeral receptions, rented out to the townspeople for birthday celebrations, wedding receptions, flea markets, etc. JR pointed out that the American Legion room was leased to them $1.00.  MLB suggested they could move elsewhere.  TS said it was his opinion that they absolutely not be moved.  They are the reason we are able to hold such meetings like the PPC.

The following action was taken:  Based on the CES study of the SH fire station, it is our recommendation the PPC not consider any other uses for the facility other than those which it now has.  Motion made and passed: DS-TS (8-0).  

TS confirmed that the museum was sold for $1.00.  The sale has yet to be completed.
MB stated that the SV fire station building and land is owned by the town.  The town in turn leases the community room to the SV fire company.  They handle any cash flow and scheduling issues for the room e.g. rent fees for funeral receptions, rented out to the townspeople for birthday celebrations, wedding receptions, flea markets, etc.

The following action was taken:  Based on the location and current use of the SV fire station, it is our recommendation the PPC not consider any other uses for the facility other than those which it now has.  Motion made and passed: DS-TS (8-0).  
SG asked who owned the Chamber of Commerce building in NEH.  Per the BOS at their June 8th meeting, ownership is not clear.  Originally, Farnum Butler owned their land; the town built the building.  There may be multiple owners.  It was also noted it is being identified as the “Yachtsman Building” in the proposed NEH marina upgrade project.

The following action was taken: The PPC considered use of the COC building for the PD but will do so no longer based on the ownership questions and it being considered in the proposed NEH marina upgrade project.  Motion made and passed: DS-TS (8-0).  

MLB asked who owned the Neighborhood House.  It was noted that they are their own entity with a board of directors.

MB suggested that we must consider the ramifications of subdividing the NEH meeting room and how other people and entities might be affected.  He stated that the next steps related to the PD are to look at new construction and regionalization.

VI. Adjournment

The following action was taken:  Motion to adjourn at 11:30 A.M.  Motion made and passed: DS-TS (8-0).  

VII. Next Meeting

MB reminded us that the next meeting is July 8, 2009 at 10:00 AM at the NEH meeting room.