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Public Protection Minutes 01/14/2009
Public Protection Committee
Minutes of 10:00 A.M., 1-14-09 & 1-22-09 Meetings at, respectively,
the Northeast Harbor Library and the Town Office Meeting Room

January 14, 2009
Northeast Harbor Library

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:05 A.M. by Chief Bender.

II. Roll Call of Members

Attendance: Fire Chief Mike Bender (MB); Board of Selectmen (BOS) Liaison Rick Mooers (RM) arrived at 10:10; Citizen representatives Dennis Schubert (DS) and Katie Bell (KB); Police Chief Jim Willis (JW); Public Works Director Tony Smith (TS); Town Manager Michael MacDonald (MM); Joanne Robbins (JR), Northeast Harbor Ambulance Service (NEHAS).

III. Discussion/Approval of Minutes

MB pointed out that we are using Roberts Rules of Order and, as such, we are to: be recognized by the Chairman before speaking, make a positive motion, hear a second, comment, and end comments with person who made the motion. If no further comments, a vote is taken.

The minutes of the meeting of 12-17-08 were approved 6 – 0 with no discussion.  (Shubert-Willis).

IV. Unfinished Business

A.  Voting members of the PPC: MB told the group that the water district decided to have their manager, Paul Slack, be a non-voting, ad hoc committee member.  We can call him seeking information.  Our voting members are at a total of nine.

B.  Outside agency review:  TS stated that he routinely has the Bureau of Labor (OSHA) visit public works under their SafetyWorks program to perform assessments of staff, safety, facilities, etc.  He also stated that Olver Associates is in the process of an audit of the operations and maintenance of the wastewater division of public works.  DS said the intent of an outside agency would not to micromanage but to offer positive input to the respective departments.  He went on to say it would be up to the department heads to identify applicable outside agencies we would

like to have visit and then recommend them to the BOS e.g. we have identified gaps in the departments that we would like assistance from others with addressing.

C.  Warrant article:  It was agreed that it was to late to get an article in the May 2009 warrant.  A general discussion ensued as the best way to get information out to the townspeople e.g. public hearings, town office postings:
•       MM described the lack of attendance at comprehensive plan committee meetings.
•       RM suggested we request a standing BOS agenda item entitled “Committee Reports” for any and all committees that might want to present something at a BOS meeting.
•       JW and TS suggested we ask for a placeholder in the warrant at the May 2009 town meeting to introduce the PPC and what we are doing/hoping to do.
•       MB summed up the general discussion stating that it was the consensus to hold a public hearing between now and the start of FY-10 to present what we are doing/hoping to do with the intention of getting a feel for what the public is thinking.

V. New Business

Presentation of each PPC department’s 5-year capital improvement plan (CIP).

Fire Department:  See the attached CIP handed out and presented by MB.

1.  MB stated that in 2000 we had 50 +/- volunteers; we have 23 now.

•       Half are older than age 40
•       Training requirements have become more extensive likely leading to a decrease in volunteers
•       Family pressures of e.g. two income households required to live have likely lead to a decrease in volunteers
•       We will likely hit a critical stage for staffing in 2011-2013.

2.  DS said he would like to see the town get aggressive towards paying volunteers to respond to calls, not just training as an inducement to join.  It was generally agreed that even with full-time paid firefighters, we would still rely on a mix of full-time and volunteers.

3.  MB pointed out that even with a pay-per-call system; a lot of firefighters are usually out of town in the summer months.  We might have to have paid on-call firefighters for Saturdays and Sundays.  In response to a question, MB stated that the volunteer’s payroll in the budget is just for training, not paid calls and, it costs approximately $3,500 per volunteer for gear and academy training.

4.  JR said that the ambulance people are paid per call with day rates different than night rates.  They pay for tuition for training but not the training time or ambulance inspections.  She stressed that the people are trained but not over trained and offer the same training at different locations and times.  She also said their staffing numbers have increased.

5.  DS stated that the fire service is very valuable as compared to the costs associated with it.  He felt the fire training budget could be increased threefold with minimal impact being made on the overall municipal budget.  He felt it could be viewed as a part-time job to entice new members.  He also feels that if the fire fighters were paid we might be able to enlist those sitting on the fence considering the pros and cons of joining.

6.  MB pointed out that closing Station 2 in Seal Harbor would be an option for 2011 if we have both full time and volunteer fire fighters.

7.  DS pointed out that MB’s office will not pass code.  MB stated it is the Life Safety Code for lack of a second egress that causes it to fail.  MB went on to state that the Northeast Harbor (NEH) fire station is getting smaller with the recent addition of a second ambulance and a bigger ladder truck arriving in the near future.  Presently, Seal harbor and Somesville have adequate space.

8.  JW discussed the history of the “lack of space” issue referring to the SLAM and CES studies prepared for the town at a cost of $41,000.  He went on to say the MB’s office is a hand dug hole excavated by the members of the former NEH Fire Company.

9.  DS stated the buildings and grounds needs to work towards bring the town office up to code.

11:15 A.M.

Police Department:  JW presented his CIP and distributed handouts, a copy of which is attached herein.

1.  JW stated described the town’s involvement ion the Maine DEA where we presently have a police officer working. He went on to say the training the officer receives while at the DEA is excellent, getting exposure to situations that they might not here that assists them in investigations they undertake once they return to our police department.

2.  JR stated that the NEHAS is renting two rooms from the medical center in NEH for more exposure and for additional training space.

12:00 Noon: RM left the meeting.  

VI. Adjournment

The meeting abruptly adjourned shortly thereafter due to a faulty sprinkler system.

January 22, 2009
Town Office Meeting Room

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:05 A.M. by Chief Bender.

II. Roll Call of Members

Attendance: Fire Chief Mike Bender (MB); Citizen representatives Mary Lee Bayne (MLB) and Marilyn Damon (MD); Police Chief Jim Willis (JW); Public Works Director Tony Smith (TS); Joanne Robbins (JR), Northeast Harbor Ambulance Service (NEHAS); Harbormaster Shawn Murphy (SM).]

V. New Business

We continued with Item V from the agenda dated January 14, 2009.

MB briefly summarized the Roberts Rules of Order by which the meetings will be conducted.  He also briefly summarized what we had discussed at the 1-14-09 meeting – the fire departments CIP and approximately half of the police departments CIP.  JW began where he left off.

Police Department

1. JW pointed out that the information on his handout is not actually a CIP but more a discussion of anticipated issues.

2.  At a question from MD, JW said that there are six full time police officers including him plus one part time officer to cover leave time and one summer officer.  Throughout the year, he might use 4 – 5 part time officers.  He went on to say that a part time officer requires 100 hours of a training; a full time officer 18 weeks.  The employment of one additional full time officers as a floater would cover the time spent by all the part timers.  If an officer is wearing a blue pin on his uniform he is a full time police officer.

3.  MLB stressed the importance of communication between the police department and the populace.  JW wholeheartedly agreed.

4.  JW discussed the SLAM and CES space needs study in a little more detail than last meeting.  He stressed that he needs a safe, secure and private space in which to work and, for example, to
bring victims of crimes to for interviews e.g. rape victims like was the case in 2008 when someone walked in on an interview in process.

5.  MLB stated she understood because she and JW stood in the hall to discuss an issue because JW’s office was being used for such an interview.

Public Works:  TS distributed his CIP then discussed same, a copy of which is attached herein.  These minutes are sketchy due to the difficulty in discussing something and taking thorough notes at the same time.

TS discussed the various items on his CIP, including what the Maine Municipal Bond Bank is.  He also offered to take PPC members on a tour of public works.  He will schedule a tour with JR, MLB, MD and MB.

11:45:  Harbormaster Murphy gave an overview of the NEH marina upgrade project.  He stated that the project is funded by resources from the marina.  He went on to say that the marina has a reserve account for future expenditures.  He also stated that the harbors budget is authorized by the BOS.

It was noted that the town office staff uses the meeting room in NEH as a lunchroom.

VI. Adjournment:  

The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 (Bender-Willis). The next meeting is scheduled for 10:00 A.M., 2-11-09 at the town office meeting room.  Each department head is to start a list of the assets they are responsible for.


Fire Department: 5-Year CIP
Police Department: 5-Year Plan (01-09)
Public Work: 5-Year CIP