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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 11/22/04
Board Members Present                           Public Present
Marc Sevigny, Chairman                          Robert L. Falt
James Clunan, Vice Chairman                     Robert Ho
Heather Jones, Secretary                                Douglas Chapman
Joseph Tracy                                            Bill Haynes
Samuel M. Fox III, alt                          Nancy K. Ho
Lisa Renault                                    

Bret Hamor, CEO; Tammy Gordon, Recording Secretary

I)      The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

II)     The draft minutes from the November 8, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved as amended.

III)    Public Hearings - Conditional Use Permit Applications
        A.~~~~~~NAME:~ Robert L. Falt, applicant/Agnes H. Falt, owner
LOCATION:~ Forest Lane, Northeast Harbor
TAX MAP:~ 24~~~~ LOT:~ 20~~~~ ZONE:~ Village Commercial
PURPOSE:~ Residential use in a commercial zone

        It was confirmed the notice was published in the Bar Harbor Times.

Dr. Fox has, within the last 18 months, employed Robert Falt.  Dr. Fox will participate in the discussion but will not vote.

Dr. Fox, Mr. Hamor and Mr. Clunan attended the site inspection, Dr. Fox reports:  They met with Robert, Gordon and Dan Falt and discussed the area in which Dan has a residence and apartment building adjacent to new building.  Mr. Falt lives across the street until the new building is finished.

Mr. Falt states that there will be plenty of parking on both sides, there will be up to 4 employees and no tenants, only Mr. Falt will live there.  The primary use will be commercial.


IV)     Unfinished Business
A.~~~~~~NAME:~ Nancy Ho - owner
LOCATION:~ Sound Drive, Northeast Harbor
TAX MAP:~ 8~~~~ LOT:~ 39~~~~ ZONE:~ Residential 1 and Rural Woodland 2
Land Subdivision, plan revision

The subdivision has been approved; the revision is a change on page 3 of the covenants in the “Removal of Vegetation” section.  Cutting is allowed to maintain views, but there is no felling of trees.

Mr. Sevigny states that, if Board members are familiar with the application, then they can vote whether or not they were involved in approving the original application.

Douglas Chapman and the Board discussed covenants already approved.  Mr. Chapman will change the sentence, “No unregistered vehicles shall be kept or stored on any lot while parked in a closed garage” to read, “No unregistered vehicles shall be kept or stored on any lot unless parked in a closed garage” on Page 6 Section K of the covenants.


B.~~~~~~NAME:~ Haynes Bros LLC
LOCATION:~ 40 Sylvan Rd, Northeast Harbor
TAX MAP:~ 25~~~~ LOT:~ 54~~~~ ZONE:~ Village Commercial
Multi unit building subdivision, completeness review of application

William Haynes will obtain a letter of authorization as the application is from Haynes Bros LLC.  Mr. Haynes will get a plat size detailed drawing that states street names, abutter’s names, including abutters across the road and includes a topographical.  This is pending and a public hearing will be scheduled for January 10th, 2005.

The Standards of Section 4 of the Subdivision Ordinance were reviewed and found to be in conformance, as noted on the application.

Mr. Sevigny stated that if the topographical has not been a requirement in the past the Board may want to make it a requirement.

The Board found the application complete.

C.~~~~~~NAME:~ Mikel R. Deangelis
LOCATION:~ 19 Blanchard Rd, Mount Desert
TAX MAP:~ 9~~~~ LOT:~ 12~~~~ ZONE:~ Residential 1
Four lot land subdivision
Site Inspection 2:30 p.m.

Site inspection report:  Mrs Jones, Mrs. Renault, Mr. Hamor and Dr, Fox attended the    site inspection, Mrs. Renault reports: It seems Mr. Deangelis is trying to preserve open        space and the road frontage.  There were a lot of trees and one spot was cleared 12 or  15 years ago and beginning to come back.  There is no heavy or dense vegetation.

The Board previously requested that Mr. Deangelis revise the subdivision plans to conform with the subdivision ordinance.

V.~~~~~~ New Business
A.~~~~~ ~Ordinance changes, discussion

The Board reviewed the Ordinance Review Committee’s letter to Noel Mussen.

Mr. Hamor suggested that Mike and Joel have a statement from the Chief about the safety of the road in Hall Quarry by Monday, November 29th, 2004.  He will also check with Mr. Deangelis about documentation from the Highway Department.

Mrs. Jones will email Bill Fern about Warrant Committee on December 14th, 2004.

VI.     Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.  The next scheduled public hearing is for proposed ordinance changes for the 2005 Warrant in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Sea Street, Northeast Harbor at 6:00 p.m., November 29, 2004.~ The next regularly scheduled meeting is December 13, 2004.