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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 11/14/05

Board Members Present           Public Present
Marc Sevigny, Chairman          Sam Coplon
James Clunan, Vice Chairman
Heather Jones, Secretary
Joseph Tracy
Schofield (Sandy) Andrews

Kim Keene, CEO; Hope Rowan, Assistant; Darcel Winslow, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m.

II.     The Final-Approved minutes from the October 11, 2005, meeting were revisited and a few changes were made. The changes were made due to some members being absent from the last meeting to submit their changes.

III.    The draft minutes from the October 24, 2005, meeting were unanimously approved, as amended.

        CEO Keene, stated that Mr. Mandell withdrew his request in writing for a zoning change.

IV.     New Business

A.      Hope Rowan to discuss Subdivision signs and land that is undevelopable.
The Comprehensive Plan Committee has submitted proposed language changes to the existing subdivision ordinance, as follows,
        8.2 Signs Prohibited:
1. Signs related to goods or service not sold or rendered on the premises are not permitted, except for those permitted under Section 8.3.
2. Permanent signs identifying an entry or name of a subdivision or multifamily development are not permitted.

        Road signs were discussed and will continue to be permitted but not subdivision signs.
CEO Keene stated that she did not have a problem with the new language, but believes that developers will have a problem with it.
Mr. Clunan explained that the whole purpose of this language is to minimize signage.
Chairman Sevigny suggested putting this matter out to the Town for a vote as tastes are different.
Sam Coplon explained that he on one hand agrees with the restraint, but on the other hand, his clients are interested in signage.
Mr. Andrews stated that you can make a subdivision entrance attractive by landscaping.


MOTION MADE AND SECONDED to have a Public Hearing on this matter before submitting to the Warrant Committee. (Andrews/Clunan)


Proposed wording for Section 3.6 Height is as follows,
        Structures shall not exceed thirty-five feet. In exceptional cases, which meet the standards of this ordinance and will not adversely affect the skyline of the Town, a Conditional Use Permit may be issued, notwithstanding the above height limitations. Placement of fill with the intention of circumventing this height requirement is prohibited.

Discussion of the definition of height followed, and it was determined that the 35 feet was for Shoreland Zones only. For Section 3.6, it was suggested to add a note “M” rather than change the existing note “H”. An “M” will be placed on the 3.6 grid for Shoreland Residential 1,2,3 and 5.  The definition of Heightit was discussed and suggested that this language be taken back to the Ordinance Review Committee for further discussion and for them to decide if a Public Hearing on this matter should take place.

The difference in language between the Subdivision Ordinance and the LUZO were again discussed and the analysis that was received by MMA dated November 3, 2005, explained that the two ordinances being worded differently is acceptable.
Mr. Coplon stated that Public Works Director Tony Smith should be present when this type of discussion is at hand and that a 1500 foot radius should be looked at.
Chairman Sevigny proposed that all proposed changes be put on one sheet of paper and then submitted to the Planning Board for the December 12th meeting.

B.      Address Lehman letter sent to Planning Board regarding zoning change.

The Zoning change was discussed as requested by the Lehman letter. The date of the original change was in question, and zoning maps were studied. It was explained that a single lot zoning change can not be accomplished, the whole area must be changed.

Chairman Sevigny explained that he will respond to the Lehman letter and that  a workshop with the Ordinance Review Committee will be scheduled within six months to make the area in question consistent with its surrounding properties. The Lehman’s will be sent notification of the workshop, and the public will be invited. It was requested that colored zoning maps be located and made available to all members of the Planning Board.

        MOTION MADE AND SECONDED to adjourn. (Clunan/Jones)

V.      Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday, November 28, 2005, in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.