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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 08/08/05

Board Members Present           Public Present
James Clunan, Vice Chairman     Mikel DeAngelis         Frank Barnes
Heather Jones, Secretary                Eric Jones
Lisa Renault     (left at 7 PM)         Thomas Leddy
Marc Sevigny (6:35PM arrived)   Chris Wriggins
Kim Keene, CEO; Hope Rowan, assistant: Darcel Winslow, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mr. Clunan.

II.     The draft minutes from the July 25 meeting were unanimously approved, as amended.

III.    Public Hearings - Conditional Use Permits
A.      NAME: Thomas Leddy/ Chris Wriggins, agent
LOCATION: 3 Summit Road, Northeast Harbor
TAX MAP: 26  LOT  4-2  ZONE  VC
PURPOSE: To build a 7-8 foot fence around the rear of the property.

        It was confirmed the notice was published in the Bar Harbor Times.

        No conflict of interest was reported.  The regular members present are the voting members for this hearing. (Clunan, Jones, Renault)
        Site Inspection attended by Mrs. Renault and reported by Mrs. Renault.
        Mrs. Renault explained that Mr. Leddy wants to build a 7-8 foot high fence on his property. The proposed fence was amended from 7’ 8” to 8’ 6”, it was explained that there will be a lattice design above the 6 foot height. Changed fence height from 7’10” to 8’6” as indicated on the original plan to include the finials.  They will be enclosing the garden in the back of the property and plan to build the fence as close to the property line as allowed. CEO, Keene urged him to leave enough space on their side of the property line for maintenance and repairs. The fence will look the same on both sides.


        The Standards of Section 3.4.7 and Section 6. of the LUZO, as amended March 8, 2005, were reviewed and found to be in conformance, as noted on the application.


B.      NAME: Eric and Heather Jones
LOCATION: 83 Beech Hill Crossroad, Mount Desert
TAX MAP:  10  LOT  15  ZONE:  R1
PURPOSE: To amend CUP # 99-17, to be able to store bait on property at trap pile.

        It was confirmed the notice was published in the Bar Harbor Times.

        Conflict of interest was reported by Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones recused herself.  The regular members present are the voting members for this hearing.

        The previously approved minutes from the Public Hearing for the previously approved CUP #99-17 statesstate that no bait will not be stored on the Jones property, Mr. Jones is requesting the change be made to allow him to store bait on his property.  He explained that a type of cooler will be built to store the bait in.
        Mr. Clunan explained the area that the traps are currently in is close to the Beech Hill Cross Road, Mr. Jones would have to cut 3-4 trees to build this refrigerated storage unit. They have abutters to the Northwest who have expressed concern about concerns of odor from bait.the traps stored on the property. Mr. Clunan asked if the neighbors ever complained about the odor of the rope that is already stored on the property. Mr. Jones stated that no one has complained about the rope.
        Along the road there is an existing drain and natural run off.
        Mrs. Keene stated that the bait will be enclosed in a 12’ X 16’ building without any windows, therefore drainage from the stores bait will not be a problem.
Mr. Clunan went to the nearby Barnes residence and estimates it to be 200-300 feet away, it seems odors will not be a problem.


        The Standards of Section 6. of the LUZO, as amended March 8, 2005 were reviewed and found to be in conformance, as noted on the application.


IV.     Unfinished Business
        Subdivision Application
        NAME: Mikel DeAngelis/ Ivy Woods Subdivision
        LOCATION: 19 Blanchard Road, Mount Desert
        TAX MAP: 9  LOT:  12  ZONE:  R1
        PURPOSE:  Sketch Plan Review

Mr. DeAngelis stated to the Board that the six things the Board had previously asked for him to correct, have been completed. He showed the Board on the plan exactly what he had done and the changes he had made.
The corrections are as follows,
1.      A more detailed Hammerhead Turn around.
2.       Show existing structures on lot number 2.
3.      Show test pits on lots 3 & 4.
4.      Show driveways for lots 3 & 4.
5.      Supply a letter from the Fire Chief (Chief Farley) stating his belief that the hammerhead can accommodate the fire trucks.
6.      More detail on the road.

The Board stated that the application is now ready for a Completeness Review.
Mr. DeAngelis will return on September 12,, 2005 for this.
No action required.

V.      New Business
Hope Rowan addressed the Board about the proposed ordinance changes.

1.      Section 4.8 Relocation of non-conforming structures. CEO Keene requested this change. Ordinance Review Committee (ORC) is SUPPORTING
2.      Section 4.4- Abandonment-Changing time period from 18 months to 12 months. With the exception of military personnel. ORC is SUPPORTING
3.      Enforcing Driveways and Roadway set back of 5 feet. ORC is not recommending.
4.      Section Fences- On fences over 6 feet changing from Planning Board authority to CEO authority. ORC is not recommending.

VI.     Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday, August 22, 2005 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.