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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 07/24/06
Town of Mount Desert
Planning Board
Minutes July 24, 2006

Board Members Present                   Public Present
James R. Bright, alt                            none present
James Clunan
Heather Jones, Chairman
Joseph Tracy

Kim Keene, CEO; Joelle D. Nolan, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

II.     Motion made, seconded, and unanimously approved to review the draft minutes from the July 10, 2006 meeting at the next meeting (August 14, 2006).

III.    A.      Planning Board Workshop
Chairman Jones referred to the outline she created and members reviewed
1.      Set Parameters for Workshop
a.      Duration:  1 ½ hours (6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.).  Agreed.
b.      Goals:  Chairman Jones suggested the main focus at the next Annual Town Meeting (March 2007) should be on the Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) proposals.  Although these workshops will be helpful, they probably won't result in proposed changes for Town Meeting until 2008.  Mr. Clunan reminded the Board that this year's Warrant Article for the proposed change to the definition of "height" was incorrect and was withdrawn.  The correct proposal needs to be included in the 2007 Warrant.  All agreed.  CEO Keene asked if another proposed change to LUZO Section 3.5 Permitted Uses Chart could be submitted for the 2007 Warrant: under Home Occupation change "C" to "CEO".  Agreed.  Another goal suggested Chairman Jones would be to meet with developers to receive feedback regarding workforce housing as it applies to the Subdivision Ordinance.  Mr. Bright talked about reviewing the Subdivision Ordinance for "shalls" and "mays" and tighten the language to do away with sections that duplicate.
c.      Who participates:  CPC?, ZBOA?, Board of Selectmen (BOS)?  CEO Keene thought it would be important to have involvement of the CPC.  Chairman Jones talked with Sherry Churchill, the new Planning Assistant, and her focus is currently with the CPC; however, if invited she will attend Planning Board meetings.  Chairman Jones encouraged her to attend the meetings; they will give her additional knowledge of what is currently going on and continue to help her know the Town and its people.  Chairman Jones suggested a meeting with ZBOA after the Newlin variance appeals to show them what the Board has put in place and receive feedback from them.  Mr. Bright wondered if a relationship really needs to be developed since it is the Planning Board's responsibility to articulate why decisions were made and to make sure a proper record is provided.  Final agreement of members present is that it is not necessary to meet with ZBOA nor with the BOS.
d.      When:  Schedule workshops in addition to regular meetings?  Striving for proposed changes in 2008; therefore during the spring of 2007 schedule workshops in addition to regular meeting dates and have specific topics on the agenda.
e.      Detailed minutes or summary of key points/decisions/next steps.  It was agreed that highlights of key points and decisions would be sufficient.
f.      Prioritize items:  take in order as listed from the list in minutes of June 26, 2006, except if current "hot" topic.  Agreed.
List of items to address at workshops:
Shall vs may, as used in the LUZO and Subdivision Ordinance
        Private pier structure
Session with Comprehensive Plan Committee with a focus on the major revisions to the LUZO and Subdivision Ordinance
        Educating developers about workforce housing
        Vernal pools, aquifers
        Drilled wells for subdivisions
Subsurface wastewater systems on owned property vs pumping to another property
        Impact fees
g.      Ownership:  the Planning Board member who listed the topic would start the dialogue by explaining reasons.  Agreed.
h.      Other.  Importance of attendance by all Board members.  Mr. Bright brought up a complaint he has heard from the public: Planning Board is sometimes seen permitting something that isn't enforced or is unenforceable.  As far as parking is concerned, CEO Keene suggested adding language to the LUZO indicating on site parking required rather than allowing off site parking.  A lengthy discussion of parking problems in the Town followed.  Agreed it is an issue that needs attention.

IV.     Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) meeting discussion
        Chairman Jones referred to her conversation with Sherry Churchill; Sherry asked if CPC and PB could meet next week, Wednesday, August 2nd.  Pizza will be provided.  CPC is now meeting every other week, with homework for members in between.  CPC won't be making its August 1st deadline.  Sherry is working on gaps she sees (inconsistencies).  She asked if any PB members would be willing to review a chapter of the Plan.  She has referred some to the appropriate Department Heads.  CPC members are reviewing sections, too.  Specific items are required (by State rule) in each chapter, then there are desired items to make the chapter more complete.  Mr. Bright offered to review the marine chapter; Mr. Clunan offered to review transportation; and Mr. Tracy land use patterns.  Chairman Jones will ask Mrs. Reilly to review the chapter regarding environment.

V.      Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday,  August 14, 2006 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.

Respectfully submitted,

Patti Reilly, Secretary