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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 10/12/10
Public Present

Board Members Present                   
Ellen Brawley, Chair, James Clunan, Vice Chairman; Gerard M. Miller, alt; Joseph Tracy

Kim Keene, CEO; Claire Woolfolk, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.

II.     Workshop: To discuss the Shoreland Zoning changes required by DEP.  Also discuss Sections 6A.7 “Stormwater” & 6C.5 “Erosion and Sedimentation Control” within the Land Use Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Mount Desert.  

1.      Shoreland Zoning changes required by DEP
Mr. Clunan opened the discussion by questioning the reason for why the Planning Board is looking at this again.  Ms. Brawley and Ms. Keene confirmed that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) (Stephanie) had items that the town needed to address.  Currently, Town of Mount Desert only has conditional approval from the State at this time.  Ms. Keene stated that the changes to the Shoreland Zoning are mandatory and if we don’t amend the ordinance then the State will require us to do so.

Mr. Tracy suggested that the board accept the mandate and Mr. Clunan agreed.  Mr. Miller suggested that the board write up the changes and then they can go through and vote to approve once all the changes are made.  The other members of the board agreed. The board will vote on all the changes at once.

The board then proceeded to go through the letter from Stephanie MacLagan (DEP) dated May 27, 2010 and the draft follow up from David P. Littell’s office (Commissioner) (attached).  Ms. Keene noted the changes the board discussed pertaining to the shoreland zoning.  She agreed to provide copies of the changed items in bold and underlined for the board to use when approving the amendments (attached).

III.    The draft minutes from the August 23 and September 27, 2010 meetings were unanimously approved as amended.  August 9th meeting minutes did not have a quorum present and were not approved.

IV.     Other Business
Ms. Keene notified the board that the October 25th meeting is dedicated to go over the priorities as discussed in the August 9 and 23 Planning Board meetings and the Land Use changes/proposals from this meeting.  

Ms. Keene received a call from Sam Shaw requesting that the Planning Board place an item on the October 25th agenda to listen to a representative from RESTORE Northeast Harbor and the revitalization committee talk about the changes that the groups want to propose.  The groups have hired Noah Hodgetts to write some language for the LUZO changes as pertains to the revitalization efforts.  The language could benefit the planning board as well.

Zoning Change request from Jack Katz to change property located on Map 2 Lot 21 from RW2 to VR2 to be consistent with neighboring lots will be heard on the November 8th meeting.  Currently, no-one has been specifically notified, but the request for zoning change has been placed in the papers and on the posted agendas.  Members of the board recommended the town notify the abutters regarding a zone change.  Ms. Keene said that it is not required, but agreed to send them out.  

V.      The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 20, 2010 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.

Respectfully submitted,

James Clunan, Acting Secretary