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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 06/28/10
Public Present

Board Members Present                   
Ellen Brawley, Chair, James Clunan, Vice Chairman, alt. secretary; Joseph Tracy; Gerard M. Miller, alt;

Kim Keene, CEO; Claire Woolfolk, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.  It was noted that the meeting was published in the Bar Harbor Times twice for a public hearing to discuss the Comprehensive Plan.

II.     The draft minutes from the 6/14 meeting were unanimously approved as amended.
The King checklist was approved subject to changes noted by the Board.  Discussion regarding the checklist format ensued and Ms. Brawley suggested changes to the layout to enable the Board to proceed through the checklist in a more concise and consistent way while maintaining the overall legality of the checklist.   Ms. Brawley said she would draft the changes to the checklist for use at the next meeting.  

III.    Review of the Comprehensive Plan goals.

Reference the Town of Mount Desert Comprehensive Plan, pgs 72-88.

Implementation Strategies

1.      A,B,C,D,E,F,G, & H
The Planning Board continues to encourage and support developers to include 10% of their new housing units as affordable housing when they come before the Board with a proposed subdivision.

2.      A & C
The Planning Board continues to encourage developers within their authority as defined by Land Use Ordinance (LUZO) to maintain the integrity and qualities of Mount Desert when subdivisions come before the Board for approval.

Completed – Reference LUZO 6.4 restricting development on ridgelines or slopes with grades 25% or greater or within 75’ of a shoreline.

Mr. Tracy rejected the objective as a requirement as he is not convinced that there is a benefit of cluster housing.  He suggested that the objective be reworded to remove “requiring” and add “as the opportunity arises.”  
Objective E now to read:
Consider the development of cluster housing or other conservation development concepts, in appropriate areas of Mount Desert, as the opportunity arises.
F & G
State Law prohibits “Spaghetti Lots” as defined in Title 12 § 682-A.

3.      A
Not applicable as it is not a responsibility of the Board, but rather falls under Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
The Planning Board would support a plan which included pedestrian improvements and/or infrastructure as an alternative to automobiles in and between the town’s villages as part of a project presented to the Board.

6.  A, B, & C
The Board will work on implementing road standards in the fall of 2010.

8.  A, B, & G
The applicable ordinance is already in place (sec. 6. B. 10- commercial use) and is relatively flexible and easy to get with the exception of B&B’s in Shoreland Residential areas.  However, the Board agreed to work on easing up the exclusion in the fall of 2010.

In reference to G, the Board plans to pursue a change in Contract Zoning to allow for more commercial use and retail in Somesville in the fall of 2010.

9.  A & B
Completed.  An Exterior Lighting Ordinance (Section 6A.6) was adopted in May 2009 to address offensive lighting.  They also provide awareness regarding the issue when residents apply for a Conditional Use Application (CUA).

11.  A, B, C & D
Not applicable to the Planning Board since the DEP and State have standards in place for newer sewer systems and our ordinance requires each lot to have its own sewer/septic system.  Lots are not allowed to share sewer/septic systems.

14.  A, B, C, D & E
The Planning Board agreed that to send an invitation to the Historical Society to attend a Planning Board meeting and present their suggestions for meeting the objective and strategies pertaining to the protection of Mount Desert’s archaeological, historic, and aesthetic resources.  Ms. Brawley will send a letter to the Director of the Historical Society.

15.  B
This strategy is covered by State standards for all historical registered properties.  Also, the State standards handle “discovered” sites during development by the requirement that the developer must stop and notify the appropriate authority.  The board will check to make sure there is a State Statute regarding historical sites and buildings.

Our own ordinance protects archaeological sites.  (Shoreland Section of the LUZO 6.C.2 (pg 6-26)).

16.  A, B & C
Completed.  Note to consider a “Dark-Sky” for the harbor renovations
The LUZO permits shared docks over a specific size.

17.  B

18.  B
Completed.  Sewage disposal systems are State regulated.

Discussion over the concern of wells going dry in Hall Quarry.  Questions arose over who would pay for the comprehensive hydrologic study of this area.

There are signs posted alerting the public regarding invasive aquatic species courtesy of Aqua Inspectors, a group of volunteers boat inspectors.  Also, the public is made aware of the issue when they register their boats at the town office.

20.  B

Completed.  Protection is built into the LUZO.

On-going.  The Planning Board supports the efforts of individuals to include tree planting or the replacement of trees in plans where applicable.

There are community groups working to restore/revitalize downtown NEH.  The Planning Board supports their efforts.

21.  A
Completed.  The LUZO has built in protection for the preservation of natural and scenic resources.  The Board did note that there is a need to address view sheds as respects to tower screening from scenic vistas and the DEP requirements.
21.  C
Completed pending subsequent requirements from the State.

22.  A
Currently not applicable, but the Board would support the encouragement of owners of working farms and forests to participate in the Farmland and Tree Growth Tax Programs.

23.  A
Completed.  LUZO covers the selling produce and farm stands.

24.  A
The Board is continually developing the LUZO so that it is current and taking into consideration necessary actions to support the Comprehensive Plan.

Ms. Keene suggested the Town hire a local part-time planning professional.  The Board would support this request as mentioned in this section provided a written proposal meets the requirements as outlined in this Section.  Once provided they will present it to the BOS.

25.  D
The Planning Board encourages public participation at their meetings by announcing the meetings in the Bar Harbor Times, Agendas posted at all Post Offices, and notices on the Town website.

26.  C
Suggested to amend the language of the strategy to:

Develop a policy to address the costs to public infrastructure…

LUZO checklist addresses the effects of an application on Town Services and Public Works.

Finally, it was suggested by Mr. Miller that when group effort is required on an objective, the groups need to get together in order to work on that particular strategy.

V.      Meeting adjourned at 8:05. p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 12, 2010, in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.

Respectfully submitted,

        Original signature on file in Town Office

Jim Clunan, Acting Secretary