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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 02/08/10
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board Public Hearing
Minutes of February 8, 2010

Public Present
No members of the public were present.

Board Members Present
Ellen Brawley, James Clunan, Joseph Tracy, Jerry Miller, Patti Reilly, Sandy Andrews.

Kimberly Keene, CEO, Heidi Smallidge, Recording Secretary

I.      Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Mr. Clunan.

II.     Approval of Minutes from January 25, 2010:

A review of the Minutes was made.  Ms. Brawley had a question regarding the format of the Minutes; she wondered whether it was necessary to include the “Conclusion of Law” section of an application for a “Findings of Fact” that has been deemed Not Applicable.  Ms. Keene stated she felt that when something is found to be Not Applicable, the reason should be stated within the application document.  Mr. Tracy felt this was making an already large document even more unwieldy.  Mr. Miller agreed noting that the reasons for finding something Not Applicable were recorded on the tape.  Mr. Andrews agreed with Ms. Brawley, feeling that both the Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law should be marked Not Applicable.  It was agreed by general consensus to note Conclusions of Law as Not Applicable when the Finding of Fact was considered such.

On page 22, Line 40 it was agreed to change the word “they” to “there”.  

Mr. Tracy moved, with Mr. Clunan seconding, to approve the Minutes as revised.  Motion approved 5-0.

III.    Continued discussions of proposed Land Use Zoning Ordinance, Building Code & Subdivision Ordinance amendments.  Draft ordinances regarding Scenic/View Vistas/Sheds & Steep Slopes for May 2010 Town Meeting.

Ms. Keene informed the Board that three weeks remain before the Board’s amendments need to be placed on the Town Warrant.  Mr. Andrews suggested that given the time constraints, maybe the Board should focus on getting the street standards into the LUZO and leave the many other outstanding issues (Subdivision Ordinance) for future meetings.  Ms. Keene suggested including driveways as well.  It was agreed that this was a good plan of action.  Ms. Keene presented other Town’s ordinances, and requested the Board look them over for policies that might be usable in the Town of Mount Desert.  Mr. Tracy felt that the current street standards were working.  Ms. Brawley suggested the street standards from the subdivision ordinance needed to be added to the LUZO.  Mr. Clunan asked whether the Board agreed that transferring road standards from one ordinance to the other was their choice.  It was agreed to do so by general consensus.  Mr. Andrews suggested that driveways be allowed to accommodate up to five lots/houses/structures.  This would make it easier than grandfathering so many roads with varying widths. Mr. Andrews will forward draft language onto CEO Keene for the Town Warrant.  
A discussion regarding wind turbines was held.  The noise issue was revisited and the Board discussed whether turbines should be allowed in non-commercial areas.  Mr. Clunan suggested having someone come in to discuss the issues.  Mr. Tracy felt that if a person had a large enough parcel of land, there wasn’t any reason they shouldn’t have a turbine.  Mr. Andrews suggested that for now leave the ordinance as it is.  

IV.     Adjournment

Mr. Clunan moved, with Mr. Tracy seconding, to adjourn.  Motion approved 6-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:47PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Heidi Smallidge, Recording Secretary