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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 10/09/13
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room, Town Hall
6:00 pm, October 9, 2013

Public Present
Jerry Suminsby

Board Members Present                   
Bill Hanley, Chairman Ellen Brawley, and Lili Andrews,

Also present was Recording Secretary Heidi Smallidge

  • Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Chairman Ellen Brawley. Planning Board members present were noted.  

  • Approval of Minutes:
August 14, 2013:  Ms. Andrews moved, with Mr. Hanley seconding, to approve the Minutes as presented.  Motion approved 3-0.

  • Conditional Use Approval Application
Conditional Use Approval Application # 010-2013
PROPERTY OWNER(S):  Northeast Harbor Golf Club, Inc.
AGENT:  Jerome Suminsby
LOCATION(S):  15 Golf Club Road, NE Harbor
TAX MAP(S):  005 LOT(S):  061 ZONE(S):  C
PURPOSE:  5.6 Amendment to a Conditional Use Approval

Chairman Brawley noted this was identical to the application approved in 2008 with the exception that a stormwater plan had been added.  

Chairman Brawley reported she had attended the site inspection with Mr. Suminsby and Billy Helprin of Maine Coast Heritage Trust.  She stated there were three sheds on level ground and no trees.  The plan was to tear down the small buildings, replacing them with one larger building.  Mr. Suminsby added that it was possible a few trees could be removed if it proved necessary, but the intent was to keep them.

Ms. Andrews determined there was adequate public notice and that notice to abutters was given.  No conflict of interest was found.

The Planning Board reviewed the plans.  

Ms. Andrews moved, with Mr. Hanley seconding, to find the application complete.  Motion approved 3-0.

A review of the Application Checklist was made.

Ms. Andrews moved, with Mr. Hanley seconding, to approve the application as presented.  Motion approved 3-0.

  • Other Business
A letter received from Greg F. Johnston and Associates on October 2, 2013 was discussed.  The letter inquired whether the Planning Board would require a hearing on lot coverage of a non-conforming dwelling and driveway.  After some discussion, Chairman Brawley stated she did not feel the Planning Board needed to hear the question, nor was a motion needed to that effect.  She added the Board could confirm with the CEO at the next meeting.  No conclusion was made.

  • Adjournmant
Ms. Andrews moved to adjourn.  Mr. Hanley seconded.  Motion approved 3-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:44 pm.