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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 09/10/14
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room, Town Hall
6:00 pm, September 10, 2014

Public Present
Jasmine Smith, John P. March, Jr. on behalf of Dave Irvin, Bill Ferm on behalf of Julia Cheston, Greg Johnston, Steve Richards, Katrina Carter, Jean Travers, Kelly Brown, Ted Bromage on behalf of Michael and Helen Saxenian, Tricia Blythe
Board Members Present                   
David Ashmore, Chairman Ellen Brawley, Lili Andrews, Meredith Randolph, Bill Hanley

Also present were CEO Kimberly Keene and Recording Secretary Heidi Smallidge.

  • Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Chairman Brawley.

  • Approval of Minutes
August 13, 2014:  Voting members were noted.  Chairman Brawley stated that in the checklist for both applications discussed in the Conclusion of Law for Section 6C (page 3) should have added “for which proposal meets the standards”.  It was noted the Minutes may have had June instead of July noted as previous meeting dates.  Mr. Hanley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to approve the Minutes as revised.  Motion approved 3-0.

  • Conditional Use Approval Application(s)
  • Conditional Us Approval Application # 018-2014
        OWNER(S):  Union Congregational Church of Seal Harbor
        APPLICANT(S):  The Community School of Mount Desert Island
        AGENT(S):  Jasmine Smith
        LOCATION:  8 Main Street, Seal Harbor
        TAX MAP:  030  LOT(S):  003  ZONE(S):  Village Commercial (VC)
        PURPOSE:  Section 3.4 – School
        SITE INSPECTION:  4:00 PM

Ms. Andrews determined there was adequate public notice.  No conflict of interest was found.

Chairman Brawley noted that those attending the site inspection included herself, agent for the school Jasmine Smith, and several members of the school’s board of trustees.  The plan is to put a small school in the existing space in the church on a temporary basis.  The applicants have worked with Fire Chief Mike Bender and CEO Keene to ensure the use abides by the Town codes.

Ms. Andrews inquired about parking and traffic for the school.  Ms. Smith stated there were eight attending families (13 children total) using the school.  The door at the back of the building and not facing the street would be used as the entrance for the school.  Parents would be encouraged to park at the Seal Harbor Beach parking lot and walk to the church, rather than try to park on the street.  Ms. Smith explained that the school would be using two rooms in the chapel area of the church.  It would only be used for this school year.  

Mr. Hanley moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding to find the application complete.  Motion approved 5-0.

There was no public comment.  

Mr. Hanley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to approve the application.

Mr. Hanley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding to use the short form.  Motion approved 5-0.

A review of the checklist was made and is attached to these Minutes.

Motion to approve the application approved 5-0.

  • Conditional Us Approval Application # 019-2014
        OWNER(S):  Deep Cove Holdings, LLC
        AGENT(S):  Greg Johnston, GF Johnston & Associates
        LOCATION:  673 Indian Point Road, Pretty Marsh
        TAX MAP:  012  LOT(S):  006  
        ZONE(S):  Shoreland Residential 3 (SR3) & Resource Protection (RP)
        PURPOSE:  Section 3.4 – Outdoor Recreation Facilities – Swimming Pool
        SITE INSPECTION:  3:00 PM

Ms. Andrews confirmed there was adequate public notice, and abutters had been notified.  There was no conflict of interest found.

Chairman Brawley attended the site inspection.  The proposal is to tear down a garage and build a pool on a large lawn area.  Some fill will be necessary for the pool.  

Greg Johnston of GF Johnston and Associates reported part of the pool’s proposed site is contained in the garage site and over 200 feet from the shoreline.

There was no public comment.

Mr. Hanley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to find the application complete.  Motion approved 5-0.

Mr. Hanley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to use the short form.  Motion approved 5-0.  

Ms. Randolph moved, with Mr. Hanley seconding, to approve the application.  

Discussion of the application checklists ensued.  The checklists are attached to these Minutes.  

        Motion to approve the application approved 5-0.

  • Subdivision Approval Application (s)
  • OWNER(S):  Charlotte Alley
        APPLICANT(S):  Noel Musson, The Musson Group
        LOCATION(S):  51 Beech Hill Cross Road, Mount Desert
        TAX MAP:  010  LOT(S):  010 & 101-001  ZONE(S):  Residential 1 (R1)
PURPOSE:  Section 5.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance – Plan Revisions After Approval – Blaine W. Haynes, et als Subdivision

CEO Keene noted that Mr. Musson couldn’t be in attendance.  Ms. Keene noted the lot in question was approved in a subdivision in 1978.  The applicants would like to divide the lot into two lots.  She referred to the submitted drawing.  Ms. Keene noted that a public hearing was required for such a division.  Because the proposed is creating an additional lot, Ms. Randolph moved that a public hearing was required.  Mr. Hanley seconded the motion.  Motion approved 5-0.

  • OWNER(S):  David Irvin, Julia Cheston & Michael & Helen Saxenian
        AGENT(S):  John March
        LOCATION(S):  Ober Mills Road & Woods Road, Mount Desert
        TAX MAP:  012  LOT(S):  013-025, 013-029 & 013-004  
        ZONE(S):  Rural Woodland 3 (RW3)
PURPOSE:  Section 5.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance – Plan Revisions After Approval – Ober Mills II & Woods Road Subdivisions

John March stated he was at the meeting on behalf of Mr. Irvin, Ted Bromage was there on behalf of The Saxenians, and Bill Ferm was there on behalf of Ms. Cheston.  Mr. March noted that Mr. Irvin is considering selling additional land to Ms. Cheston and the Saxenians, adding land to their existing lots.  He noted that Mr. Irvin has done this before and it did not require public hearing.  Mr. Bromage provided some history of the area.  The land transfer in question would even out the lot boundaries.  The Planning Board reviewed the plan.  The proposal is to sell an additional 1.67 acres.  Chairman Brawley felt that expanding the boundary requires a public hearing.

The Planning Board requested a larger map to more clearly show the land transfer in question.

Mr. Hanley moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, that a public hearing is required.  Motion approved 5-0.

  • Other
Chairman Brawley discussed the meeting schedule and attendance with the Planning Board members.  

  • Adjournment
Mr. Hanley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion approved 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:04 pm.