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LUZO Sign Ordinance- Revised Draft Warrant Language 2013-12-05

Hancock County §                                                                State of Maine
To:     James K. Willis, Jr., a Constable in the Town of Mount Desert


In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble in the Kelley Auditorium of the Mount Desert Elementary School, 8 Joy Road, Northeast Harbor, Maine in said Town, on date at six o’clock in the evening, then and there to act on Article 1; and immediately thereafter to act on Articles numbered x through x; all of said Articles being set out below to wit:

Article 1.      To elect a Moderator, by written ballot, to preside at the meeting.

Article 2.      To see if non-voters shall be allowed, when recognized, to speak during the date Special Town Meeting.

Board of Selectmen recommends
Warrant Committee recommends

Article 3.      Shall an ordinance dated xxxxxxxx and entitled “An Amendment to the Town of Mount Desert Land Use Zoning Ordinance” be enacted as set forth below?

6B.15 Sign Regulations
1. Definition. Any outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, placard, poster, billboard, or other figure which is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform. A sign with a double signboard or display area shall be construed to be one sign for the purpose of this Ordinance.
  • Minimum requirement. No sign shall be changed, structurally altered,
erected, or relocated except in conformance with this Ordinance.  
2.Exempt Signs: The following signs are exempt from the requirements of this ordinance.
        1. Government Sign. Municipally authorized directional or informational sign located on         
        property owned, leased or under the control of the Town of Mount Desert.
  • Plaque. An interpretive sign or plaque up to four (4) square feet which identifies or explains a point or article of historic significance.
32. Signs Prohibited:
  • Off- premise signs. Signs relating to goods or services not sold or rendered on the premises are not permitted, except for those permitted under section 43.
  • Subdivision, multi-family developments. Permanent signs which are visible from the public road identifying an entry or name of a subdivision or multifamily development are not permitted.
43 Signs Permitted: Temporary Signs:
  • EventsNon-commercial. Signs of a temporary, non-commercial nature, such as political posters, advertisements of special events andcharitable functions, notices of meetings, and other signs of a similar nature, are permitted for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days (except banners) and shall be removed by the party erecting the sign.    
  • Banners. Banners for special events andcharitable functions are permitted for a period of fourteen (14) days.
  • Real Estate. A real estate sign up to nine (9) square feet in area (attached to a building or free standing) may be erected advertising the sale, lease, or rental of the premises upon which the sign is located. All signs shall be removed by the owner or agent when the property is sold or leased.
  • Agriculture. Agricultural signs may be erected during the period June May15 through November 1, by growers of fresh fruit and vegetable crops, when such crops are offered for sale on the premises where grown or sold; such signs shall advertise only those fruits and vegetables immediately available. Signs shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in size; must be located within five (5) miles of the farm stand; shall be permitted only during the day crops are offered for sale. Signs must be erected on private property with the landowner’s written consent.
  • Construction. One sign up to nine (9) square feet in area identifying a current construction project may be erected.
And to renumber subsequent paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 as necessary.

Explanation:  by approving these amendments the Town would:
  • Exempt municipally authorized directional or informational signs and interpretive signs identifying and/or explaining points or articles of historic significance from the requirements of this section.
  • Allow the use of temporary signs and banners for special events and functions.
  • Increase the time period that agricultural signs may be displayed.
  • Allow agricultural signs on premises where produce is grown or sold.
Board of Selectmen recommends
Warrant Committee recommends

Article 4.      To see if the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to accept a conditional gift of up to $20,000 to purchase projection equipment, a projection screen, and movie licensing for outdoor movies.

Board of Selectmen recommends
Warrant Committee recommends

End of Warrant Articles

The Registrar of Voters of the Town of Mount Desert hereby gives notice that she or her designee will be at the Municipal Offices, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays, until Election Day for the purpose of registering new voters, and correcting names and addresses of voters already on the voting list.

A person who is not registered as a voter may not vote in any election.
Given under our hands at Mount Desert this _____ day of _____________ 2013, a majority of the Selectmen of the Town of Mount Desert:

Thomas G. Richardson, Chairman

James F. Mooers, Vice Chairman

John B. Macauley, Secretary

Martha T. Dudman

Dennis Shubert

Attest:  A true copy of the Warrant.

Joelle D. Nolan, Town Clerk
Town of Mount Desert


Hancock County, ss                                                      State of Maine

TO:     The Municipal Officers of the Town of Mount Desert

I certify that I have notified the voters of the Town of Mount Desert of the time and place of the Special Town Meeting by posting an attested copy of the within warrant as follows:

DATE                    TIME                    LOCATION OF POSTING

__________              _____                   Town Office, Northeast Harbor   

__________              _____                   Post Office, Northeast Harbor   

__________              _____                   Post Office, Seal Harbor                

__________              _____                   Post Office, Mount Desert               

being public and conspicuous places in said Town and being at least ten (10) days next prior to the date of the Special Town Meeting.


James K. Willis, Jr. Constable
Town of Mount Desert

Dated at Town of Mount Desert: ______________________________