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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 08/12/15
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room, Town Hall
6:00 pm, August 12, 2015

Public Present
Caleb Davis, Greg Johnston

Board Members Present   
Chairman Bill Hanley, David Ashmore, Meredith Randolph, Dennis Kiley

Also present was CEO Kimberly Keene, and Recording Secretary Heidi Smallidge.

  • Call to Order
Chairman Hanley called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.   

  • Approval of Minutes
July 22, 2015:  Voting members were noted.  Mr. Kiley moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, to approve the Minutes as presented.  Motion approved 4-0.

  • Conditional Use Approval Application(s):
  • Conditional Use Application #012-2015
OWNER(S):  William C. & Perry Trimble
AGENT:  Caleb Davis
LOCATION:  10 Harborside Road, Northeast Harbor
        TAX MAP:  026   LOT:  008-001  ZONE(S):  Village Residential One (VR1)
PURPOSE:  Section 6B.8(2) Fences and Walls – Height  Exceeding CEO’s Authority

Mr. Ashmore confirmed adequate public notice and notification of abutters.  No conflict of interest was found.

Chairman Hanley reported on the site visit.  He attended with the owner’s agent.  The only area where the fence’s height exceeds the CEO’s authority is over the passage gate between the house and the side yard.  

Mr. Kiley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to use the short form.  Motion approved 4-0

Mr. Kiley moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, to find the application complete.  Motion approved 4-0.

Mr. Kiley moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, to approve the application.

A review of the checklist was made.  The checklist is attached to the Minutes.  

Motion to approve the application was approved 4-0.

  • Conditional Use Application #013-2015
OWNER(S):  Deep Cove LLC
AGENT:  Greg Johnston, G.F. Johnston & Associates
LOCATION:  673 Indian Point Road, Mount Desert
        TAX MAP:  012   LOT:  006 ZONE(S):  Shoreland Residential Three
                                (SR3) and Resource Protection (RP)
PURPOSE:  Section 3.4 – Excavation or Filling of >150 cubic yards

Mr. Ashmore confirmed adequate public notice.  Abutters were notified.  No conflict of interest was found.  

Ms. Randolph reported on the site inspection.  She attended with Chairman Hanley and Agent Greg Johnston.  The bank on the property is eroding from the tides and exposing tree roots.  The applicant is proposing using rocks and fill to stabilize the bank and make it look natural.  There will be no unnecessary retaining wall; the area will remain a gradual slope.  

Greg Johnston, agent for the applicant noted that the work was only being done to steward the land and maintain the natural look.  The work will be done only as necessary.  The work will be done via land and barge.  The stones will be washed before being used.  Silt fencing and hay bales will be used to keep the fill in place.

Mr. Kiley moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, to find the application complete.  Motion approved 4-0.

Mr. Kiley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to use the short form.  Motion approved 4-0.

Mr. Kiley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to approve the application.

A review of the checklist was made and is attached to these Minutes.

Motion to approve the application was approved 4-0.

  • Other
CEO Keene informed the Planning Board of an application for a building set within 75 feet of water.  The applicant proposes the building be moved so piers can be poured in the existing foundation.  CEO Keene inquired if the Board would like the issue to come before them.  After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the issue should come before the Planning Board.  

  • Adjournment
Mr. kiley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion approved 4-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.