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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 06/24/15
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room, Town Hall
6:00 pm, June 24, 2015

Public Present
Jean Travers, Frank Schwartz, Annie Schwartz

Board Members Present   
Chairman Bill Hanley, Lili Andrews, Dennis Kiley, Meredith Randolph

Also present was CEO Kimberly Keene, and Recording Secretary Heidi Smallidge.

  • Call to Order
Chairman Hanley called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.  Members in attendance were noted.

  • Approval of Minutes
May 27, 2015:  Chairman Hanley noted the voting members present.  It was deemed there were not enough members in attendance to approve the Minutes.  Approval of Minutes was tabled.  

Ms. Randolph declined her appointment as Secretary.  Chairman Hanley moved, with Mr. Kiley seconding, to appoint Ms. Andrews as Secretary pro tem for the meeting.  Motion approved 4-0.

  • Conditional Use Approval Application(s):
  • Conditional Use Application #010-2015
OWNER(S):  Frank J. & Ann T. Schwartz
LOCATION:  7 Upper Dunbar Road, Seal Harbor
        TAX MAP:  031   LOT:  113       ZONE(S):  Village Residential One (VR1)
PURPOSE:  Section 6B.8(2) Fences and Walls – Height Exceeding CEO’s Authority

No conflict of interest was found.  Ms. Andrews confirmed adequate public notice.  It was confirmed that abutters were notified.  

Chairman Hanley reported on the site visit.  The proposed fence is of a stockade type, and in a small area in the back of the house.  It will be enclosing a dog area.  The fence is six feet in height in some areas and eight feet in height near one side, due to a grade change.

CEO Keene stated no comments from the abutters had been received by the Town.

Mr. Kiley moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to find the application complete.  Motion approved 4-0.

Chairman Hanley moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to use the short form.  Motion approved 4-0.

Property owner Frank Schwartz noted the fence won’t obstruct the views.  The neighbors on both sides were both slightly elevated.  

There were no further comments from the public.  A review of the checklists was made, and is attached to these Minutes.

Mr. Kiley moved, with Ms. Randolph seconding, to approve the application.  Motion approved 4-0.

  • Other:  
Chairman Hanley brought up a suggestion from Mr. Kiley that a second visit to the Harris boardwalk site may be prudent.  

Mr. Kiley reminded the Board that the neighbors had encouraged the Board Members to come back during the summer.  Mr. Kiley mentioned he had also received a recent email from a resident requesting the Board return.  Mr. Kiley felt that given how contentious the issue was a second visit would be judicious.  

After some discussion, it was agreed to schedule a site visit when the issue was revisited by the Board on July 22.  

  • Adjournment
Mr. Kiley moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion approved 4-0.  

The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM.