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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 05/27/15
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room, Town Hall
6:00 pm, May 27, 2015

Public Present
Jim Daigle, Greg Johnston

Board Members Present   
Chairman Bill Hanley, David Ashmore, Lili Andrews

Also present was CEO Kimberly Keene, and Recording Secretary Heidi Smallidge.

  • Call to Order
Chairman Hanley called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.  Members in attendance were noted.

  • Approval of Minutes
May 13, 2015:  The size of the lawn area was revised on Page 4 of the May 13 Minutes.  Ms. Andrews moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, to approve the Minutes as revised.  Motion approved 3-0.  

  • Conditional Use Approval Application(s):
  • Conditional Use Application #008-2015
NAME:  Camp Beech Cliff
AGENT:  Jim Daigle, Director of Facilities
LOCATION:  264 Beech Hill Road, Mount Desert
        TAX MAP:  007   LOT:  089       ZONE(S):  Rural Woodland 3 (RW3) &
                                                        Shoreland Residential 5
PURPOSE:  Section 5.6 – An Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit (CUA#010-2008).  Erect 30 ft. diameter yurt for additional program space.

No conflict of interest was found.  Ms. Andrews confirmed adequate public notice and that abutters were notified.  Chairman Hanley reported that he attended the site visit with Jim Daigle of Camp Beech Cliff.  The yurt area is off the parking area.  A trail through the woods accesses it.  The yurt will be approximately 8 feet tall to the sidewall, and below the treeline.  The site is not near the property line.  Chairman Hanley added that a few trees may need to be removed, however the area planned for the yurt is fairly clear and somewhat level.  

Mr. Daigle added that the trees that need to be removed are already dead; there’s one tree living that will need to be cut.  The building will be built on concrete piers and is low to the ground, and can be removed in the winter if necessary, however Mr. Daigle was unsure of whether winter removal was planned.  If the yurt was taken down it could be re-erected without needing additional Planning Board approval.  There will be no decks, just stairs with a landing.  Mr. Daigle noted the yurt had been donated to Camp Beech Cliff.

Mr. Ashmore moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to find the application complete.  Motion approved 3-0.  

Ms. Ashmore moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to approve the application.

Ms. Andrews moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, to use the short form.  Motion approved 3-0.

The checklist was reviewed and is attached to these minutes.  

Motion to approve the application approved 3-0.

  • Conditional Use Approval Application #009-2015
OWNER(S):  Deep Cove Holdings, LLC
AGENT(S):  Greg Johnston, G.F. Johnston & Associates
LOCATION:  673 Indian Point Road
TAX MAP:  012   LOT(S):  006    ZONE(S):  Shoreland Residential Three (SR3)
                                                and Resource Protection (RP)
PURPOSE:  Section 3.4 – Non-Commercial – Outdoor Recreational Facilities –
        Tennis Court and Croquet Court

Ms. Andrews confirmed adequate public notice and abutters were notified.  No conflict of interest was found.

Chairman Hanley reported that he attended the site visit with Greg Johnston.  The proposed area is removed from the main residential area and away from the shore.  The tennis court pavilion will be set along the treeline.  A tennis court will be on one side of a pavilion, and a croquet court on the other side, further in the woods.  Both would be on the same plane with a drainage swale and fill.  Trees would be cleared, however the area is wooded and the court will not be visible from the road.  

Greg Johnston noted the area was over 400 feet from the shoreline, in an existing field, and partially in the woods.  It will be set several thousand feet from the house.  A pathway is the only access.  It was noted the area will be on its own septic system.  There were not abutters for over a mile.  The courts will not be lit.  Ms. Andrews inquired what the tennis court surface would be, Mr. Johnston noted it would be turf or clay.  

Mr. Ashmore moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to find the application complete.  Motion approved 3-0.

Mr. Ashmore moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to approve the application.

Ms. Andrews moved, with Mr. Ashmore seconding, to use the short form.  Motion approved 3-0.

A review of the application was made and is attached to these Minutes.

Motion to approve the application was approved 3-0.

  • Other:  Nomination of a Planning Board Secretary
Chairman Hanley moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to nominate Meredith Randolph as Planning Board secretary.  Motion approved 3-0.

  • Adjournment
Chairman Hanley moved, with Ms. Andrews seconding, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion approved 3-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 PM.