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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 11/10/03
Town of Mount Desert Planning Board                                               APPROVED
Minutes of November 10, 2003                                                          11/24/2003

Board Members Present           Public Present
James Clunan, Vice Chairman     Robert Ho
Samuel M. Fox III                       Nancy Ho
Joseph Tracy                    Sam Coplon
Stephen Zirnkilton, alt         James Bright

Brent Hamor, CEO; Joelle D. Nolan, Recording Secretary; Bobby Williams, Assistant

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Clunan.

II.     The draft minutes from the October 27, 2003 meeting were unanimously approved as circulated.

III.    Unfinished Business

IV.     New Business
        A.      Nancy K. Ho
        Tax Map 8 Lot 39, Somes Sound
        Subdivision Sketch Plan Review

Samuel Coplon, Coplon Associates, representing Mr. And Mrs. Ho, presented a sketch plan.  Twenty-one acres in Residential 1 and Rural Woodland 2 zones to be divided into 8 lots ranging from 1½ acres to 2 – 3 acres to 3 – 4 acres.  Wetlands have been identified and mapped, along with soil testing and test pits.  The property is located on the west side of Rte. 198, bounded on the east side by Acadia National Park, and on the north and south by landowners.  Mr. Coplon reported that he has met with many of the landowners including Acadia National Park and most are accepting of the proposed plan.

He has also met with the Fire Chief regarding road access, turn around, and fire suppression.  Currently an old tote road, SW Valley Road follows the property line (down the middle) on northeast boundary.  The plan proposes a new private drive following the old SW Valley Road as is practical.  Due to the wetlands and stream, a storm water permit from DEP will be obtained.

Mr. Coplon suggested there is potential for the following waivers:  Subdivision Ordinance Section 5.1 Buffer Strips, unneeded due to wooded nature and openness; Section 5.10 Open Space, there is a fair amount adjacent already, and the density is similar to Giant Slide Road; Section 5.11 Wells, there is extensive data from surrounding lots, perhaps it can be used to avoid digging new wells for plan approval; Section 5.12 Performance Bond; and Section 5.14 Street Design, hammer head instead of cul-de-sac (this may include a fire pond or deed requirement for interior fire suppression to meet firefighting needs).  Mr. Tracy noted he prefers a cul-de-sac for access and safety issues; also a cul-de-sac is a requirement of the ordinance.  Mr. Coplon suggested if a cul-de-sac was provided before the last two lots, a driveway might be acceptable for the 2 lots beyond.
Mr. Bright expressed concerns about the wetlands and wells.  Although his property does not abut this land, it is nearby and his own well does not produce great water.

Site inspection 12/8/03 at 2:00 p.m.

VI.     Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday, November 24, 2003 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.