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Planning Board Agenda 07/13/16
Meeting Room, Town Hall
Sea Street Northeast Harbor
July 13, 2016

 I.    Call to order 6:00 p.m.

II.    Approval of Minutes

III.    6B.15   Sign Regulations

        Rob DeGennaro – Tan Turtle Tavern – 10 Huntington Road, Northeast Harbor.

        5.      Signs Permitted:  Permanent Signs: Directional. Directional signs at
                intersections of two or more state roads within the Town of Mount Desert are
permitted with the approval of the Board of Selectmen and the prior recommendation of the Planning Board, which shall be forwarded to the
                Selectmen by the applicant with their application for a directional sign

IV.     Conditional Use Approval Application(s):

 A.    Conditional Use Approval Application #009-2016
OWNER(S) NAME: Samuel W. & Martha L. Blanchard
LOCATION: 9 Upper Dunbar Road, Seal Harbor  
TAX MAP: 031 LOT(S): 111 ZONE(S): Village Residential One & Two
 PURPOSE: Sections 5.6 Amendment to a previously approved Conditional Use
                      Permit/Approval (CUP #011-2000) – Expand area to store fishing
                      gear, including lobster traps.

V.      Subdivision Application(s):
Sketch Plan:

OWNER(S): NEH Marketplace, LLC
APPLICANT: Samuel A. Shaw
LOCATION:  131 Main Street, Northeast Harbor
TAX MAP: 024 Lot: 081-001
ZONING DISTRICT: Village Commercial (VC)
PURPOSE: A division accomplished by sale, lease, development, buildings or otherwise. The term "subdivision" also includes the division of a new structure or structures on a tract or parcel of land into 3 or more dwelling units within a 5-year period, the construction or placement of 3 or more dwelling units on a single tract or parcel of land and the division of an existing structure or structures previously used for commercial or industrial use into 3 or more dwelling units within a 5-year period.

        Completeness Review:

Subdivision (#001-2016) 
OWNER(S): Richard D, Irvin, Jr.
APPLICANT: Greg Johnston
LOCATION:  Woods Road/ Off Ober Mills Road, Mount Desert
TAX MAP: 012 Lot: 013-029
ZONING DISTRICT: Rural Woodland 3
PURPOSE: 4 Lot Residential Subdivision

 VI.    Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is in the Meeting Room, Town Hall,
Sea Street, Northeast Harbor at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 27, 2016